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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
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I’m considering a newer GPS (276C?) and remember reading a post on the EZ Board about a GPS dealer that gave FJR owners a discount, any info, suggestions? Ian, Iowa


The gentleman offering GPS at cost to FJR owners is the owner of Autonav2000.

I have exchanged emails with James at the following address

jkeh at

I have also talked to Rick at the phone number listed on the web site. Very helpful folks and, yes, their prices were very good.


I bought a 276c from GPSNOW. I shopped around, it was the best price I could find. You will have to (put it in the shpping basket to see the lowest price)..How this helps ;)

garmin 276c


EZBoard Classified Advertising

I bought the 276c on 2/15/05. It has the auto nav kit. It include a dash mount(sand bag) power cord with speaker. Automotive Mount w/ adhesive base. Garmin City Select North America v6 - provides detail maps throughout the USA and much of Canada. Supports auto-routing GPS receivers. Garmin 128 meg. data card, Also comes with a direct wire, to hook to a direct power source. I will also include a ram cradle mount. Send me a PM with a phone # if I can be more help. You may want to visit this site for more info.. $695.. and its your, please let me know. I have several people interested..also I will send you a copy of the receipt. If you have a warrenty problem down the road, I will be happy to help/send it in if needed...Thanks again Smitty
My Webpage

Cost from My Webpage

Garmin GPSMAP 276C Package 010-00331-00 $589.95

Are you sure you are not making money from selling your USED 276c's Garmin on this forum? for selling it at $695 used when you can buy a new one for only $576.78 which is my cost?

Yours is a used 276c is it not after you installed it on your bike right?

Auto Nav cost to FJR memembers for the NEW NOT refurbished or USED 276c Garmin GPSMAP 276C p/n. 010-00331-00 is $576.78

Just doing what you are doing here on the board, letting FJR members know where there is a better deal as you have put it!

I know is not much of a saving, but it is more then what most for profit GPS stores is selling them for. ;)

04FJR4ME wonders:

"Are you sure you are not making money from selling your USED 276c's Garmin on this forum? for selling it at $695 used when you can buy a new one for only $576.78 which is my cost?"

But doesn't his ad say included in the package is the automotive mount which is an option at an additional cost of $200+?


Thanks Piggy for setting mister.. I sell for cost buy from me strait., I gave around $855. for the 276c with the autonav kit and shipping. I changed my mine, and going to keep it. I was alway told if you don't know what you are talking about, it is best to keep you trap shut 04FJR4ME :p . Thanks for the flame. :haha:

GPS-NOW are great to buy from...What I like best is they don't freak out and try to to slap you with a keyboard if you don't buy from them..:clap:

On your web site you offer the 276c for $646.66. Please don't tell me your going to make money from people other than FJR should sell for cost to everyone...sounds one sided to me... :haha:

My invoice.

276c $594.95

autonav $249.95

shipping $ 10.51

total $855.41

Also since I bought mine thay have lowered the price of the autonav kit to $214.95

So you can save more!!!!!

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Got my 276C from 04FJR4ME and I highly recommend his company. Though I really like the 276C, check out the 2610. More memory, touch screen, etc. and the price recently came down, IIRC.


It is you that keep insisting on pointing FJR members to HIGHER for profit Internet stores, and if you think I am going after you on the forum, why don't you ask yourself how you are doing the forum a favor by advertising for these online stores that sell higher then my company.

1] I always try to ask members to buy from their local GPS retail stores near them

2] I offer AT COST GPS system as a benefit to FJR forum members only. If I can benefit from these at Cost sales, I would be posting them on all the sites I can find.

Don't thrown stones at others when you live in a glass house!

You can try to twist your wording anyway you can, I have never disappointed a FJR member and you obviously are jealous of something that you are not letting us know.


Thanks for your support! and yes, we try our best to help out the FJR forum members beside shipping them just a box.


Our price for FJR forum members Garmin 276c unit and Auto Nav kit is

Garmin GPSMAP 276C p/n. 010-00331-00 $576.78

Auto Navigation Kit p/n. 010-10510-00 $216.28

Total: $793.06

And Smitty got thinks he got a good deal at

276c $594.95

autonav $249.95

total $855.41

The truth is, he paid about $51.84 more then he had to or 6.5% more for the same product, what a great DEAL! :D :haha:

By the way, a used and mounted GPS system is just that, a used system, and he was trying to sell it for the same price as new, $695.00 for USED system which is $98.00 less then a brand new system with a REAL factory one year factory warranty at $793.06.

Did I forget to tell you that Garmin does not transfer warranty and that is probably the reason why Smitty state that he will have to help you with the unit if there is a problem.

also I will send you a copy of the receipt. If you have a warrenty problem down the road, I will be happy to help/send it in if needed...
My Webpage

Why worry about warranty problems when you can buy a brand new one for almost the same price?

Did someone say b!tch SLAP

Now can we stop all this B!tching and get on with getting along? ;)
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04fjr4me, I was not trying to step on your dick here. I was just saying where I bought mine. I did check pricing with your co. before I bought one. Your price was okay, but at the time (it might be different now) they would have to order it in. I wanted mine asap., and didn't have time to wait. Also it looks like prices have come down a bit. Mine is not for sale like you keep saying. If I paid to much, hey I will make more money next week... and I will not let a couple buck get in the way of something I want..But I had it in 2 days. Hell, all this stuff is pure bling. No one has to have it....we just can't seem to live without it. So I guess what I am saying to the starter of this tread is shop around..and buy from the co. you feel best about. It is a lot of $. I feel that the other co treated me right, and custumer service was great...thats all from me on this topic.. Good luck :cownoy:


If you need to see what the 276C will look like on the bike, here it is....



Peace and thanks for the kinder and gentler reply.

For awhile there, it seems anytime someone brings up they purchased a unit from Auto Nav 2000 Plus, Inc and received great service, up you come saying where it is cheaper somewhere else.

I just felt it was more of a personal attack and that is why I responded the way I did.

As you know, there is little or no margin made from these web sales to start with, and with the large web competitions, the price is driven down to such a point that no one can stay in business.

I encourage our members to patronize their local GPS retail stores more then the web, but we all know the bottom line is what price they can offer it at.

I offer my company service to help this forum, sometimes I may take it wrong and feel there is forum members that do not appreciate this offer.

I better understand your postion now and I respect what you have to say.



I know..I said thats all from me on this topic...but..04fjr4me when I first seen the post I guess I had blinders on. I just seen he was looking for a 276c...and didn't see he was looking for you. I was just telling my story. Then I see your post, and bam. Off come the gloves...If I have done this before I am sorry..Pure over site on my part.. Next time I will look alittle deeper, and you can send me a pm before you start beating on me :D ...Take care, and good luck, smitty

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What is that GPS mount called that is attached to the center nut on the triple tree clamp? How much does it cost, and where to get it? Also, how does it work, and is it easy to install?

What is that GPS mount called that is attached to the center nut on the triple tree clamp?  How much does it cost, and where to get it?  Also, how does it work, and is it easy to install?

Go to "Products", page 2, 2nd one down.


FJR 1300 StemStand

A StemStand that replaces the stock stem nut and has a 3.5 inch shaft with a 2.5"x 3" top plate.

#10998 $69.95

Color Silver

Size 2003/04/05 FJR 1300


I got a 276C from AutoNav and have been very happy wtih it. I ordered the RAM bar mount for it last week and just got it. will have to give it a shot tomorrow and see how it works in front of me instead of in my tank bag.

also great for travelling for work. :)



Thanks for the nice post, let us know how your Garmin 276c works out for you, maybe post some pictures too.

Thanks again ;)

I ordered a 276C from Auto Nav today. James, I hate you and Rick... You are pond scum, If you would just raise you prices 20 or 30% I could have told myself "You don't NEED one, they are too expensive"! :bleh:

I've got a shelf on order from FJR Goodies to move my radar detector to, I'll move the radar detector bracket and put my XM on that and mount the 276C on the stem stand where the XM is now. While I've got everything apart I guess I'll shorten all the too long wires on my J&M 2003, I might want to put a current Interupter box on while I'm at it... This might be the time to wire in some driving lights... James, Did I tell you I hate you? :bleh: :bleh: :bleh:
