Frame Sliders

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Sliders? Love 'em.

white-castle-slyders.jpg mean those thingies on the side of the bike?......................................nevermind.

On one hand I understand why people buy Sliders for their bike. If you go down, sliders [might] protect a few square inches of plastic. But on the other hand, if its just a tip-over in the driveway [which will break the side cases] or a low speed crash, the reason I carry collision and comprehensive insurance is so they [my insurance carrier] will pay for repairs. I am quite sure that if I called my insurance carrier tomorrow morning asking for a discount because I installed frame sliders, they would undoubtedly laugh.

Perhaps if your bags were left at home and you fell victim to a crash where all your bike did was slide down the roadway a short distance, I can see where sliders might save you some money. But the areas left unprotected would surely be messed up to the point where the repair costs would be in triple digits. Preventing damage to the small area surrounding the sliders would not be significant enough to really make any positive difference in dollars saved.

In the situation where some crash-bars or case-savers can actually save [your] body parts from destruction, that would be a wise choice. Where these two aforementioned items may protect you from having a several hundred pound motorcycle with extremely hot parts laying across your legs or entire body, I doubt if sliders will do much if anything to protect you personally from harm.

If someone would invent or design a case-saver that would fit the FJR and still maintain a descent appearance, while offering protection for the bike and the rider(s), they would sell like hot cakes. Something in the line like what many police departments install on their BMW's would be nice.


Whether people like it or not, Honda has the right idea by making case-saver [large protective sliders] as standard equipment. Although they too don't offer near the protection the BMW style offer.


But I'm not going to drop my FJR.

If you don't drop your bike, you don't need them.
My two favorite statements of the day. :lol:

That being said, I agree with Big-D. I'll save the money and put it toward the deductible. But, I can see why others like them.

If I go down, I'm hoping it will protect the bike enough to make the bike still be rideable rather than being stranded in the middle of no where without cell service and no one stopping to help.
Not that it's based on any actual evidence, but, I've always wondered if having a slider connected to the frame/engine mount would actually allow too much of the energy to be transfered and cause more damage. Won't the crushing of the plastic absorb some of the impact? Not my reason for not getting them though.

Also, who gave Farva a Beemer?

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Well, the reason they call them sliders is that they allow your bike to slide on it's side rather than having some hard part dig into the road and cause the bike to tumble. That, as Randy said above, is the difference between riding and calling for a tow.

Well, JW, I kind of thought the same thing; I've had bikes for the last 48 yrs. and never dropped one, but after reading this forum for the last 10 months, when I bought my FJR at the end of May, I thought, "What the heck. . . Might as well!" Last Wednesday, I found myself sideways on the ground (and NO idea of what happened!) with my new "lady" riding me(!), and after getting both of us upright, a broken mirror was the only damage. The money for the frame sliders was some of the best I've ever spent. 'Nuff said.

If the bike drops or goes down I make sure I get my ass underneath it to protect all of the plastic parts.

Frame sliders. Everybody's got 'em. Everybody recommends them as one of the "must have" farkles on an FJR.

I've never had frame sliders on a bike before. Maybe if I had a race bike I'd put them on. But I'm not going to drop my FJR. I didn't drop my other bikes. Why the big rush to put them on? You guys don't know how to handle a motorcycle?

It's Friday, you know what to do. :p
You don't know how to handle a bike. You think that you can handle gravity, good luck. You are lucky, but stupid. First for the post, second because you do not ride a bike long enough. We all drop a bike, any kind of bike. So one day you will drop a brain and need diapers.

Frame sliders. Everybody's got 'em. Everybody recommends them as one of the "must have" farkles on an FJR.

I've never had frame sliders on a bike before. Maybe if I had a race bike I'd put them on. But I'm not going to drop my FJR. I didn't drop my other bikes. Why the big rush to put them on? You guys don't know how to handle a motorcycle?

It's Friday, you know what to do. :p
You don't know how to handle a bike. You think that you can handle gravity, good luck. You are lucky, but stupid. First for the post, second because you do not ride a bike long enough. We all drop a bike, any kind of bike. So one day you will drop a brain and need diapers.
Chill dude, the post was a joke to kick off the weekend...

I hate sliders. They are designed to save your frame and thats pretty much it. I carry full comp on all my bikes, when it goes down I don't want the insurance to do $5k worth of repairs to fix my wrecked bike just because I was nice enough to save the frame for them.


I only run them on my trackbike.

LOL! For $25 you can save hundreds of $ resulting from the UNEXPECTED tip over. It goes w/out saying that, for the most part, nobody intends to drop their bike.. but if and when it happens...... My GSXR sunk into the asphalt on the gap and did a left side tip over. Caused damage to all pieces of plastic on that side of the bike as well as snaping off the clutch lever. Prob over a k of damage. The very nice (sarcastic fu$%) who was standing by my bike when it happened felt the need to demonstrate why I needed frame sliders. he layed his GSXR 750 down on the ground and the frame slider prevented the plastic from hitting the ground. Doubt it would help the clutch lever, but saves an insurance claim and / or damage to your bike. The T-Rex sliders are like $25 and they look cool. Don't mistake them for crash protectors. they are tip over protectors....... sometimes people get lucky and they help out w/ crashes but don't count on it.
Thanks for the tip about T-Rex. I just went to their site and ordered them, and saved about $40 over what I had found myself. I've tipped over a couple of times and so I'm aware of what sliders would prevent.

Wow! This thread came back from the dead zone.

I like my sliders. They are doing their job very well as I have not dropped my bike since I put them on. :D

Never dropped it before I had sliders.

Hey's been almost 6 months, so have you dropped it yet or do you now have sliders? :p

One of my buddies broke his legs in an accident because they got hung up on his sliders...

He was driving down a road, and a car flipped a U-turn right in front of him.. His bike broad-sided the car and as he began to fly over, his legs were caught in his sliders.

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