Garmin Map Updating - Does it suck or is it me?

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There is actually an application that allows you to customize the voice to say whatever you want for various events. So as an example, instead of saying "Off route... recalculate?", you could change it to say: "Hey Dumb ass, you made a wrong turn!" or whatever you choose. It is downloadable from Garmin and is called "Voice Studio". Check it out.

A couple of updates ago, my 590 quit saying "recalculating". It just silently does it.
Something might have reset back to some default. Mine's up-to-date and still gives me the option. Try Settings > Navigation > Off-Route Recalculation which should allow a choice between Automatic, Off and Prompted.

^^^ this. And you really want to have it on "Prompted" to avoid the route changing on you from the recalculate.

One thing I have noticed about recalculate on the Garmin zumo 550 is that it can't be fully disabled. There is one particular time that it seems it will recalculate no matter what you have in the settings: Which is if you decide to ride backwards on your route for some reason. Then it seems to recalc no matter what. The only solution to get the original route back at that point is to "stop" the route, get headed in the right general direction and then re-start the route.

Occasionally Garmina 550 just has a mental blow-out. I recall Fred W and I experiencing the Bermuda Triangle effect as we circled around and around Lebanon NH before Fred manually intervened and led us through. At Johnson City EOM when I pressed GO to leave the hotel parking lot in the morning Garmina would cheerfully announce, "You have arrived!" and no matter how far away we got and no matter how many times I restarted the route Garmina tried to take me back to the hotel instead of leading me on the route.

The original Garmina voice pissed me off so bad on one trip that she was retired <DELETED> and replaced by Australian Garmina and now I've moved on to British Garmina who has done ok for me ;)

When I was new to GPS navigation, someplace in West Virginia I discovered the evils of RECALCULATE? and ever since I ensure that it is set to "Prompt" or "OFF". Bad Things happen immediately after answering YES to RECALCULATE?

There is actually an application that allows you to customize the voice to say whatever you want for various events. So as an example, instead of saying "Off route... recalculate?", you could change it to say: "Hey Dumb ass, you made a wrong turn!" or whatever you choose. It is downloadable from Garmin and is called "Voice Studio". Check it out.

A couple of updates ago, my 590 quit saying "recalculating". It just silently does it.
There is a separate volume adjustment for the voice prompting. You likely just need to turn that up some..

When I put an SD card in the 590, (for more music), it stopped loading once the unit itself was full and wouldn't load to the card.

Garmin tech had me make another file (forgot how), in the unit. Now, I have more albums loaded and their loading automatically from the SD card. There's nothing to click on, etc to get to the data on that card. Eliminating all the different languages you won't use will also free up some space.

For updates, mine might take 30 minutes with a down load mbps speed of 20

As I dredge this up from the past, I note that it is not yet 6 months since the last post, so it could be worse.

I have a Garmin Nuvi 2555 that is several years old and a Garmin Nuvi 65 that was purchased this Spring.

I bought the 65 following my earlier posts that the lifetime traffic and maps in the 2555 just weren't really possible after the first couple of updates because eventually the unit doesn't have enough memory to deal with the file sizes.

When I bought the 65 I saw that it could take microSD cards to expand its memory. In fact, it said on the box that maybe you would need a microSD card to do updates.

I re-read the materials that came with the 2555, and there was nothing about memory cards. I'd never run across the issue in materials I'd seen for that unit. But on examining the unit closely, I could see that there was a port that looked like it would take a microSD card.

I read the information about the 65 and noted that it did not want to have microSDHD, or microSDXC, or any other flavors of microSD. Just straight up microSD.

So I bought a couple of fast 32 GB microSD cards from Adorama for $9.95 each. I was making an order anyway.

They came, I installed the card, and it turns out I lucked out because the 32 GB size was the largest that the unit could deal with according to the Garmin Express installer.

I ran extensive updates on both units today. The Nuvi 65 took less than half an hour. It was probably already pretty close to current since it was new this Spring and since I updated it to make it current when I bought it.

The Nuvi 2555 took about two hours, but it updated without choking, or without telling me to choose regional maps. In fact, for the first time, the Garmin Express installer looked at the Nuvi 2555 and instead of telling me that I had to choose regional maps, it suggested an alternative would be to install a microSD card.

So ... the technology advances. It is finally possible to think about the prospects of lifetime maps ... at least it's possible to expect the lifetime to be more than a couple of years.

Be sure you are using the most updated version of Express. Once Express is updated do any firmware updates for the Zumo. One way to fool Express into thinking that the SD card is your device is to clone the card. Part of the problem you're having is your Zumo uses a hidden .system folder and Media Transfer Protocol. You need to change the GPS to be a USB mass storage device. The issues are described here: 665
To use this procedure on these devices, you must first set your computer to expose the hidden \.system folder. If your device operates in MTP mode (Media Transport Protocol), change it from MTP to Mass Storage mode before you continue. Note: Most of the newer devices operate in MTP mode by default. Turn on the Zumo and go to the Volume setting screen. Hold the upper right corner until a menu appears. Select MTP mode and change it to USB Storage. This lets you access the GPS folders like you are used to, and allows you to make a backup and see the map files.

To clone a SD card, insert a clean SD card in your computer. It should be formatted with FAT32. Create folder \Garmin on the SD card. Copy the file garmindevice.xml from \Garmin folder of your device into the \Garmin folder of the SD card. The garmindevice.xml file now causes Express to identify the card as the Garmin device

Leave the SD card in the computer's card reader and safely remove/eject/unplug your Garmin device from the computer.

Install and run Garmin Express or Garmin MapUpdater. You can download GarminMapUpdater for PC with this link. It should still work.

When Express or MapUpdater is finished, you should have 3 map files in the Garmin folder of the SD card: gmapprom.img, gmapprom.gma and gmapprom.unl. Rename these files to gmapsupp.img, gmapsupp.gma and gmapsupp.unl.

Garmin Express should work in MTP mode, but it's nice to make a real backup, and a lot of us want to see the files. The SD cloning trick should work for you and avoid the need to even plug in the GPS. Files transfer to the SD faster than to a GPS.
Just updating my Zumo 665 and for the first time, Garmin Express tells me there isn't enough space. I have already removed excess help files, languages and voices. Normally, I might consider loading a region but I like to have it all there. I am planning a trip to Winnipeg MB this summer and am going to swing south to see the solar eclipse in Nebraska or Wyoming. I will do some riding around there and could run off the map if I don't install everything.

I get your instructions to get the maps onto an SD card but I don't know how to "tell" the Zumo to use the new maps on the SD card rather than the outdated maps in the base memory.

Do I erase them or is there some way to direct the Zumo to the alternate map location?

Does the unit operate more slowly with maps on the SD card vs internal memory? Already REALLY slow on the 665.

I currently have an 8gb SD card in the Zumo 665. Anyone have any experience putting a 16gb card in? I like to keep 4-5 gb of music plus routes etc. on the card as well so the 8gb card won't be quite enough.

I like the idea of having the maps on the SD card - if something gets messed up, its a simple matter to insert a backup card.

Push the card with your finger nail and let it pop out of the slot. Remove it and install a 32 gb card by just pressing it into the slot until it seats.

The installer will take care of the rest automatically. The presence of the card does not perceptibly slow things down in my experience.

You shouldn't have to erase anything or do other manual mods.

Embedded software/firmware is my profession. Garmin consumer products have some of the worst firwmare ever designed for a device. They do capable hardware, but the software and firmware have always fallen short, probably because they don't put much effort into hiring or using skilled folks like me to design the OS and support software. Cannot begin to complain enough about the bugs in their consumer devices, or the lousy customer support channels.

Push the card with your finger nail and let it pop out of the slot. Remove it and install a 32 gb card by just pressing it into the slot until it seats.
The installer will take care of the rest automatically. The presence of the card does not perceptibly slow things down in my experience.

You shouldn't have to erase anything or do other manual mods.
How does the Zumo know where to get its map information? Should the older maps be removed from internal memory?

I'm certain I can format the card and move stuff onto it. I just don't know the process to make the device go to the card for the mapset. I read somewhere that the 660 would accept up to 32 gb but the 665 topped out at 8gb. Doesn't make sense to me but I have seen this in a couple of different places.

665 will accept and read 16G, I have a mix of maps and music on my 16G card. Painfully slow to read the music folders. I am pretty sure it will crap out if you try anything bigger.

I have the same "not enough space" for all of N America current maps.

I cant help you solve this. I just live with "West".

Lots of good info, like posts above, about using/cloning SD cards on the Zumo forum.

Final thought, in my experience, always always do a soft reset of the 665 after any s'ware change. Not a master reset, just a battery pull, and do wait at least 30 sec before replacing the battery.

And yes, Garmin updating does suck. Its not you.


You are probably using advanced features that I don't use, like maybe customizing routes, or playing music.

I mostly just turn mine on for the traffic info these days.

I don't have to load or erase anything.

I did the 65 and the 2555 the other day.

The 2555 took about 4 hours. The 65 took about half an hour. Both have 32 gb micro sd cards.

My son had lost the card out of the 2555, so I didn't begrudge it the 4 hours for reloading.

I used to hate the map update process, but it seems better to me than it once was.

I am to the point now where I can't trust the routing of the 665...every update of maps causes more and more questionable routing. The latest 2018 update now has the 665 wanting to make me exit and come back onto interstate 10 in east texas numerous times every time i head that way. It also has started trying to route me down unpaved roads. I now use my android phone as verification/backup if I am in an area that is unfamiliar to me. Not sure what is going on with Garmin, but they need to get their shit together.

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I am to the point now where I can't trust the routing of the 665...every update of maps causes more and more questionable routing. The latest 2018 update now has the 665 wanting to make me exit and come back onto interstate 10 in east texas numerous times every time i head that way. It also has started trying to route me down unpaved roads. I now use my android phone as verification/backup if I am in an area that is unfamiliar to me. Not sure what is going on with Garmin, but they need to get their shit together.
Got the same problem with my 660. It sucks.

Dumped my Garmin in favor of Google Maps on the iPhone in a weatherproof case.

Like you said, too many instances of, "Get off the freeway now," followed immediately by "Get on the freeway now." No matter how sexy her accent, Miss Garmin's credibility was ruined.

And, SLK50, there's no possible way that any "get off/get on" combination is shorter time or distance than staying on the freeway.

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I bought a rather pricey 595lm. Took 3 units for garmin to give me one that worked. While it works fairly well now, on its best day, it is no better than an iPhone except for 1) visibility in sunlight, 2) glove friendliness. I would not repeat the purchase, despite great pricing and support from the vendor. For $200, it'd be great. For over $600, not so much. My map/software updates take about 2 hours. I just use the updater from the website.

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^^^^^ iPhone on max bright is quite visible (auto-dimming keeps it from blinding me at night) and a LifeProof case plus AlpineStars techno-gloves mean it's touch-friendly.
