FYI-This is Squid, a close friend of GalaxyBlue (Adam)

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2005
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I am at Adam's house on his computer while he is in the hospital. Last night Adam suffered a major heart attack, and is still sedated, will be for some time. Although they placed one stent last night, he is far from out of the woods at this time. His heart had several other blockages, that they plan to address as soon as his is strong enough to undergo more surgery.

At the time of the attack, he was with two friends that administered CPR until the paramedics got there, whom them used the defibrillator to restart his heart. With no one knowing exactly how long his brain was without oxygen, at this time there is no real way of telling how much or if any brain damage he might have suffered. They plan to keep him sedated for at least 2-3 more days, giving time for other treatments to make their effect, so that hopefully he will regain strength to under go any more operations.

Although Adam has not real family here in MO, he has plenty of friends, as there were over 30'er in the waiting room and hallways well into the morning hours. There has been a tread started on SWMO in regards to Adam and his wellbeing and I am placing a link here for his FJR friends to be able to read up on his condition.

Thank you all, and for those that pray, Adam needs your prayers now.



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Adam was very fortunate to have trained rescuers that close. Thank you for being there, bless you all and keep us posted.

Man, this just sucks. All the positive mo-jo I can muster is headed Adam's way. I consider my life a little better since having the privilege of meeting him at WFO in Reno this past summer.

Man, this just sucks. All the positive mo-jo I can muster is headed Adam's way. I consider my life a little better since having the privilege of meeting him at WFO in Reno this past summer.

I'm pulling for you as well Adam. You gotta pull through damn it, I just mailed you a hydration kit!!

Adam is a heck of a nice guy and I have had many phone conversations with him discussing various aspects of the FJR. Hang in there.

Wow.... what a shocker, I know Adam and road with him. Man hang in there, you're in my prayers.

Here is a picture of Adam updating the FJRForum with his laptop during Smitty's spring 2006 Hooterville ride...


He is definitely a friendly guy...has given me a call from his truck when passing through...

What horrible news! I was just looking at Adam's profile and he is only 33 years old. Hang in there buddy you have a whole lotta living and riding years ahead of you. We are going to muster up all the good vibes that we have and send them your way to get you fixed up and back on the road. Thank you for posting that information and make sure you keep us informed as to his progress....


Dammit it all to hell, GB!! You'd better get well or I'll come up there and kick your ass! Positive vibes beaming your way, bro.
