I try to be a Green guy (...waiting for the inevitable dog pile!), and a Clafironian to boot (= born here)! I have seen my state multiply X 10 in population in my lifetime! This is only "one grievance" that I accredit to the list of the "happy campers" that I have observed, after they landed on the Left Coast. The "State" of California, has tried to regulate this immigration in the only way it knows how (by the majority of the voters)= taxes. Yes, gas prices are high here, but why did all of those others come here?, and why shouldn't they any up? What? am I supposed to pay for all these wannabes, freeloaders, and deadbeats in improvements in infrastructure so they can travel over Sierra mountain passes, visit the coast line, enjoy the fruit and vegetables of agrarian toil, drink and flush our water?
I "propose" this as a question (?), because I'd like to know the real reason? Why are my gas prices really at $4.00/gallon in your opinion?
Oh My God what have I done! I may have to take myself off of this list! May the earth shake us once again because we ALL have our faults!
Motorcycling should Never be popular! The public should become more conscious of what a road actually costs?