FJR's in the Green Mountains

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I have nothing against non-FJR riders and I'm not really bothered one way or the other whether this ride is for FJR's only or not. The point is, the organizer of the ride made a decision about how he wanted this ride to work and that should be it. No bitchin' about how it's not what you'd like, or "it'd be so much better if only...". It seems as though people think there is some unwritten law that says everyone is entitled to participate in anything planned by anyone else.
I never said any such thing nor did anyone else in this thread. We were just asking questions. Sorry if that upsets you.

If you want to make the choices, step up and plan an event the way you'd like to see it.
I do exactly that all the time.

The last thing they need is grief because they aren't doing something the way someone else wants them to.
No one gave them any grief for doing anything. I was simply asking why it was being done that way. Do you also have a problem with people asking questions?

I am sorry I ever asked this question!!!! I follow FJred's sentiments exactly. It just wasn't that clear up front
My point exactly. if the ride organizers had been clear up front, maybe this little tempest in a teapot and their (apparently) hurt feelings could have been avoided.

I certainly hope this ride doesn't get cancelled.
It looks like it will be because the organizer is already setting me up for the fall. That's OK - I can take it.

sigh . . . . . . . . . .

You've got to be F*%#@ kidding me.

Seriously bro - let it go - you've got to have better things to do and bigger things to bitch about.

Sorry you fell this way Shawnking. I just don't see WHY we had to explain the rules of this ride. The rules were the rules. If you didn't like them just pass on this ride. <_< Guess it's time to take my ball and go home. I don't need this "CRAP" online. I thought I was doing everyone a favor by picking up where Nice Rumble left off. Guess everyone will miss a good ride then as I'm taking Nice Rumbles cue and cancelling this ride! Life is TOO SHORT!! I know I'm going to enjoy a ride the 23rd!


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The organizer of this ride has chosen to cancel it and asked that the thread be closed to avoid further conflict. There was never a post that specifically singled out an individual or their SO for exclusion. It was offered that an additional, "all brands" ride would follow this one if there was enough demand. Based on discussions with those organizers they don't want additional conflict here or in some kind of face-to-face at a ride.

If someone is emotionally invested enough in the idea of doing a similar route for all brands, then you're encouraged to organize one with your own rules, start a thread, and drum up participants. If so, then please keep it positive and about your ride (IOW: don't linger on the issues of this one).

This thread is closed.

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