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Howie brother we'll miss you on that FJR! Totally understand your situation, PCS can be a bitch. Good luck, get healthy, and get online and razz us regularly.

Guys and gals,

You all have NO idea how gratifying it is to witness the response this post has received. Makes me think "what a bunch of women this forum has populating it!"

But seriously, thanks to all my "buds" for the great words of well wishes for a speedy recovery. Bluesey, Brodie, Bounce, Garyahouse, exskibum, Andy (aka Bikergeek), LKLD, puppychow....all you guys...and many more. Sorry if I missed your name -- too many to thank. It all makes this old veteran so glad to be a part of this family. And to everyone who suggested "stick around', you don't have to tell me twice. While I might not be a constant contributor, I will make an occasional stop by and let you know how it's going. Who knows...maybe someday I'll regain all my cognitive functions and come back with a roar. For now, again, thank you all for your participation trying to make this old, damaged guy feel better. I'll be around. To blassoff, if you're still interested in Frankenbike (haven't heard from you in a couple of days) I'll send to a set of photos via email.

Best of luck to everyone...and +1,000,000 thanks to all of you.


Howie wishing you the best. We have never met, but I have really enjoyed your posts. I remember a video of you taking the Frankenbike for a ride after a major transplant.

Like the rest wishing you a successful recovery.


I mean, you had the pix with the cute chickie! Who can forget that? Or the pix of Frankenbike with you on top after just getting the motor transplanted! Priceless! You will win, Howie. You're too tough not too..

Hate to hear this and GLWS! Prayers for continued healing and good things for you in the future.

Well, hello, guys (and gals). Howie here, checking in every 4 months whether I need to or not.

It's been just over a year since I threw my FJR down the road and landed HARD on my melon. STILL sleeping 20 hours a day, can't walk fer ****, can't **** fer ****, and can't taste a damn thing. My neurologist tells that severe head trauma can result in lost or diminished taste and/or smelling ability. He's right....the only thing I can taste at all is sweet stuff...sugar in my coffee kind of things. Makes eating a real bore.

Thought I'd treat you all to a picture of my General Practitioner.....Dr. Reyes....she is absolutely GORGEOUS!


Twenty-something Latina beauty. Stands about 5'''10'' or so, something me at 6'4'' appreciates. And always smells like heaven!

Gonna go look for any more posts about Frankenbike's return to the living. Keep me in your thoughts, my brothers!!

Well at least it appears you have not lost the ability to appreciate a beautiful woman. It certainly must make going to appointments easier. Here's hoping her tender loving ministrations allow you to more fully recover.

Wow, a bit of a shock there RadioHowie,

Hopefully one day you will be on a bike again, wishing you all the best, strewth !!!

I only recently had a ride on 2 wheels, (on my TLR) for first time in 15 months with a helping escort.

It's going to be a long time until I take my FJR out, low BP,loss of body mass, lost over 1/2 of my body weight, weak and frail with no stamina.

I was on the Spyder 2 days after admission to Critical Care last week, somewhat a miracle all of a sudden after such a long illness.

Only just recently stop needing a walking stick but it's always handy. I can now stand to do washing up and walk a shopping isle or two, all within a few days.

And for the first time in 15 months, I took the rubbish bins out last week.

Don't give up hope, it kept me going, one day I'll be back on the FJR and hopefully you too.

You have been an integral part of the Forum, always appreciated, many thanks.

Just get better !!!!

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My thoughts and prayers are with you, Howie! I hadn't realized you lost your taste (obviously not ALL your taste, as witnessed by the photo of your doc!), and I know how devastating that is, as I lost mine, completely, for a year, after chemo/radiation for a bout of cancer, about 3 years ago; couldn't even taste a heaping tablespoon of salt in a glass of water! All back now except for a full compliment of the sweet taste buds, and they're returning, slowly. So, hang in there; as someone mentioned above, the body has an amazing ability to heal, and your attitude can make all the difference in the world, and you've got a lot of us pulling for your recovery!

Lost much of my sense of taste after some radaition as well. Thankfully one thing that retained its taste was Irish Whiskey. Just keep experimenting Howie.

Thanks from all of us for again posting the lone good results from your unfortunate get-off: photos of the extremely hawt health practitioners who have been recruited to your cause. Hell of a way to get their attention, though.

About that "can't **** for ****" complaint . . .

Fall of 2003, immediately post-divorce, I ran in an early morning 10k with the same complaint as yours (coincidentally, also an occasional complaint with early morning KSUps with other riders). The discomfort of running 6.2 miles at 51 and full of **** motivated me to address the issue and its dietary origin, so I started reading about fiber in my diet. We should probably be eating something like 30g of fiber a day, but most modern diets don't provide that.

So, from late 2004 until today, I have been eating the same breakfast at least 6 days a week. (And since you can't taste much, this could be easy for you.) Friends have since taken it up with the same *joyous* results. MEM gave me grief about it before our Utah tour when she found out that Bob and I would be eating it every morning and depriving her of breakfast companionship at the egg and Canadian Bacon sausage joints. After the first morning of that tour, she denominated it "elk feed", and that's what it has been called since.

Elk Feed is

1/2 cup "All Bran" (or "Bran Buds" or "Extra Fiber All Bran")

1/4 cup uncooked oatmeal ("Old Fashioned" and NOT "Quick")

2 tbsp. cracked flax seed (I buy in bulk and crack for use in a dedicated coffee grinder)

Fresh blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and/or other berries (sometimes substituting raisins, dried cranberries, etc. for the purposes of packing for a trip)

Eat with water (my preference), milk or soy milk. Often, I'll eat half of that with coffee first thing, then go out (e.g., to yoga) and eat the other half later in the morning.

Everyone who has tried it has reported the same joyous results. Caution, however: get to that volume of fiber slowly (i.e., over a period of a couple weeks) rather than going the fast immersion route the morning of an important meeting, a ride with friends, a hot brunch date, . . . unless you want to end up frantically searching for a rest room or three. (And for you, Howie - first run it by your G.P. Doc.)

Stay well, get better and keep logging in, ya old codger!

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^^^^ That's an interesting remedy!! In the interest of regularity and comfort I have for the past 40 + years been eating Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal for breakfast. My standard prep. is 1/2 cup oatmeal, dry roasted almonds or walnut pieces, dried blue berries, craisins, 1 teaspoon honey, then 1/2 cup of water and into the microwave for 3 minutes. After cooked add a sliced banana and about a half cup if fresh grapes (black) if available. For years I used skim milk to finish the dish but found I seem to have a lactose response that my wife and friends find unpleasant!! (stadium evacuating farts). I have been using almond milk for some time with favorable results. I do kinda miss the farting.
