Which gets me to my question for you southern fellows... when, typically, does the weather get hot and humid to the point of annoyance? Keep in mind that I am a cold blooded yankee and have a low tolerance for heat. Tryin to plan a southern journey before it gets oppressive.
This time of year the weather is totally unpredictable. Its all about the fronts, gulf stream and other tangibles.
It may be in the 80s all week and then a front moves in and it may turn cold and miserable (In the 50s/60s) However by the end of
June you can count on Hot and balmy with down pours almost every afternoon. July and August are generally night riding comfort
I speak for south Florida only though. Spring and especially fall are just plain awesome times to ride here.
For your blood, you might want to use caution with Late May through Mid September in south Florida. Oh, almost forgot…
every bike week/IBA dinner ride; you can count on an (unusually) cold front visit.