Florida Speeding Ticket Rant

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Some of you guys need to get out and play in traffic more. It is not too uncommon to be running 80 or 85 in rush hour traffic at times around Detroit. I pretty much just go with the flow and often see 85 or better without even realizing it. Blipping up to 100 on an FJR is a simple flick of the wrist for 2 seconds. Hard for me to too upset about someone running 15 miles an hour faster than traffic to get out of a situation if that was the case. It's one thing to be weaving thru slow traffic going like a bat out of hell but totally reasonable in other situations to do be getting out of a block or passing a truck to get over a lane or something that requires a burst of speed.....to bad most cops cannot understand "reasonable" situations. They just look at what their laser says. The guy that stopped me the last time tagged me while he watched me accelerate to blend into the line of traffic which I was still running in when he pulled me over. He told me to "slow down next time if you have trouble merging....." Duh. That helps when the rest of the traffic is going 85.
He told me to "slow down next time if you have trouble merging....." Sounds like a formula for commiting suicide in CA traffic! Picking a "safe" spot ahead to merge into or a spot in traffic with a safe space cushion is a hell of a lot easier to do looking forward than it is looking behind in the FJR's mirrors. The mirrors are tiny and have a large blind spot behind. Add fogged up face shield and mirrors in the dark with crazy commute drivers and "slowing down" to merge feels a lot like "Russian roulette". Makes me really nervous to have to "depend" on cagers, and other lethal vehicles behaving themselves in order for me to survive. JMHO :dribble: :assassin: :ph34r:


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Ain't it amazing? You can drive at over 100mph, get a ticket, pay it, and drive away.

But in NY or NJ, if you drive without insurance, even if you break no other law, they will revoke your licence COMPLETELY for one year.

I hate the fing police The way i see it if YOU own a motorcyle and you OWN liability insurance you should be able to do what you want i think its highly unlikely that a 600lb object will have a Life altering effect on the contents of a 4000-6000+ lb object EVEN if it is catching up to it at earthshattering speeds of 15-30mph. Sure its dangerous for you but thats totally your decision and if the law were really out to protect you it wouldnt let us ride mototrcycles in the first place because its been known for too long that motorcycle riders are ~8X more likely to be involved in accidents and of those accidents your ~20X more likely to be killed, I hate the police, I hate tickets They are all about money so stay off the roads between the 26th and the 31st of every month because thats when they give them. Recent studies have even shown that higher speed limits can actually reduce the amount of accidents on certain roads, which is why many states have adopted 70mph speed limits amd the autobahn is the safest road in the world per car traveled. RARRA im angry and i hate the police, thats my rant feel fre to disect it, except not the spelling cause im too lazy to correct my typoes or grammer

IF.... and I repeat IF...driver's education and liscensing were the same in the US as in many European countries or Japan, we would have drivers then CAPABLE of driving at those speeds....

Did you ever try to tell anyone...ESPECIALLY a very poor driver...... ANYTHING about their driving? dont' work...

They have their liscense, so they are a "SAFE" or a "GOOD" driver.....

I'm not even taking about bikes here, just pain old cagers!


The FJR is far too easy to ride at 100 MPH. It is a smooth, powerful, comfortable and deceptive motorcycle. My problems lay with my emotional/mental perceptions. While riding, I tend to operate on perceived speed differences relative to other vehicles rather than the actual speed I am riding. So its an "easy" twist of the wrist to accelerate from 70 to 100 mph. My problem is that I don't always rely on the instruments, i.e., the speedometer is fairly accurate and if the dial indicates 70 and I'm choosing to pass and watch the dial go up to 100, I am actually travelling 100 mph in a 65-70 mph zone. The other issue for me is that I perceive the sportbike riders as the true miscreants and I have perceived a cager travelling 75 mph as blocking my progress. Again, its that perception issue within myself that I am trying to understand and apply "mental motorcycling awareness" to.
Can totally relate to madmike here, not to the part about sportbikers being "the true miscreants" though.

On my daily ride of 70 miles to and from work I regularly come across the CHP in marked and unmarked cars. In my experience of this commute for years, it has become obvious, simply don't do it in thie presence. I will go the speed in which I feel safe and will not cause myself or another driver an accident. That speed is greater than the posted speed limit most of the time. I have a radar detector to help in my quest of not fronting off the LEO's. I give them a wave when I do see them in my area.

About the sportbikers, the other day I was riding on a desolate desert road with a couple of em' and I found it comical when we started hitting higher speed numbers, they were crouched down below their windscreens and here I am passing them sitting upright :)

I guess reaching maximum velocity on the FJR in the middle of nowhere with no one within who knows how far except some riding buddies is totally out of the question. I've been told that my FJR @ speedo indicated 160mph is really 151. :eek:

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