Florida Gathering

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Going to head up to Orlando this weekend. Will do a little riding and looking for a proper lodging/bar/food type place. Thinking of a date like November 14-16,2008. A little last fun before the holidays. Also, less chance of a hurricane and hopefully will have some cooler weather. Will keep all updated.-Tate

I'd still be interested but would need a date to make sure...originally was mid Novemeber before the holidays.

I might even swing by on sunday 16th, if its still on... I'll be in Daytona from the 15th through 22nd, gonna trailer the bike down... my wife's not willing to make that long a ride... or pack light enough.

I think we need to start a new thread if this is going down. I can't tell if something is set up or we are all just hoping. I something is planned lets do new post with dates times locations. Thanks

Sound like FUN! Count me in!

VIC ([email protected])

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Going to head up to Orlando this weekend. Will do a little riding and looking for a proper lodging/bar/food type place. Thinking of a date like November 14-16,2008. A little last fun before the holidays. Also, less chance of a hurricane and hopefully will have some cooler weather. Will keep all updated.-Tate

I would be up for a ride. I'm over in West Central Florida, Clearwater area.

THis topic has to be restarted for 2009. Florida despartely needs an FJR riders meet up. There has to be a common place to meet, then go from there. Orlando is too cluttered with traffic so it should be outside of the city. Think it over and name places where a good place to meet would be.


I have met a couple of FJR guys who are based in Central FL, and know all the good roads (I know that's an oxymoron) in and around CFL. We could try to get them to join.

Edit: this is GPS track from a ride I did with the CFL guys yesterday, as you can see there are actually some turns there, if you know where to find them.


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Where is the community thing to see who is in Florida?

Is there a group thing? How do we schedule a ride?

I see other members in the area... let's ride somewhere together.


This is just putting a feeler out. How much of an interest would you have in a Florida Gathering. Thinking Orlando area. That area has some decent roads and great lodging choices. Would be open to all makes and models. Just an opportunity to meet, inspect farkles, drink and have fun. Would try to set up some discounted rates and T-shirts. This would be kept simple. Would shoot for a Fall date and hope for cool weather. DISCUSS!! :)

Hey I'm up for that ....let me know!! :yahoo:
