Frun Wif Engrish

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Getting a little overzealous with the jimmy's now, aren't we? You gonna sit at the registration table and say "Here's your wrist badge, here's your shirt, don't forget your informational materials... oh and ... PIYOW! here's your honorary WFO jimmy kick...."

Or have you just become enamored with the sound of the words "jimmy kick"? :rolleyes: I think I need to buy you an adult beverage....
It does have a certain poetic ring to it, which is why I like the term - kinda like "PIYOW". ;)

Well, in bozo's case it would be a "timmy kick", much less imposing than he would lead you to believe. Delivered wearing his trademark footwear

residents of retirement homes, tired of his shakedowns, have been known to "rheumy kick" his ass all over the place.

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PS Thanks fjrchik. I appreciate the promo you did there. ;)
yer most welcome. guess i'm starting to get a little bit excited, huh! ;) well it is better than Christmas!!! :D

Well, in bozo's case it would be a "timmy kick", much less imposing than he would lead you to believe. Delivered wearing his trademark footwear
residents of retirement homes, tired of his shakedowns, have been known to "rheumy kick" his ass all over the place.
oh god the painful memories you just brought back. those puppies will hurt ya, i promise!

So, I'm too lazy to read the whole thread, who do I contact to get my money back?
One JK... heavy on the tread... ooooOOOOOrrrrderrrrr UP!

You guys crack me up... Rad... Timmy kick... i'm still laughing.... :lol:

So, I'm too lazy to read the whole thread, who do I contact to get my money back?
Look up.


Well, in bozo's case it would be a "timmy kick", much less imposing than he would lead you to believe. Delivered wearing his trademark footwear
residents of retirement homes, tired of his shakedowns, have been known to "rheumy kick" his ass all over the place.
Damn, Toots, I didn't know you did ballet, too! Guess it kinda compliments your Ethel Merman gig, eh?

From the Fee page of the WFO6 website:

The WFO-6 Rally Fee is $140 per person, payable via PayPal or by Cashier's Check/Money Order. This fee is non-refundable.

We have had a few requests for Rally Fee refunds for various reasons in the last few weeks. As much as we'd like to oblige these requests, it is simply not possible to do so. Keep in mind that we have already committed a goodly amount of the paid fees and resources as deposits on services, shirts, logistics, and so on. To try and unwind the detail for refunds is a huge PIA at this time (or any, really) for us to do so.

This is a non-profit event and as such, our budget scrapes the bone as is. We have no - zero, zilch, nada - wiggle room should additional, unforeseen expenses be incurred. This is all based on our budget forecast of the number of attendees rolled up from previous WFO's. Expecting refunds potentially puts the burden of contractual obligations of monetary shortages directly on the shoulders of the Staff's personal checkbooks - not a desirous result by any means. We (the Volunteer Event Staff) also have full time jobs and families with which we would like to spend some time with outside of planning, promoting and administering this event.

So, I ask you; if you've committed funds to join us at The FJR Event of the Year, then please do so. If you paid and can't make it, be secure in knowing that you still made it possible for others to enjoy the show to its fullest. That's good juju that will come back at you in other ways.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


WFO-6 Rally Master

Well, circumstances have dictated that my son and I will not be able to attend....

but WTF...Ya'll have a good time....

while I'm sweating moving from Ohio to Texas..... (TEXAS? Never thot that would happen...!)

It rains in Texas in the summer! Those Utah rides sound way more fun than packing boxes of dishes!

Sometimes life get in the way of living, and this is one of those times.

Everyone ride safe and have fun!

Mary aka Krashdragon

and I haven't even sold my FJR yet... but she does have new rubber...<G>

Well, circumstances have dictated that my son and I will not be able to attend....but WTF...Ya'll have a good time....

while I'm sweating moving from Ohio to Texas..... (TEXAS? Never thot that would happen...!)

It rains in Texas in the summer! Those Utah rides sound way more fun than packing boxes of dishes!

Sometimes life get in the way of living, and this is one of those times.

Everyone ride safe and have fun!
Moving??? That sounds like a lot more fun than hanging out with a bunch of low-life, scum-sucking, bottom-feeding FJR-owning, Biker dudes and dudettes in Beeyootifull Utah. Oh yeah! Fer Shure! :glare:

Sorry you have to sell the FJR, but you're keeping the (unnamed-brand-assembled-in-Milwaukee) other bike, aren't you?

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