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Also, with your kind permission I would like to post this up to my AZ Beemers Club GS section; Club President Brian Boles has ridden both his R100GS and F800GS all over Death Valley, he too can lay out a number of great routes.
That's fine Don, FODS has never really been a bike/forum specific event. I am quite positive just about anyone will be more trail savvy than I down there.

My vision of this thing is to keep it very loose. Meet up in the evening to eat, tell lies and let people make plans but definitely no schedule.

Thanks for the above info. Makes putting together a day-route to hit the good stuff much easier. Thank You Brad, posted up to AZ Beemers GS Gang. Gelande/Strasse Crew will probably camp, they're BMW Manly Men!

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Donaldo- Thanks for the video, looks to be a great place to explore and definitely prime DRZ400 territory. It has much to offer forum members in the way of single track, dirt-bag hideouts, donkeys, (any sheep for Bust and DC?) rocks, dirt, etc.... Guess one would want to bring extra fuel as I remember riding through there last year on the FJR, it's a loooong ways between fuel stops.

Donaldo- Thanks for the video, looks to be a great place to explore and definitely prime DRZ400 territory. It has much to offer forum members in the way of single track, dirt-bag hideouts, donkeys, (any sheep for Bust and DC?) rocks, dirt, etc.... Guess one would want to bring extra fuel as I remember riding through there last year on the FJR, it's a loooong ways between fuel stops.
Hello CAJW, I have been on the phone yakking away with my GS buddies today and the three rides below are the ones that are "do not miss!" Are you running the stock tank on your DRZ400? If so, you will want to bring extra fuel for these three.

1. Teakettle Junction and the "racetrack".

2. Titus canyon

3. Cerro Gordo (awesome!)

NOTE: If Bust and DC do go on this ride, they will have each other and will not need the sheep!

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And here's the famous Teakettle Junction, our destination smack dab in the middle of Nowhere, Death Valley National Park.


Donaldo- Thanks for the video, looks to be a great place to explore and definitely prime DRZ400 territory. It has much to offer forum members in the way of single track, dirt-bag hideouts, donkeys, (any sheep for Bust and DC?) rocks, dirt, etc.... Guess one would want to bring extra fuel as I remember riding through there last year on the FJR, it's a loooong ways between fuel stops.
Hello CAJW, I have been on the phone yakking away with my GS buddies today and the three rides below are the ones that are "do not miss!" Are you running the stock tank on your DRZ400? If so, you will want to bring extra fuel for these three.

1. Teakettle Junction and the "racetrack".

2. Titus canyon

3. Cerro Gordo (awesome!)

NOTE: If Bust and DC do go on this ride, they will have each other and will not need the sheep!


Stock tank on the DRZ, but I've been eying something like this Aux fuel tank or possibly a strap on model. I used to hang glide in the Cerro Gordo and White's Peak area, so it would be very interesting to see all the terrain I used to fly over. Sounds like a hoot, hopefully the consensus is sometime in the Spring so I can attend.

Hmmmmmm....Death Valley on the KLR.....hmmmmmm......

That trip just might be worth taking unpaid days off. :yahoo:

.....Aaannndddd...S.O.'s/wife-units could go sightseeing, too....assuming some would trailer to the park.

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Stock tank on the DRZ, but I've been eying something like this Aux fuel tank or possibly a strap on model. I used to hang glide in the Cerro Gordo and White's Peak area, so it would be very interesting to see all the terrain I used to fly over. Sounds like a hoot, hopefully the consensus is sometime in the Spring so I can attend.
I found a 3.9 gallon IMS tank for my DRZ on Ebay for 100 bucks. I can easily go 180-200 miles. It's not pretty but it does its job and protects my radiators. I had to fork out 250 for the 3 gallon tank for my wifes KLX. Haven't tested the range yet but I'm hoping for at least 150 miles.



Hey Guys, since we are off topic on gas tanks anyway, I want to ask a question of you FJR Forum dual sporters. Actually it is not that far off topic, since it involves dual sport motorcycles and gas tanks! Who makes a 450cc dual sport that is street legal these days?

You'll notice I put 450cc in bold and I underlined it! I was going to get a Suzuki DRZ 400 for my next Mexico exploration bike and get the 3.9 gallon IMS tank for it ynotride has. However, when I rode Mexico's Copper Canyon last November with the mooks from our FJR Forum we discovered the Mexican Government were NOT issuing vehicle import permits for any motos 400cc and below.

Tucson Joe and the other two riders on Suzuki 400's would have been **** out of luck, except Moto-Discovery owner Skip Mascorro called Mexico City and got a special exemption (a bribe - la Mordida!) for the three 400's in our group. Now, knowing Mexico, this new rule may already have been overturned; since virtually all of the Mexican people ride machines way below 400cc.

I really love the Yamaha 450 that yamafitter - Bill rode on our Copper Canyon Adventure and that bike would fit me perfectly; but It is my understanding that it is not street legal in the US, Bill F. is a Canadian and it is street legal up in Canuckistan. Who makes a street 450?

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Hey Guys, since we are off topic on gas tanks anyway, I want to ask a question of you FJR Forum dual sporters. Actually it is not that far off topic, since it involves dual sport motorcycles and gas tanks! Who makes a 450cc dual sport that is street legal these days?


Who makes a street 450?

Here ya go:

Here is the KYM link:

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I've always pined for one of these.KTM 450 EXC A buddy has one and has a 24/7 grin plastered on his mug. Ifn my DRZ ever poops out, I'll either put a 450 kit on it or save my pennies and get one of these. Dirt Bike Test 09' Specs Looks like an aftermarket higher capacity fuel tank will be on the wish list for any serious distance riding though.

edit: Great minds think alike eh' Shiny?

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I've always pined for one of these.KTM 450 EXC A buddy has one and has a 24/7 grin plastered on his mug. Ifn my DRZ ever poops out, I'll either put a 450 kit on it or save my pennies and get one of these. Dirt Bike Test 09' Specs Looks like an aftermarket higher capacity fuel tank will be on the wish list for any serious distance riding though.

edit: Great minds think alike eh' Shiny?
WOW! Like minds think alike.

I'm sorry for you. :p

Who makes a 450cc dual sport that is street legal these days?
Getting the KTM or Husky (obviously my fav) as a distance DS touring bike will make you a grumpy traveler. I've done 200 mile days on an aftermarket Guts seat with LOTS of standing and doing the ass cheek boogie by the end of the ride. Pavement sections flat suck!

The 600+ bikes of KTM and Husky will be more capable of day long travel and still go singletrack at a reduced speed.

Gas Gas, Husky and the almighty Husaburg 570 are some other options though. I think Aprilla is still making a twin cylinder DS 450-510? Might want to keep an eye on compression ratios with the quality of gas you may be using.

Back on topic... I assume we are waiting on Richard for some dates?

Back on topic... I assume we are waiting on Richard for some dates?
I sent Richard an e-mail last week, I will bump it again to Fairlaner.

I also e-mailed Skip of M-D, to see if Mexico has backed off 400cc!

EDIT: I just got off of a 15 minute phone conversation with Senor Mascorro of Moto Discovery and Skip believes that we of the FJR Forum just had the mishap of an overzealous border official regarding his 400cc ruling. Skip says he has run a number of trips since Tucson Joe ran into the hassle with his Suzuki DRZ 400 and they have had no problems whatsoever getting Mexico Vehicle Permits for the exact same motorcycle. So, it looks like Papa Chuy Viejo's next Mexico sled with be the 400cc DRZ!

Skip also told me about the exciting new tours that Moto-Discovery is now leading in Columbia, Skip has a half dozen trips scheduled to Columbia this winter and three of the trips are already SOLD OUT! I told Skip Columbia is now on my "bucket list"!

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Uberkul-Brad: Check your inboxes! Richard has given us a notice to proceed.

I did send a reply to Brad, I have no plans for DV as of yet so go ahead and plan when ever you need too.



On Sep 26, 2011, at 2:37 PM, Don Stanley wrote:


Hello Richard, Have you had a chance to peruse this regarding FODS V at Death Valley. If you've any idea of your DV dates needed, we'll work around that particular time!


Best regards,


Don Stanley

1061 N. Amber St.

Chandler, AZ 85225

Cell: 480-440-4666

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I had a contact email in my profile that I do not check very much.... oops. :blink:

I added a poll to the original post with dates in March 2012 for everyone interested to vote on. Hopefully we can get a consensus from the dates offered.

Thanks Don for your help with this. I hereby dub thee Co-Captain of FODS V and official ambassador to the Beemer crowd. :yahoo:

Maybe your guy with the can't miss routes has GPZ or GDB files of recommended routes? We could post 'em here if he is willing to share them.

Still hoping to hear from all those FODS IV alumni. :p

Yeah, I hear what you are thinking Don. If GS's can ride Titus Canyon and the Race Track, certainly Stroms can do it, No? I'll have to keep my eye on this one!
Yeah right Khunajawdge, as if Candy Butt Carver can ride dirt!
KJ, I'm not sure if I can make this run, but if I did, on the Wee, it would *have to have* fresh full knobbies. It's amazing how quickly even 4-6" of sand can take all the fun out of a 'dual sport' ride on a 'not-so-much-dual-sport' bike.

If you think about knobbies, my rec is pay the little bit of extra $$ and get the Conti's, not the Kenda Big Blok. The Kenda's are toast in less than 2k miles. Although, a Big Blok front and TKC rear might be a good combo.

One last thought - travel light in the dirt. Leave excess crap at campground. These are big bikes. The GS, IMHO, is better in dirt than our DL's, for a variety of reasons. At least when we crash out our Suzooks, they start back up and are really cheap to fix.. :whistle:

My .02, from a rashed out Wab's perspective :p
