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I'm working up a few options/rides from super easy to moderately difficult. I could use a few "fire road guys" to pre run some routes with me since I've been accused of having a skewed view based on the Huskys uber-prowess as the ultimate dual-sport machine! ;) PM me and we'll set something up if you are interested but I'll be riding in NV the next few days.I will have a big loop planned for Saturday that will be Strom friendly (paved/gravel roads). I would like to do a little warm-up toot to the top of Calaveras Dome Friday afternoon which I need a KLR rider (with V-Strom sensitivities) to help me rate. Sunday I was hoping to take a moderatly difficult route up Squaw Ridge to Silver Lake that a proficient rider on a KLR could make but not really for beginners or those wishing to keep their bike scratch free. The views alone are worth the effort on that last one and we can always spot folks in the technical sections.
This weekend? Damn. Step kid's 21st. Can't miss that. Otherwise...

I sure hope the public transit is running that weekend. I just applied for a gas loan and it takes 90 days for approval and there is a backlog of applicants. Not sure if the oil producing countries are going to be pumping oil that weekend.... They may stop funding the loan program This ride is on the iffy side

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Since this was bumped I'll throw a few bones...

From the top of Calaveras Dome


This reminds me of a brochure picture. Only they would have raked the sand.


Salt Springs Reservoir


Don't find yourself low on gas like I did at Bear River Resort, you will be punished! :blink:


I ran through the FODS zone on my way to see Old Michael in Reno this weekend.

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Since this was bumped I'll throw a few bones...
This reminds me of a brochure picture. Only they would have raked the sand.


I ran through the FODS zone on my way to see Old Michael in Reno this weekend.
Does Christie know you're out playing with HER bike????? :huh:

Does Christie know you're out playing with HER bike?????
Possible answers

A. In the House of Uber, unused bikes are a crime and Battery Tenders are contraband.

B. That was a joy ride on her stolen bike and just like on TV, I was dumb enough to take pictures.

C. Christy is one smart women, she never bought the "it can be our family bike" in the first place.

D. She lets me do what I want while I pretend not to know about Carlos the the pool boy.

:dribble: :unsure:

Mark you calendars you dirty boys and girls! Sept 12-14th 2008 will be the second annual FJR Owners with Dualsports (FODS) gathering at the Sopiago Springs Resort just north of Hwy 88 in the beautiful Northern California Sierras.
Oh sure... First its the NAFO (way out in CO), now it's the FODS. Do you guys think everyone lives in Kalifornya?

But hey, it's only around 3000 miles to ride on a dual sport....


Seriously, I'm envious. :dribble:

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Does Christie know you're out playing with HER bike?????
Possible answers

A. In the House of Uber, unused bikes are a crime and Battery Tenders are contraband.

B. That was a joy ride on her stolen bike and just like on TV, I was dumb enough to take pictures.

C. Christy is one smart women, she never bought the "it can be our family bike" in the first place.

D. She lets me do what I want while I pretend not to know about Carlos the the pool boy.

:dribble: :unsure:

Did Carlos take the bike to that pristine spot?

First post edited to include a few rides. I will try to plot/post a couple more that will be 100% big bike friendly before the event.

I was also thinking about bringing up a bunch of bottled water, beer and basic sandwich makings for the moto-campers.

I will either ride the KLR or throw it on the trailer and drag it up with the logistical support vehicle :blink: <_< :unsure: :glare:

... we also get all of the firewood we want, flush toilets, and hot showers...
Pussies. Real men wear layers and shiver to keep warm, crap in the woods, and don't know what soap and water

have to do with camping.

Why don't ya'll just check into the freaking Sheraton?

Sheeeesh! :D

(clicking "vibrate" on my recliner.)




Enjoy. This should be a lovefest. Get some pics around the campfire!
