FJRForum Official 2017 Iron Butt Rally Tracking/Analysis Thread

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The 4th in the string is tripled! No wonder so many of them are taking so long to get out of the barn. Imagine what leg 3 will bring. At least these legs are only 2+ days long. The 3rd leg they will be planning 5 days with a potentially even more complex puzzle again.
Coming from Working on the Railroad....I see the seeds sprouting. Deliciously devious!

Sure fun to see the results and witness the fruit of some amazing effort and skills.

Really hoping that MNFJR05 will put together an analysis of the Gen3 FJR placement in comparison the the faster eearler gen's of the FJR

Initial glance it appears that there are considerable qty of both, being that it's all about the riders(not the bike), I'm curious what gen of FJR the better riders choose.

BTW, found my Team Meese T-Shirt from 2011, I think I may have to sport that for the next week.


The 4th in the string is tripled! No wonder so many of them are taking so long to get out of the barn.
This is a mind-burner rally. Certainly a thinking man's (& womanz) rally IMO.Because of that, I doubt we'll see many (any?) gen3 bikes at the top.

So is this hose creating some seat cooling device?


Posted a few minutes ago elsewhere:

Any Tenere riders in the immediate vicinity of Allen, Texas?

We have a couple from the UK riding in the Iron Butt Rally with a failed
part on their Super Tenere near the IBR Checkpoint at the Courtyard by
Marriott Allen, Texas at the John Q Hammond Center.

We are currently trying to get the bike collected and returned to the
hotel. If you might be willing and able to assist, please contact me at
[email protected]


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Do mermaids count as "water" or "fish"? Salado, TX\story\11908

(sorry, for some reason the forum locks up on me when I try to post a link with the "link" icon above)

Paul Slaton 18th 3553 miles - That many miles with all of the rest time and bonus stops. JSNS
Come on Bionic Pelvis, we want to see you in the top 10 at the next check point.
First leg, biding her time, well within striking distance. JO is going to have to be beaten though, he won't give it away. Lotta fresh smiling faces at the checkpoint.

Does anyone know what the riders are seeing that shows them 1.) what category the bonus location fits under (yes, I know it may seem self-apparent, but there has to be some way to define the category to the rider so there is no question of what category it belongs to) and 2. what they see that shows them how many points? If using similar sorting strategy from other rallies, I see 45 possible categories of bonus locations ( 5 theme categories - low,medium, high point value - daylight only, restricted times, available 24/7 ). To me that is the real headache of the rally, running out of icons to show where each bonus falls (if one uses a system where they can look at an Icon on the map and know what the requirements are by color and shape). Feedback from DaJuice or Iggy on how they would set up a planning map.


I see a SPOT 'OK' at Richardson Motorsports, and it's a Europe / London SPOT. Safe to say that this is the Tenere getting fixed up?

Kurt Worden on his Ninja 250 is currently in 16th place, riding a very efficient rally. Mileage that puts most in the bottom half, but he's up with more than 17,000 points and 2300ish miles.
He is definitely amazing! Is this his 3rd IBR on the Ninjette? Really have to give kudos to someone who gets off the barcalounger rides and puts in those kind of hours and miles on a little sewing machine. Surely a testament to mental toughness and will..... two items I am obviously lacking!

Here's the leg 1 results sorted by points per mile:!AqfFHIB477eTiDmoRm7ycoe_5YIW

Awesome Timmerest, thanks for sharing. Really fascinating to break this down. One observation I made before you made it obvious is Bob Lilly BRUTE-FORCING himself into 2nd place. We'll see if these Brute force guys (Like Slayton) can stay fresh enough for the long hall.
Kurt Worden needs to be efficient being that he spends his sleeping time rebuilding that Ninja at each CP LOL.

This is going to be a good event to follow. OH, I didn't break it out, how are the riders that choose gen3 doing on efficiency vs the other FJR riders?


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On the rallies my wife and I ride, I rename bonus locations when I send them to my GPS. I use the rally masters ID + point value + time restriction as the name for each location. By doing it that way when I'm at a bonus location even though I may have a plan I can go to my saved places and see if something pops up closer that I may have overlooked or not considered. It's not too often this turns out to be the case bu on that final push for the barn it has allowed me to add in a bonus or 2 if I'm doing good on time.

I also make notes to indicate if a particular stop is part of a combo so I don't screw that up either. DAMHIK.

I thought the bonus location info was shared with us unclean spectators in past years? I used it to determine when a rider was in my neighborhood, so that I could go observe their majesty in-person....

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