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I made it!!! Surgery was successful, now I am in pain, but getting better. Thanks for all your help.
Good for you, now don't make the mistake I did and get back to normal activities at full strength right away. Pace yourself and work up to your normal levels slowly, it'll hurt less, I promise.

I made it!!! Surgery was successful, now I am in pain, but getting better. Thanks for all your help.
Hey, good for you! I hope that your recovery is quick & complete.

I had my gall bladder taken out about 5-6 years ago. It was done lapriscopically. I was up & around partying, in my apartment of couse, in 2-3 days. People were coming over to visit & I'd tell them "come on in... want a beer?"

I had a week off of work & it was way more than I needed. I did like partying those days, though.

Now, all that said, repeat after me... I will not get too far away from a bathroom after eating, I will not get too far away from a bathroom after eating, etc.

But seriously, my body was still adjusting to no GB for at least 2 years after surgery. My digestive system has not been the same since. You will know what I'm talking about soon. When ya' gotta' go, ya' gotta' go!


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This thread couldn't be ANY more timely...

Missus Howie goes under the knife for gallstone surgery tomorrow (Tue 0/23) morning.

Pass along your good wishes, m'kay?



I made it!!! Surgery was successful, now I am in pain, but getting better. Thanks for all your help.
But seriously, my body was still adjusting to no GB for at least 2 years after surgery. My digestive system has not been the same since. You will know what I'm talking about soon. When ya' gotta' go, ya' gotta' go!

With me I never have had a problem with my digestive system after having my gall bladder removed but I've known people like you who have. Must be an individualized reaction.

BTW, luvtiride did you get the gall stones as a souvenirs? :blink:

RadioHowie.....Good luck to your wife and tell her to milk the recovery time for all its worth!

RadioHowie.....Good luck to your wife and tell her to milk the recovery time for all its worth!
Funny you mentioned it...we JUST talked about this thread and "milking" it...she's scheduled to be out of work 'til 11/05!

That's milk, cheese, butter AND yogurt, from what I've gleaned from this thread. :)

RadioHowie.....Good luck to your wife and tell her to milk the recovery time for all its worth!
Funny you mentioned it...we JUST talked about this thread and "milking" it...she's scheduled to be out of work 'til 11/05!

That's milk, cheese, butter AND yogurt, from what I've gleaned from this thread. :)
And what are you going to do...argue with her? Good luck with that. :eek:


BTW, thank you are learning( :p ) me a new word....fucktard. I can't wait to try it out in a conversation.


RadioHowie.....Good luck to your wife and tell her to milk the recovery time for all its worth!
Funny you mentioned it...we JUST talked about this thread and "milking" it...she's scheduled to be out of work 'til 11/05!

That's milk, cheese, butter AND yogurt, from what I've gleaned from this thread. :)
And what are you going to do...argue with her? Good luck with that. :eek:


BTW, thank you are learning( :p ) me a new word....fucktard. I can't wait to try it out in a conversation.

:D KarmaTron doesn't have enough wiggle room for me to even be in the same thread with the kind of horrendous language you just used. :p

Oh, here in the South, that would be "larnin'".

When I had attacks it would literally knock me to the ground. There was a woman in the room next to mine in the hospital who told me that gall stones were more painful then child birth.
You know this is interesting, I have had 3 instances over the past 6-7 years where I have had to go to the ER and feeling like a Mac truck is parked on my abdomen just under the ribs. CT scan says nothing but it is an intense pain that nothing but morphene seems to resolve. And by resolve I mean "thanks doc I'm headed back to work" They have jacked me up to incoherent on other shit only to have nightmares about being run over and being crushed with a giant pair of blue handeled plyers, only to wake up in the same pain. I wonder if it is gallstones.

Oh yeah good luck with the surgery (i geuss now to howies SO), sounds like a snap.

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Quick update:

The Beast from 1955, a.k.a. "She Who Must Be Obeyed", a.k.a. Missus Howie, came through the snip-snip 100%.

She's on the couch in La-La Land. She wanted to do some laundry (hers, not mine) but that's just the Percocet talkin'.

:) :) :)

Good deal. Take good care of her, Howie. There's not many women in this ole world that will put up with guys like us. When we find one, we have to be extra careful not to mess up.

I made it!!! Surgery was successful, now I am in pain, but getting better. Thanks for all your help.
Walk as much as possible. It helped me recover, even though the stitches/staples hurt like a bugger. That was the worst part. Well, 2nd worse part. As you know, the attack itself is agonizingly painful. My mother had her's out after I did, and she said it was far worse that child birthing. In a word, WOW!

Quick update:
The Beast from 1955, a.k.a. "She Who Must Be Obeyed", a.k.a. Missus Howie, came through the snip-snip 100%.

She's on the couch in La-La Land. She wanted to do some laundry (hers, not mine) but that's just the Percocet talkin'.

:) :) :)
good deal!

When I had attacks it would literally knock me to the ground. There was a woman in the room next to mine in the hospital who told me that gall stones were more painful then child birth.
You know this is interesting, I have had 3 instances over the past 6-7 years where I have had to go to the ER and feeling like a Mac truck is parked on my abdomen just under the ribs. CT scan says nothing but it is an intense pain that nothing but morphene seems to resolve. And by resolve I mean "thanks doc I'm headed back to work" They have jacked me up to incoherent on other shit only to have nightmares about being run over and being crushed with a giant pair of blue handeled plyers, only to wake up in the same pain. I wonder if it is gallstones.

Oh yeah good luck with the surgery (i geuss now to howies SO), sounds like a snap.
You got em!!! I'm no Dr. but I'm tellin ya. You got em. I went to the ER 2 seperate times before asking for an ultra sound on my gallbladder. Ask for the ultra-sound. They show up in Neon!! I had the exact same pain, in the exact same place. Thought I was havin a heart attack. Thought I was dying!! Tremendous pain!!! Get the Ultra-sound. Good Luck!!

When I had attacks it would literally knock me to the ground. There was a woman in the room next to mine in the hospital who told me that gall stones were more painful then child birth.
You know this is interesting, I have had 3 instances over the past 6-7 years where I have had to go to the ER and feeling like a Mac truck is parked on my abdomen just under the ribs. CT scan says nothing but it is an intense pain that nothing but morphene seems to resolve. And by resolve I mean "thanks doc I'm headed back to work" They have jacked me up to incoherent on other shit only to have nightmares about being run over and being crushed with a giant pair of blue handeled plyers, only to wake up in the same pain. I wonder if it is gallstones.

Oh yeah good luck with the surgery (i geuss now to howies SO), sounds like a snap.
Have yourself checked out for your gallbladder - sounds like you 'got a problem Houston'. Had mine out 10 years ago, but I don't think stones were the issue. Had intermittent pain (just below my rib cage) occasionally for a year or so, thought it was heartburn or something because it would only last a short period, but painful as hell. Then one night it started and didn't quite, the worst pain I've ever felt, had to go to ER - demerol (lots of it) did the trick. A week later hit me again, worse, in the morning this time. Called my Doc and told him to meet me at the hospital - NOW! He did and still couldn't diagnose it. They injected me with a nuclear particle into my wrist and watched it travel through my body as I layed under a scope for 45 minutes or so. When it got to my gallbladder it stoped. Doc said gallbladder probelms in guys are rare, I wasn't looking for it, it's a 4 F disease. Whats '4 F' I say? He says "female, fat, forty and fertile". I says 'Well I'm 3 of the four". Emergency surgery about 2 hours later. Surgeon says "don't worry we do it laparoscopically, 3 small holes 'bellbutton, side, etc." I wake up three hours later, and had been sliced open like a stuffed pig, 12 inch slice, clamps holding me together, the whole shot, WTF over? Surgeon says "sorry about that, it was so badly diseased, we couldn't use lapro as it would of spread the nasties all over the place (oh yeah, I have the 3 lapro holes [slices] anyways so evidently he tried that first), so we had to go in the old fashioned way - Jesus H Christ! Makes momma's C section scar look like a papar cut - OH well.

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Surgeon says "don't worry we do it laparoscopically, 3 small holes 'bellbutton, side, etc." I wake up three hours later, and had been sliced open like a stuffed pig, 12 inch slice, clamps holding me together, the whole shot, WTF over? Surgeon says "sorry about that, it was so badly diseased, we couldn't use lapro as it would of spread the nasties all over the place (oh yeah, I did the 3 lapro holes [slices] anyways so evidently he tried that first), so we had to go in the old fashioned way - Jesus H Christ! Makes momma's C section scar look like a papar cut - OH well.

Been there done that. I got the same scar. When the surgeon came into my hospital room I point to the lower left of my stomach and told him: "You missed a spot". ;)

So this thread is nearly eight years old but......

I woke up Sunday in excruciating pain, thinking kidneys, heart, stomach is about to explode...everything Was killing me. Ran to the ER, 9 hours later (and that's a story) , "hot Galbladder" sir.

Anyway, thought I'd plug in "gallbladder" into the searchy thing and sure as heck, it's been discussed. What a group :)

Scheduling out patient surgery shortly and that'll be that. Just thought it funny the topic as already here. Back to riding...
