FJRForum Official 2017 Iron Butt Rally Tracking/Analysis Thread

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Looks like a rider at the Dragon


Peece Rock and Nova Scotia have been done before as big routes and there's a cluster of four SPOT tracks (and maybe non sharing rider(s) blasting past Maine with obvious focus.

I wonder if something like St.John's or that other island by Perce is in play. If so, ferry schedules become very important to this leg.

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So if you put a string together on the way out could you also use the same string on the way back in just reversing your route?
You can't claim a bonus twice in a leg.

Peece Rock and Nova Scotia have been done before as big routes and there's a cluster of four SPOT tracks (and maybe non sharing rider(s) blasting past Maine with obvious focus.
I wonder if something like St.John's or that other island by Perce is in play. If so, ferry schedules become very important to this leg.
All of a sudden I'm really hungry for a lobstah roll.

Besides ferry schedules you have to look at availability too. It was a holiday weekend in Canada (happy Canada Day). That may be an issue

In case of Wendy, it is definitely her, not the bike!! You would be nuts to say otherwise..

Wendy, Erik and Jim are my top three!!!

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This gen fight cracks me up.

Simplest answer is usually the right one--the consistently winning riders haven't had to replace their bikes yet, so they're still rocking older ones.

As top riders wear out their bikes, newer bikes will show up in the top spots. Ain't nobody got time (or money) to buy a new bike and do all the LD mods just because Yamaha did a redesign. They're still in "ain't broke, don't fix it" mode.

Assume that Gen 1 has a slightly higher top speed and slight more acceleration than Gen 2, and Gen 2 has a slightly higher top speed and slight more acceleration than Gen 3.
How could this tiny difference make a difference in an 11,000 mile rally conducted on public roads?

No difference because the IBR isn't a race. It's about hours in the saddle.

Don't recall it being mentioned yet, but Wendy Crockett made a 12 position jump during Leg 2, but rode 3800 miles to do it.
Meanwhile the Liles' jumped something like 40+ positions.
They sure did! They are now sitting 53rd after that 39 position jump and they averaged 9.68 pts per mile (3rd most efficient on leg 2).

Mike Riley also made a big jump of 40 positions to 40th position. And Danny Dossman jumped 37 positions to 65th.

Need to point out one small correction to RJ's most excellent post.
Wendy is piloting the superior Gen1, not the slower Gen2. While possible, it's highly unlikely she could have rode those miles on a Gen2.

Go Wendy!
Please accept my most sincere apology. Never was my intent to offer up fake news. Never would I intentionally diminish the wisdom of a top rider.

I think I should also say for those that don't already know know:

Wendy is a professional motorcycle mechanic, Brilliant in her profession. She also has the where-with-all to be on any bike she wants. She puts so much detail and work into her rally bikes that the cost of the base bike is insignificant in the overall picture..

And like other top riders, her bike of choice is the Gen1.

The math in the last years clearly shows the results that top fJR riders have reaped when they apply the wisdom to avoid the fat gen3. math wisdom and math will always prevail over emotion and hope.

Again, I apologize for noting that Wendy was on the honorable Gen2, when in fact she's on the fastest and lightest of all FJR's the proven winner gen1


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Peece Rock and Nova Scotia have been done before as big routes and there's a cluster of four SPOT tracks (and maybe non sharing rider(s) blasting past Maine with obvious focus.
I wonder if something like St.John's or that other island by Perce is in play. If so, ferry schedules become very important to this leg.
I just got goose bumps. Canadian Island goose bumps. Wow, if this is correct it will surely add fascinating dynamics to the mix.

Also a good reminder that the group spot page doesn't show every rider, some riders don't show them publicly. Also spotwalla, as brilliant as it is, often is tardy when attempting to keep pace with the gen 1 bikes.

Thanks for the goose bumps Iggy, Wow, this will be fascinating.

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I would also note that even though some people might look like they're just riding around on the interstate slab....bonuses are still being snagged...even with that cluster headed towards the Atlantic (+4 from PDT) time zone.

I winder what ferries leave 9-12 hours from now?

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I would also note that even though some people might look like they're just riding around on the interstate slab....bonuses are still being snagged...even with that cluster headed towards the Atlantic (+4 from PDT) time zone.
I winder what ferries leave 9-12 hours from now?
Adding ferry schedules to the infinite math and chores that rides are already dealing with is beyond what my brain can handle. And on a holiday weekend in both countries (usa JULY 4th, Canada day in Canadaville) are there special ferry schedules? This hick from NV is not adroit at ferry lifestyle.

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