Maybe it's just me, but if the side electrode is BURNED off I would be alarmed and whoreified horrified. What was the porcelain color and how did the porcelain look? The cause is complicated because 2 of the plugs have the spark jump from the side electrode to the center electrode and the other 2 plugs have the spark jump from the center electrode to the side electrode. If the side electrode is indeed burned off a vacuum leak or pre-ignition would be major concerns, either can burn a hole in pistons or do other dire damage.
Yes and if it scored a cylinder wall, or fouled a ring, gas would be in the oil for sure. I mean the thing had to go somewhere? If it was Iridium it may really be more of an issue due to it's hardness, but size wise you get a break there.
I would not want it "welded" to the top of my piston as depending where, squish is pretty sensitive to changes.
I am rooting for it "blew out the exhaust port" and you are good to go.
I know I would be checking plugs with a magnifying glass and compare them to some online photos to see what was going on. I don't think a "chop" plug check is very easy to do on the FJR, unless you had someone follow you with a trailer, but I know I would be looking at those plugs and how they are burning. It is harder to do now then back in the day but you can still read plugs, it just takes magnification of some type, and one of the many good reference photos on line.
If I had a cylinder running lean(hot)enough to take a electrode off a plug, I would want to know why?
Or someone tried to adjust (ham fisted) the gap and just weakened and it fell off after the first firing or compression stroke?
I would make sure all boots and caps under the tank concerning the TB and gas vapor reclaim were checked for any kind of vacuum leak, including the TB boots and sync port caps.