R.I.P. Our FJR Riding Friend
My dealer put them on for me. :clapping: Skyway make
Just bought the radius type from OES Accessories, they look great and fast delivery. Thanks for the tip on saving a few bucks with OES. Now just have to wait for the snow to melt and go pick up the bike...
Went with the 2" diameter. Haven't been able to install them yet, still waiting to pick up the bike. Another 2" of snow last night, this is getting old. :cold:Just bought the radius type from OES Accessories, they look great and fast delivery. Thanks for the tip on saving a few bucks with OES. Now just have to wait for the snow to melt and go pick up the bike...
Which diameter did you get ?
I just bought some R&G sliders to replace Skyway's aluminum ones. Hope I don't test them for you though.......Love my R&G sliders and engine armor. Thankfully it was others who crash tested them over the years.
Skyway's instructions say to torque the left first and then the right. They also say to torque to 29 ft/lbs to avoid stripping the threads (but Bin-o-facts says 35 ft/lbs). IIRC someone said that torqueing left before right is to retain alignment.I just got mine too. OES directions say to install right side first and torque to spec. Bin 'o Facts says left side first. WTF? Anybody care to input before I install?Thanks for the link on this. I just got my 08A and was wondering if I really needed to pay 90+ bucks for sliders. I ordered them immediately from OES. I'll keep everyone posted if I have a bad experience but it seems ok for now. I liked the radius cut. Final cost - 50.99.I bought these: https://www.oesaccessories.com/06-08FJR1300.html and they are about half the price of the "brand" type. They arrived and I compared them to my "brand" bought sliders and could see no difference. They are made out of the same material and seem as thick. They are high quality and come with good instructions including torque values.
I just recieved my set from OE and I have to say they look great. Thanks for the tip.
I just installed the 2 inch sliders from OES. I did not use loctite and torqued them to 35 ft lbs. They have plenty long bolts, I can't believe I wouldn't notice them loosening up, but thanks for the heads up.A word of advice, be sure to lockite the bolt for the frame sliders. If it comes off and goes under your back tire especially in a corner, things can go wrong ,very wrong I learned first hand. Ride safe
The language on the website is a little softer than what they say in their Ebay listings, like this one (clicky) for example:As far as I could read, the OES website says there is no needfor loctite. I could not find that it advises against?
So, lemme see if I have this straight: You spent ~$12000 on a motorcycle, and ~$55 on sliders to protect that motorcycle, but you're afraid to use ~$.05 worth of Loctite to make sure those bolts don't come out? I don't understand what the issue is, but maybe there is some confusion about Loctite. Unless it is a bolt you will probably NEVER remove, don't use RED Loctite. You need heat to get it to release. However, BLUE Loctite can be broken with a wrench, but prevents the bolt from vibrating loose. Do whatever you want, but while you are rechecking the torque on every bolt on your FJR, I'll be riding.Loctite is just lazy mans insurance.... Everybody knoiws a real wrench checks and rechecks the torque and tightness of his fastners regularlyk: