Fred W and TMJ's Vacation Ride to the Great Divide

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Fred W

1 Wheel Drive
FJR Supporter
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Eastern VT
The time has finally come. We will be setting out tomorrow AM, bright and early, for our two week vacation ride to the Rocky Mountains of WY and MT. As some may know, I had originally been intending on doing this as a solo excursion, on the ultra cheap. But the more that I talked about the prospect with TMJ (The Magnificent Josie), my wife and pillion of 37 years, the more she thought that this might be something that she didn't want to miss. And I know that having my best friend along will make the trip that much better.

I'm starting this thread as a placeholder to log our daily ride notes. Since we're riding 2-up and therefore have no space for camping gear, plus TMJ doesn't really like any kind of camping anyway, the budget has been expanded and we will be motelling it all the way. So, with nightly wi-fi, I think it will be easier to do some blogging on a (brief) day by day basis, rather than collecting notes and photos and trying to do it all when we get back home.

Our plan is only a general one. We'll plan on 4 days of travel to get out to some of the sights in western SD (Badlands, Black Hills, Rushmore, but NOT Sturgis) and we can start the real sight seeing touring there. We'll head west tomorrow with our only immediate "destination" being Niagara Falls. Josie has never seen them before, and it is a nice easy day of mixed 2-lanes and slab from here to there as a warm up day.

We'll tour around in WY and MT for a few days and then take our time getting back. Looking at around 7-8k miles total, but spread out in leisurely ~ 500 mile days. Preparation of the bike has really only been a fresh set of tires and a regular oil change. All other service has been taken care of on schedule in the past, so we should be good to go. How great is that, to not have to do anything special for a trip of significant distance?

I did reinstall my old Vista Cruise throttle lock (has been on the shelf for a while) and popped an old Laminar Lip onto the Cee Bailey shield that I've been favoring lately. Also borrowed a set of highway pegs from local NERD Captain Jack (bbdig), as I hope these few additions will make life on the open slab a bit more tolerable. As I have said (often) in the past, I am not much of an LD slab guy. In fact I should be the poster boy for the CBA. But I guess it is a necessary evil to get to the goods out west.

Here's the old B4 (Bass Bote Blue Beauty) in 2-up touring mode:


My view for the next two weeks:


I also have a SpotWalla page set up for this trip. I'll be using SW Connect on my iPhone as the input device. I'll just have to remember to turn the app on each morning, but I guess that is true of even the real satellite SPOT devices too, right?

And so, in less than 24 hours, we'll be off! Hope we can get a few winks tonight

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Sounds awesome Fred.

You'll be coming by my neighborhood on your way to Niagara Falls (I'm thinking you're taking Rte's 5 & 20?). Hope the weather holds up, your bike sure looks nice and shiny, maybe it will stay that way :) well, at least for a long while. It rained VERY hard here yesterday (Sun about 4pm - 7pm). Flooded areas and several roads n streets shut down, but mostly east of Geneva.

Have a fun and safe trip! Looking forward to your reports.

Sounds great safe and keep us updated with your progress...

Have a great and safe trip. Will be along with you vicariously through Spotwalla.

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Fred, be safe. Have fun. Post pics.
I will be looking forward to this thread each day so please make it worth our while.
Oh gosh. No pressure there...

No Spot info yet? 11.25am, Josie must be holding up the train
Ummm... not leaving 'till tomorrow AM.

Thanks for the well wishes everyone. See ya' in the funnies!


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I hope you and TMJ have a wonderful ride. I am sure you already know, but downstream from the Falls past the cable car is a fun ride. I think it is called "Whirlpool Jet Boat Rides"

You can get significant coupons on line. AND if you book the last ride of the day, most times it will be the longer ride. You will get wet however!

Have a blast, sounds like a wonderful trip/adventure!

Fred, be safe. Have fun. Post pics.
I will be looking forward to this thread each day so please make it worth our while.
Oh gosh. No pressure there...

No Spot info yet? 11.25am, Josie must be holding up the train
Ummm... not leaving 'till tomorrow AM.

Thanks for the well wishes everyone. See ya' in the funnies!

So RFH really means is the '4-score' of motorcycling pic entertainment...

Scenery, Fun Roads, Beer & Women. (not in any particular order of course)

....Probably can nix the later one with Josie going however


Sry Fred, thought you were venturing out today. Would of been nice through NY tho, mid to upper 70's and clear! Hope it stays!

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Stay safe, can't wait to see the RR coming in hopefully daily. Take notes I may do this next year.

Praying for a safe trip,

