Well-known member
What are you trying to say here????Well, this rant has helped me sorta figure this out. Just by taking raclow’s advice that, “Mapsource only wants simple things…†I was in fact able to find Georgia Ave NW in Wash DC. Raclow opened a door – you just have to think of yourself as a mindless, lazy, shiftless, pimple-faced, teenager who possess the logic and reasoning skills of a gastropod mollusk (slug), and bingo, you’re in, a whole new world opens up.
I also was able to figure out how to make a route file and have a couple of waypoints listed – again, not intuitive, but not bad if you put yourself in the right mindset (see above). I am mildly optimistic that I can actually use the MapSource program – I only hope that I am able to return to the world of reason, logic, and human interaction after each MapSource experience.
I stand by my comments that this isn’t “intuitive.†For instance, you need to list what city and state the street you’re looking for is in (sorry, bad English) – ok, then how come when the screen comes up it doesn’t ask for City, State, number, street in that order? No, it lists the data required in the “classical†mailing address order so one has to jump around to input required data - damn, there I go “thinking†again.
Thank you raclow – you are the Socrates of GPS!
This would be a good program to mess with if you are looking to give your brain a break. So, consider again where this program has to be used and how many different people have to use it.
This is how you address a letter, right? Name, Street Address, City, State, Zip
No Socrates here. Just a person that believes every program isn't going to work the way I think it should. But since I didn't write the program, I better learn how to work the program to extract the information I know is in there for me and everyone else.
I know some great boat captains, but that doesn't mean all of them can use a plotter or GPS unit. Same with engineers, doctors, lawyers......etc. You get the picture.
As you continue to tink around in the program, it will become easier and easier. Do this for a week and this thread will be a joke to you.... :yahoo:
Take care and happy navigating!!!!
PS: Because Walter Reed is a governmental facility, and not open to the general public, Garmin doesn't add it to its programming. If you can't get in without some official badge, why send people there as a waypoint or general public facility?
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