G2 Throttle Tamer

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Feb 9, 2008
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
After reading the best farkle survey on this forum I decided to purchase the G2 throttle tamer . I had a close call when I first got the bike a few months ago . Going into an intersection to make a right turn , (you know one of those california right turns )you kinda slow down to look for cop and cars and then keep going . Anyway I came off the throttle for a second then back on again going into the turn . There was a lag when I was expecting some power and then a stronger thrust than I was expecting which almost shot me and the bike into the median / oncoming cars .I was able to control it but it sure got my attention . Since then I have gotten a better feel for it but still don't fully feel comfortable in that situation . After waiting impatiently for a week or so I got the G2 thottle tube yesterday . Put it on last night and of course had to take it for a test ride . WOW ... as usual the forum was dead on ! What a difference , the throttle response was smooth and responsive . It kinda pisses me off that Yamaha would let the bike be sold with such a potetially dangerous lag and go when the fix is so simple . The hardest part of the swap was getting the grip off .After fighting with it for 15 - 20 min I figured there had to be an easier way . What I ended up doing was taking a long thin scewdriver ,shoving it between the grip and the thottle tube and sliding two tyrap in on either side .I did that in four spot -8 tyraps . With the tube off the bike I put a file with a wooden handle in the vice and just pulled down on the grip . It took a good amount of force but the grip slid right off . I just reversed that to put it back on . That was even easier . I'm sure there may be an even easier way but this worked really well for me . Thanks again for the forum , I also just had the ECU recall done and it fixed the altitude problem . You guys rock !!

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Thanks , I'll try that next time . Probably should have asked for tips first and then done the install . Instructions I don't need no stinking instructions :blink: . Mostly I wanted to let anybody considering this G2 mod or anyone who has had the same problem with the thottle abruptness how well this worked for me .Thanks

Mostly I wanted to let anybody considering this G2 mod or anyone who has had the same problem with the thottle abruptness how well this worked for me .Thanks
No. Thank YOU. Mine was delivered today (from BikeEffects). Glad to hear other's glee.

I've been putting up with the jerky bullshit for 8 months ( 18,000 miles!), thinking I'd get used to it. I'm a hard head that way.

BTW, freebird, your profile info thing says you're still "Other or considering"??

While the G2 has many members touting its greatness, there are others (like myself) who aren't overwhelmed by the device. It does work but how well is a matter of opinion.

I personally think that you can get a better feel for the throttle with it but still need the seat time to really get the most out of it. My 06 throttle is much smoother now that I've ridden with the G2 for many months.

Thanks for pointing out the profile ommision. I'm new to the site and kinda weak on computer skills . As for the G2 mod , I have not put more that a few miles on the bike since I just installed it last night, so I guess I shouldn't be touting its greatness so quickly . I did how ever feel a significate difference that evening after the installation after having rode about 150 miles that afternoon . Hopefully the weather will cooperate so I can do a lot more testing .

Where does one order the G2 throtle tube and what is the part # ?
I think I will order one for my 06

Bike Effects. Look under vendor offers. He offers a discount to forum members which ends up paying for shipping. Nice of him to do so.

I bought a G2 from Bike Effects also. Only 500 or so miles with it to date, but a definite improvement. Still, the 06 I picked up used gives new meaning to the need for good throtle control as compared to the 05 which I will probably be selling soon.

There was some talk about the G2 undergoing physical changes to make it easier to install grips and possibly smoother rotating against the bar.

Can anyone that's received one lately confirm any changes?

I've thought seriously about having one electro-coated on the inside diameter to reduce the friction against the bar. Same process used on many race pistons nowadays.

While the G2 has many members touting its greatness, there are others (like myself) who aren't overwhelmed by the device. It does work but how well is a matter of opinion. I personally think that you can get a better feel for the throttle with it but still need the seat time to really get the most out of it. My 06 throttle is much smoother now that I've ridden with the G2 for many months.
ditto on the above statement. I've combined the G2 , the FREd H. modification, and some extended seat time. I'm still not elated with the result, but its a world of difference from what we started with. This was definitly an issue that yamaha should have considered a recall over. Its a glaring issue that has haunted the mag testers and owners since its inception.


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Just installed the G2 I recieved a few days ago . Not sure what type of change they might have made ? The grip went on pretty easy , and it seems to rotate and return same as the original tube I removed . I still have not been able to put much time on the bike due to rain , but the test run I did after the installation felt good , smooth and responsive would be the best disciption . That momentary lag seemed to be gone . The one thing I wonder is if this will affect the over all acceleration . In other words have I given up something to get this smoothness ? I can't wait for the weather to clear so I can do some testing and find out for sure .

Just installed the G2 I recieved a few days ago . Not sure what type of change they might have made ? The grip went on pretty easy , and it seems to rotate and return same as the original tube I removed . I still have not been able to put much time on the bike due to rain , but the test run I did after the installation felt good , smooth and responsive would be the best disciption . That momentary lag seemed to be gone . The one thing I wonder is if this will affect the over all acceleration . In other words have I given up something to get this smoothness ? I can't wait for the weather to clear so I can do some testing and find out for sure .
I haven't noticed any real difference. It still passes with ease in 5th doing 80mph on the slab and if you need to accelerate just grab a handful and drop down one. Once this motor hits the 6 grand threshold, it doesn't give a rat's ass what kind of throttle tube you have. Giddy Up.

Just installed the G2 I recieved a few days ago . Not sure what type of change they might have made ? The grip went on pretty easy , and it seems to rotate and return same as the original tube I removed . I still have not been able to put much time on the bike due to rain , but the test run I did after the installation felt good , smooth and responsive would be the best disciption . That momentary lag seemed to be gone . The one thing I wonder is if this will affect the over all acceleration . In other words have I given up something to get this smoothness ?
The important thing to understand is that while the throttle won't open quite as quickly during the first 1/4 turn or so, it will open every bit as far. So no, you haven't given up anything except the abruptness of the off-idle transition.

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