FYI-This is Squid, a close friend of GalaxyBlue (Adam)

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Adam is awake! :D

OK I'm here with his mom and dad and here is what We know so far. He is totally awake and coherant. He is asking questions so his thought process is working great. He has short term memory loss, but we all knew that was going to happen. It will come back with time. There appears to be no neuro damage. His motor skills are there. A little rusty from not using them. He was writing questions for us. The Dr. will be here around noon and we will be able to get some more answers from him at that time. We are going to get his computer up to him today if the Dr. will let us. He will be off the ventalator about noon also so he will be able to actually talk. Like Steve said, he is not out of the woods yet but he is able to see the light through the trees. As soon as I get more info I will let you all know. Keep praying.
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Adam is awake! :D

OK I'm here with his mom and dad and here is what We know so far. He is totally awake and coherant. He is asking questions so his thought process is working great. He has short term memory loss, but we all knew that was going to happen. It will come back with time. There appears to be no neuro damage. His motor skills are there. A little rusty from not using them. He was writing questions for us. The Dr. will be here around noon and we will be able to get some more answers from him at that time. We are going to get his computer up to him today if the Dr. will let us. He will be off the ventalator about noon also so he will be able to actually talk. Like Steve said, he is not out of the woods yet but he is able to see the light through the trees. As soon as I get more info I will let you all know. Keep praying.
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That's fantastic news!!!!!


As far as sending him something to the hospital, based on my past experiences, I don't know if that's a great idea. With his condition, he's probably going to bounce around to a few departments before he gets settled in and, sometimes when that happens, things (cards, flowers, gifts, etc) sometimes don't make it to the right place.

If one of his friends/roommates wants to be the recipient, perhaps it would be best to hook up with them and have it sent to the house rather than the hospital.

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They don't want to let him have the power cord for his laptop in the room with him. It may be a little speratic on when he posts on here. We will do our best to keep his battery up for him. He is getting better. It was truely a great thing to see him up and talking. I wish I could have gotten that one on film. They wouldn't let me turn my phone on to get video and I didn't even think of bringing my camera there. They have some pics that we took with Adams phone getting posted on the SWMO site. They are from all the people that were there the night it happened. I will be stopping by tomarrow to see him and I will let you all know how he is. Thank you all very much for your thoughts and prayers.

Excellent news! When he starts talking about pretty nurses you'll know for sure he's fine. Makes me very happy to hear!
GB posted this little jewel on th swmo sportbike forum yesterday morning.

Secondly, There is a really hot nurse working the night shift, And her name is Jennifer!

Wow - just caught up after being away for a few days and read this whole post. Damn, dude! It is painful to see our friends have things like this happen to them.

Wishing you the fastest of recoveries and hoping you are back in the saddle soon.

33 years is waaaaay too young to be dealing with this. I hope you don't need the CABG. Once this is over, you'll have to make some lifestyle changes to make sure this doesn't happen again!


Ok here is the latest. He is no longer in CCU/ICU. He has been moved to a regular room for those that are visiting you will want to go to room 4270D. You will find him there. Visiting hours are 9 to 9, there is another dude in his room though, so we have to behave. We don't know how long he will be in that room. The Dr decided to go ahead and do the surgery this week. They are looking are Monday or Tuesday. We don't know if he will go back to that room or not. We will try our best to keep you update here also. They are going to limit the amount of people that are able to visit Adam. I know I say this every time but I really do thank all of you for keeping Adam in your thoughts and prayers.

The same happened to me some months ago,(was having a stent fitted to fix a partially blocked artery),

Recovered now and just bought a 2007 FJR,busy setting it up to suit me and adding Skyways farcles to it,

dont despair you will be right mate,all the best for a speedy recovery.

While they're in there working, do you think they could install a remote-controlled governor? It might be the only way some of us slower riders can keep up with Adam in the twisty parts of the road. :construction:

Adam, get well soon! We met at SFO last fall and I'm looking forward to seeing you out riding again. Do what they tell you, get some rest, take your meds, and go easy on the nurses.

