Friend considering a motorcycle

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Andre, go ahead ride a dude in front of Stewart's Place, on 1st St in Snohomish and have a beer, on a Friday or Saturday. tonight is good it is jammed, Don't forget it is 6 miles from a Max Pen in Monroe too. Somethings are not about being a wimp, homophobic or whatever, it is self preservation.
Mind explaining why the flock I would do that even if I were riding solo on the FJR? I mean, be serious. The guy is asking for a ride around the block. Not a ride to freaking Sturgis on a pink moped.

If you're looking for self preservation, don't put yourself in a packed biker bar that's near a pen, EVER!. Your argument holds no water.

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well guyz .......

I gotta confession to make: Twice I've had a dude as pillion.

What hasn't been talked about here on this thread is the trauma that is forever associated with going through such a conflict with the natural laws of nature. A 2guyz/1bike mistake has ramifications that go much deeper than the shallow thinking on this thread. I'm personally proof of this.

+ First time, a few years ago my guy friend Jim blew an oil cooler clicky on his Triumph Tiger out in sticks -dirtville middle of nowhere. I hauled his ass out on dirt roads 2-up and then another 100or so miles on pavement. God taught me a lesson though, as while we were 2-up, passing a vehicle at about 90MPH I blew a rear tire.


yep, my palzy jim was smiling here because he got a free ride. -While I'm out in the cold plugging a rear blown tiir.

~Quite the experience, and my only high-speed blow-out was obviously a direct result of violating the 2guyz/1bike law-of-nature

+ second time was recently, when a member of this forum mounted my bike with an assault weapon and we attempted to kill other 2guy/1bike sinners out the the blackrock playa.


Here Beerme giving me a luv hug while I grab for his ass. **** can happen when 2guyz/1bike sinning is allowed.


...and here the love is over, you can see it in our faces ...we've just been shot to phuck ..the price of 2guyz/1bike sinning.

~Beerme and I have had a long, great 2guyz/2bike relationship for years ....with lots of good riding. This day of 2guys/1bike has set us back for a long time. Something that I'm very sad about. No good can come from 2guyz/1bike

In short: I think this goes much deeper than the flip' answers here -remember 2guyz/1bike is violation of natural order that will be with you forever should you go that direction. Pleaze boyz, learn from my mistakes, don't duplicate them.

BTW: MSF course for someone who wants to get the feeling of riding a bike? You gotta be kidding me. Go take a MSF course and tell me if that gives you a thrill --phuck no.

Get that guy on a bike and have him learn like any red-blooded american boy twisting the throttle and having some fun (preferably on dirt, but either way).

If he likes it and wants to play parking-lot for a weekend then MSF is fine at that point.

BTW: MSF course for someone who wants to get the feeling of riding a bike? You gotta be kidding me. Go take a MSF course and tell me if that gives you a thrill --phuck no.Get that guy on a bike and have him learn like any red-blooded american boy ....

If he likes it and wants to play parking-lot for a weekend then MSF is fine at that point.

Actually, over the years I've given many guys rides on the bike-it has been, after all, sometimes my sole means of transport. No different, really, than having a female on the back, the screams are just at a lower octave. Well, usually. Truth is, I don't like any passengers, they're all dead weight in my opinion, and always detract from the performance capabilities of the bike, and performance is the main reason I ride one. But, in a pinch, or for any good reason, really, hop on and we're outta here. Just don't lets make a habit of it. In fact, several friends have begun riding due in no small part to having had a ride with me-and several have mentioned they'd had opportunities to in the past, but didn't trust the pilot; I took this with no small sense of pride, which doesn't hurt either. ;)

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my brother asked me to give him a ride to the shop where his bike was and i said ok. so there i am hugged to the tank so tight that if he wanted to give me a reach around he couldn't. now we are not small boys. i'm 5'9" 260 lbs and he is 5' 10" 240 lbs. yes the bike was overloaded. we came to a stoplight and there on the corner were a couple of lovely young ladies and what does my brother do??? he reaches up and squeezes my moobs right in front of aforementioned young ladies.

i think i ran the redlight at that point :blink:

so i say give the guy a ride unless it is your ******* brother

I would agree with the MSF course or some other venue that would allow him to ride and crash their bike. I vote against the passenger thing, not because I am homophobic, but because I leaned to ride a MC riding on the TANK of a Suzuki TS90 with my uncle. I spent some time holding onto the metal cross-bar between the handle bars, then he let me have the bars by myself, and eventually, I ran the entire bike; all while he sat behind me. Never crashed that bike once. The issue is that I was about 7 or 8 years old and he was 14/15. I don't think you should let your friend ride on the tank of your FJR. Besides, it doesn't have a cross-bar. Riding on the back will teach him nothing unless he just wants to know if it will scare the Hell out of him or not.

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:yahoo: Rationalize:

To devise self-satisfying but incorrect reasons for one's behavior.apologize: defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning; "rationalize the child's seemingly crazy behavior"; "he rationalized his ...

Main Entry: ra·tio·nal·ize

Pronunciation: \ˈrash-nə-ˌlīz, ˈra-shə-nə-ˌlīz\

Function: verb

Inflected Form(s): ra·tio·nal·ized; ra·tio·nal·iz·ing

Date: 1803

transitive verb

1: to bring into accord with reason or cause something to seem reasonable: as a: to substitute a natural for a supernatural explanation of <rationalize a myth> b: to attribute (one's actions) to rational and creditable motives without analysis of true and especially unconscious motives <rationalized his dislike of his brother> ; broadly : to create an excuse or more attractive explanation for <rationalize the problem>rationalize

To devise self-satisfying but incorrect reasons for one's behavior.apologize: defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning; "rationalize the child's seemingly crazy behavior"; "he rationalized his ...

Main Entry: ra·tio·nal·ize

Pronunciation: \ˈrash-nə-ˌlīz, ˈra-shə-nə-ˌlīz\

Function: verb

Inflected Form(s): ra·tio·nal·ized; ra·tio·nal·iz·ing

Date: 1803

transitive verb

1: to bring into accord with reason or cause something to seem reasonable: as a: to substitute a natural for a supernatural explanation of <rationalize a myth> b: to attribute (one's actions) to rational and creditable motives without analysis of true and especially unconscious motives <rationalized his dislike of his brother> ; broadly : to create an excuse or more attractive explanation for <rationalize the problem> :yahoo:

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Riding on the back will teach him nothing unless he just wants to know if it will scare the Hell out of him or not.
Or if he will enjoy the feeling of riding. Believe it or not, some actually don't like the wind-air-leaning the bike-physical forces, etc. Better to find out as a passenger, then further his pursuit via MSF and buying a bike he can handle, control and learn on, eventually graduating to whatever bike he really wants.

Better to find out as a passenger, then further his pursuit via MSF and buying a bike he can handle, control and learn on, eventually graduating to whatever bike he really wants.
Tis how I learned... 4 years as pillion and then, when ready, MSF course and piloting my own. Fergoodnessake, give the guy a quick run on the back (don't tell anyone, don't drive by any biker bars, etc.), hand him a card for the MSF and be done with it. What kind of friend are you?? :rolleyes:

Actually, over the years I've given many guys rides on the bike-it has been, after all, sometimes my sole means of gratification. No different, really, than having a female on the back, the screams are just at a lower octave.
Damn, Rad -- you coming out and saying you're bi? :lol: B)

In fact, several friends have begun riding men due in no small part to having had a ride with me-and several have mentioned they'd looked for opportunities to spoon in the past, but wouldn't thrust a pilot without award winning man-****s; I took this with no small sense of pride, which doesn't hurt either.


Ain't no way anyone is going to get a sense of how thrilling the sensation of riding is in a MSF class. Whether the newby engages in the process Rad and his "friends" went through or is simply interested in experiencing the general sense of having a competent pilot show him what riding is really like, I think you gotta let the guy climb on the back.

:lol: :)

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Ain't no way anyone is going to get a sense of how thrilling the sensation of riding is in a MSF class. Whether the newby engages in the process Rad and his "friends" went through or is simply interested in experiencing the general sense of having a competent pilot show him what riding is really like, I think you gotta let the guy climb on my back. I'll give 'im a ride he'll never forget. :lol: :)
One good turn.......... :p


Give him the ride. Do a real thorough briefing about getting on and off the bike, holding himself away from the rider during braking, protective gear, keeping his feet on the pegs, leaning into corners, etc. Just take it easy so you don't scare him off. He does not need to see what an FJR can really do on his first motorcycle ride.


Time for the younger generation to step in. Give the guy a ride, there is no way a 200cc enduro is going to have the same feeling as a 1300cc sport bike. Next, if your a real man it doesn't matter if someone sits on the back for a few miles to see what it's like. Not that big of a deal, nuff said.


Better to find out as a passenger, then further his pursuit via MSF and buying a bike he can handle, control and learn on, eventually graduating to whatever bike he really wants.
Tis how I learned... 4 years as pillion and then, when ready, MSF course and piloting my own. Fergoodnessake, give the guy a quick run on the back (don't tell anyone, don't drive by any biker bars, etc.), hand him a card for the MSF and be done with it. What kind of friend are you?? :rolleyes:
Damn! Cute, rides and a sense of humor. You rock Tyler. As for the rest of you, having a guy on the back of your bike doesn't make you gay: Having a boyfriend does. But seriously. I've ridden thousands of miles with my son on the back, he's a very proficient dirt rider but not old enough to drive on the street. He loves our rides together. When you take someone new to bikes on the back, just remember they won't be as at ease as you, so take it easy until they feel comfortable. Sure you could scare the hell out of them, but then they might not become a riding buddy and buy you lunch. Or keep you warm on those long, cold winter nights........... Tyler, I hope you take your daughter for rides so she can see if it's for her. No reason us guys should have all the fun. Is it just me? Or do never see any leather clad man on man action other than on Harleys. Just an observation. :rolleyes:

Damn! Cute, rides and a sense of humor. You rock Tyler. As for the rest of you, having a guy on the back of your bike doesn't make you gay: Having a boyfriend does. But seriously. I've ridden thousands of miles with my son on the back, he's a very proficient dirt rider but not old enough to drive on the street. He loves our rides together. When you take someone new to bikes on the back, just remember they won't be as at ease as you, so take it easy until they feel comfortable. Sure you could scare the hell out of them, but then they might not become a riding buddy and buy you lunch. Or keep you warm on those long, cold winter nights........... Tyler, I hope you take your daughter for rides so she can see if it's for her. No reason us guys should have all the fun. Is it just me? Or do never see any leather clad man on man action other than on Harleys. Just an observation. :rolleyes:
Hell, yes, I ride with my daughter on the back (in addition to dirt riding)... we just did a week long stint on a rented 1200RT (I called it the Mother Ship... :lol: ) in Europe this past summer with some friends. In the planning stages for a 2-week trip through the northwest this coming summer. Riding is a joy... a spiritual endeavor. To share that with anyone - male, female, son, daughter, friend, 2-up, solo bikes, whatever - is truly a gift. I hope the OP has given his friend a jaunt on the back. :)
