Gas costs got you thinking differently?

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Every day I sit in traffic and look over at some idiot driving alone in a suburban or F350 4X4. If they want to spend the $$ on gas then that is their right, but I think they are idiots.
Or an Excursion :rolleyes: .

I commute in the same neck of the woods and I see the same thing. And I can't help but think, out loud sometimes, dude, get a bike!

Fools! Why are you content to just sit there and watch your gas gauge pendulum to the left while I lane split [share] my way past you and 40 million other ********?

Maybe 25 years of bike commuting in lane-splitting friendly CA has spoiled me to the point of no return. And it's a good place to be. With the weather we have here, I could not imagine car commuting, even when gas prices were low.

Rant off.

i got a 96 F150 4x4. I get 13 MPG on a good day on the highway. Work is 90 miles roundtrip. Ouch. I save enough riding the bike that it pays my bike payment. Not to mention alot more fun.I avg low 40's on the FJR. I drive a truck and try to keep an overnight run. That way i am only driving to work 2-3 days/week. If i drive to work 5 days it is $100/week in the truck, that don't even count driving on the weekends.

Like somebody else said, try filling up a big truck. Was over $800 to fill up in Fl. last week. Sure glad i aint paying for it. But like he said with the fuel surcharge, now you pay extra for everything. Everything goes up. The dairy farmer pays more for the diesel in his tractor, more to get milk to the plant, the grocery stores are paying more for diesel for their trucks, now milk goes up $1/gallon. And we as the consumer have to pay it.

Odd for me that this subject came up, as just last week I sold my beloved crew-cab Nissan Titan to an individual, bought an '07 Toyota PreRunner 4-cylinder on E-Bay and flew down to Houston to drive it home. With the price difference between the two trucks, I put $8500 in the bank, and now get 24 mpg instead of 14. I gave up a lot of luxury and amenities, but don't care any more. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

2 things...

1) Gas prices in Europe may be high, but distance in the US are higher... It's farther to go from the Western to the Eastern border of Texas on I-10, than it is from Paris, France to Warsaw, Poland.

2) If you think gas prices are going to keep going up and up... buy XOM stock.

I haven't changed my driving habits at all, but then I'm fortunate enough to commute the 18 miles to work by bus, so I'm not putting on a lot of miles to begin with. I drive a paid-for '03 F150 that gets about 15-17 mpg on a good day, but I only need to fill it up every 2-3 weeks. The boat that gets pulled behind it, on the other hand, gets about 2-3 mpg, a far cry from the 45 mpg the FJR gets.

The reality is that we in the US are now only starting to see gas prices where they would have been anyway if they had kept up with inflation.

Taking a look in the garage at my "stable", I see my Feejer, my ZRex and my 100K miles '95 Honda Del Sol.

Guess which of the three is at the BOTTOM of my daily driver list now?'s the ZRex. It only gets 35mpg. Something to do with the right hand grip.

The Del Sol gets 38-42, the Feej 38-45.

Sometimes it's a coin toss. :)

Regardless, I STILL almost crapped myself the first time it took ALL of a $20 bill to fill the Feej. I was lookin' for gas pouring out the bottom somewhere!!

The reality is that we in the US are now only starting to see gas prices where they would have been anyway if they had kept up with inflation.
That is the truth. It's funny how people think that prices are at an astronomical high. They really aren't.

Lookie here for a historical graph of inflation adjusted gas prices and wonder no more why people have been driving gas guzzling SUVs and pickup trucks around for the past few decades...

Up until 2000 gas was steadily declining in inflation adjusted price. What that meant was that it was a steadily decreasing amount of "Joe Blue Collar's" take home pay. Since 2000 it has only returned to where it was in the fabricated "gas crisis" years of the early '80's and the preinflation years prior to WW2.

My medium sized car gets the same mpg as my 06 fjr but the biggest difference is the servicing costs, the bike overall is not as cheap to run as my car.

One rear tyre on the bike costs around the same as 4 car tyres, but the car travels 5 times the distance as the bike tire does before they need replacing.

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My medium sized car gets the same mpg as my 06 fjr but the biggest difference is the servicing costs, the bike overall is not as cheap to run as my car.
One rear tyre on the bike costs around the same as 4 car tyres, but the car travels 5 times the distance as the bike tire does before they need replacing.

yeah, but the motorcycle tire gives you 6 times the fun factor...can't put a price on that!

Filled the FJR up yesterday, ready for a run this weekend. From 1/4 full to the brim it cost £18.90 thats $37.80

The reality is that we in the US are now only starting to see gas prices where they would have been anyway if they had kept up with inflation.
That is the truth. It's funny how people think that prices are at an astronomical high. They really aren't.

Lookie here for a historical graph of inflation adjusted gas prices and wonder no more why people have been driving gas guzzling SUVs and pickup trucks around for the past few decades...

Up until 2000 gas was steadily declining in inflation adjusted price. What that meant was that it was a steadily decreasing amount of "Joe Blue Collar's" take home pay. Since 2000 it has only returned to where it was in the fabricated "gas crisis" years of the early '80's and the preinflation years prior to WW2.
There is truth in what you are saying for sure, but I will and another thing. Anyone here know when the last refinery was built in the US? How about 1979. The population has only gone up since then.

I am sick to death of these god damned greens and their stupid assed agendas. Al Gore is an IDIOT of the first order and because of the dolts that lap up what he is spewing this is another reason it's getting bad. Oh no you can't drill in ANWR you will disturb the wild life. Screw that I feel bad for the folks that would have to work there, can you imagine that???

As others have said in earlier posts about the UK and such they are SOCIALIST havens and they wonder why it's so much more expensive for fuel? Can anyone say TAXES? I know you can!!!! Sad thing is the crop of DUMB ***** that we have running for president are doing their best to copy what DOESN'T work there!

We won't see fuel prices below $3.00 a gallon again I don't believe. It's like the frog in a pot of water that keeps getting the heat increased on it until it dies because it never knew that it just kept getting a bit warmer over time. Gee $3.50 isn't bad now is it?

I could go on but you get the idea. It's only going to get worse before it gets better. Hope we wise up before it's too late, if it's not already.

gee... that doesn't sound too political. :rolleyes:

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While I happen to agree with (some of) your position(s), I (for one) don't want to have to wade through all the responses this kind of discussion generates.

Well they almost said it.


The reality is that we in the US are now only starting to see gas prices where they would have been anyway if they had kept up with inflation.
That is the truth. It's funny how people think that prices are at an astronomical high. They really aren't.

Lookie here for a historical graph of inflation adjusted gas prices and wonder no more why people have been driving gas guzzling SUVs and pickup trucks around for the past few decades...

Up until 2000 gas was steadily declining in inflation adjusted price. What that meant was that it was a steadily decreasing amount of "Joe Blue Collar's" take home pay. Since 2000 it has only returned to where it was in the fabricated "gas crisis" years of the early '80's and the preinflation years prior to WW2.
There is truth in what you are saying for sure, but I will and another thing. Anyone here know when the last refinery was built in the US? How about 1979. The population has only gone up since then.

I am sick to death of these god damned greens and their stupid assed agendas. Al Gore is an IDIOT of the first order and because of the dolts that lap up what he is spewing this is another reason it's getting bad. Oh no you can't drill in ANWR you will disturb the wild life. Screw that I feel bad for the folks that would have to work there, can you imagine that???

As others have said in earlier posts about the UK and such they are SOCIALIST havens and they wonder why it's so much more expensive for fuel? Can anyone say TAXES? I know you can!!!! Sad thing is the crop of DUMB ***** that we have running for president are doing their best to copy what DOESN'T work there!

We won't see fuel prices below $3.00 a gallon again I don't believe. It's like the frog in a pot of water that keeps getting the heat increased on it until it dies because it never knew that it just kept getting a bit warmer over time. Gee $3.50 isn't bad now is it?

I could go on but you get the idea. It's only going to get worse before it gets better. Hope we wise up before it's too late, if it's not already.
Kiss THIS thread goodbye!


Sorta back on topic.

My household vehicles were: 00 Denali-sons, 03 escalade-wifes, 01 chevy silverado and 93 Acura NSX mine.

2 weeks ago I sold the Denali and bought my son an early graduation present. New Honda Civic EX.

So yes i adjusted somewhat.

Sorta back on topic.
My household vehicles were: 00 Denali-sons, 03 escalade-wifes, 01 chevy silverado and 93 Acura NSX mine.

2 weeks ago I sold the Denali and bought my son an early graduation present. New Honda Civic EX.

So yes i adjusted somewhat.

You have an NSX?

Ooooh, nice.

But your post is worthless without pictures. ;)

$4/gal gas is almost official here in Santa Babs... Two stations in town just cracked the mark today. In my book, one more makes it official. :cringe:

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