The reality is that we in the US are now only starting to see gas prices where they would have been anyway if they had kept up with inflation.
That is the truth. It's funny how people think that prices are at an astronomical high. They really aren't.
here for a historical graph of inflation adjusted gas prices and wonder no more why people have been driving gas guzzling SUVs and pickup trucks around for the past few decades...
Up until 2000 gas was steadily declining in inflation adjusted price. What that meant was that it was a steadily decreasing amount of "Joe Blue Collar's" take home pay. Since 2000 it has only returned to where it was in the fabricated "gas crisis" years of the early '80's and the preinflation years prior to WW2.
There is truth in what you are saying for sure, but I will and another thing. Anyone here know when the last refinery was built in the US? How about 1979. The population has only gone up since then.
I am sick to death of these god damned greens and their stupid assed agendas. Al Gore is an IDIOT of the first order and because of the dolts that lap up what he is spewing this is another reason it's getting bad. Oh no you can't drill in ANWR you will disturb the wild life. Screw that I feel bad for the folks that would have to work there, can you imagine that???
As others have said in earlier posts about the UK and such they are SOCIALIST havens and they wonder why it's so much more expensive for fuel? Can anyone say TAXES? I know you can!!!! Sad thing is the crop of DUMB ***** that we have running for president are doing their best to copy what DOESN'T work there!
We won't see fuel prices below $3.00 a gallon again I don't believe. It's like the frog in a pot of water that keeps getting the heat increased on it until it dies because it never knew that it just kept getting a bit warmer over time. Gee $3.50 isn't bad now is it?
I could go on but you get the idea. It's only going to get worse before it gets better. Hope we wise up before it's too late, if it's not already.