Gen 2 Owners with Cruise Control (CCS-100 or McCruise)

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Well, the promised supervisor call for yesterday and then promised again for today, NEVER HAPPENED!!!

If nothing else, at least Yamaha Customer Service is CONSISTENT :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: !

Best Regards,


...FWIW I tapped the ignition coils for mine, not the ECU.
Different ends of the same wire.
Aren't the electrons bunched up more at the ECU end? :dribble:
You nailed it, Zippy...

It's a gravity thng. The electrons naturally flow downhill to the coils until an Audiovox is plumbed into the system. Then gravity gets reversed and all those damn electrons are trapped in a reverse flow and plug up the ECU drain.

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have mit intercom and audiovox cruise self installed on my bike for 10,000 miles and a turn signal cancel and flashing leds forward and aft for about 3,000. no problems so far and i dont avoid rain in the least.

Well, I talked with the 3rd dealer's tech yesterday and I guess the good news is that Yamaha is no longer blaming my electrical accessories.... the tech is now going to run some more tests :blink: :blink:!

As of Tuesday, my bike would have been in the shops for 4.75 months since last August.... I wonder if I have set the record yet :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:!

Yamaha definitely is NOT customer service oriented.

Best Regards,


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...As of Tuesday, my bike would have been in the shops for 4.75 months since last August...
Hopefully they will get to the root cause this time. In the mean time, consider adding one of these, you've earned it:


My FJR went into the shop in November and wasn't running correctly until June the following year.

...As of Tuesday, my bike would have been in the shops for 4.75 months since last August...
Hopefully they will get to the root cause this time. In the mean time, consider adding one of these, you've earned it:


My FJR went into the shop in November and wasn't running correctly until June the following year.

The sad part is that when my FJR is working correctly, it is the BEST vehicle I have ever owned!!!

I am hoping to finally get the wiring harness replaced ... anything short of that I will probably trade the bike in for lack of faith! I am sure hoping Yamaha finally does the right thing!

Best Regards,


P.S. I am hoping to NOT beat your shop record time!

IMHO, the problem of harness replacement started at the DEALER. I hope this gets resolved for you soon. I am sorry you are going through this.

About the CC, Kaitsdad installation on my ride has been flawless for lots and lots of miles.(thanks Hal!!)

IMHO, the problem of harness replacement started at the DEALER. I hope this gets resolved for you soon. I am sorry you are going through this. About the CC, Kaitsdad installation on my ride has been flawless for lots and lots of miles.(thanks Hal!!)

The 2nd dealer mentioned the wiring harness but was overruled by Yamaha's regional tech who kept blaming all of my problems on the electrical farkles.

I have asked Yamaha Customer Service several times why many have gotten their wiring harnesses replaced almost right away and they have treated me like a POS... never get an answer (kind of like I never get an answer to when they are going to start reimbursing me for all my towing / rental car bills (over $800 since this started last August))!

Oh well, we will see how the saga plays out on Tuesday (as if anyone couldn't guess)!

Best Regards,


Well, bike just celebrated 3rd week at 3rd dealer (4.75 months at dealers since last August)!

I just talked with dealer's tech and he hasn't had the time to do any of the checks that Yamaha asked them to do last Thursday...

Just left a message for Yamaha customer service supervisor to call me.

If any of us small business owners treated our customers like this, we would be OUT OF BUSINESS!

Oh well, the saga continues.

Best Regards,


Well, I finally got Yamaha to agree to replace the wiring harness but I had to agreed to have all the electrical accessories removed (McCruise, PIAA lights, and GPS).

I really would like to know how everyone else got their wiring harness replaced in a timely manner without Yamaha blaming the add-ons (even when the problems occur with the accessories off).

As soon as I get the bike back (whenever that will be), I am going to trade it in and just sell the accessories.

This experience is NOT what I ever expected from a company like Yamaha.

Oh well, unless Yamaha goes back on their word, this will be most last post on this issue :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: !

Best Regards,



I will do that - it wouldn't surprise me if they get a new harness on and still have the same problem (current SHFT__26).

I am just hoping the dealer can get it done before in the next couple of weeks. I guess I will find out their guess tomorrow (not even knowing how long it will take to get them the new wiring harness).

Best Regards,



Well, one of Yamaha's engineers called the tech back and asked if he REALLY looked at the clutch ____ (dumaflodgie :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ) and it turns out it is BAD (3+ weeks for this diagnosis); BUT the good news is that Yamaha is sending out a whole new clutch assembly and the dealer should have it on tomorrow (hopefully)!

Yamaha is also willing to talk about my tow bills now that they KNOW the problem wasn't caused by the electronics!

So hopefully I will be able to rejoin the Happy-Non-Bitching-FRJ-Riding-Brotherhood :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: !

Best Regards,


This is an amazing story Shane. I'm glad you finally got resolution and that Yamaha is stepping up to the plate. I am hoping someone from Yamaha corporate is reading this, because these are the kind of issues that help us decide what brand to purchase. We all love our FJRs, but if there isn't quality customer service to back it up, the value of the brand goes down. This is something I try to keep in mind when talking to the customers in my business. I will also add that as a motorcycle consumer I try and cultivate a good relationship with my dealer. I am confident that if I did have a problem, my dealer would go to bat for me.

This is an amazing story Shane. I'm glad you finally got resolution and that Yamaha is stepping up to the plate. I am hoping someone from Yamaha corporate is reading this, because these are the kind of issues that help us decide what brand to purchase. We all love our FJRs, but if there isn't quality customer service to back it up, the value of the brand goes down. This is something I try to keep in mind when talking to the customers in my business. I will also add that as a motorcycle consumer I try and cultivate a good relationship with my dealer. I am confident that if I did have a problem, my dealer would go to bat for me.

This has definitely been a WEIRD experience... today was a classic! I honestly didn't think I would hear from Yamaha for a couple more weeks to tell me how lucky I am that I was getting the bike back to stock with a new wiring harness ... especially as the call from last night was that the electrical accessories were the cause or the person who installed them wasn't competent enough to install on motorcycles :blink: :blink: :blink: ! Today I am told they finally identified the problem and they were overnighting the part (and they would discuss compensation for my towing AFTER the bike was fixed)!!

I am really hoping they follow through!! If they do, I will gladly accept this as just a misunderstanding and RIDE-ON!!!

I really do enjoy my FJR AE when it is working as expected!

Well, hopefully I will be back to riding and saying good things about Yamaha real soon!

Best Regards,



It's good to hear that Yamaha finally has a fix on the way. You've been fighting that shift_26 error forever! Judging from your post history since Jan'08 it seems that it started as a nuisance and just got progressively worse. It will be interesting to see just what broke - what went wrong. To my knowledge your AE is the first documented YCCS related failure on this new technology.

When I was in the market for a bike in late '06 and pretty much settled on the FJR, I really thought hard on buying into this bleeding edge first model year introduction automatic shift bike. I was afraid of what's been happening to you, a nagging failure with dealer mechanics at a loss what to do about it. So far my bike has been behaving itself - save for the ignition switch failure. Thanks to all the guys on this FJRForum I've been able to keep on top of it.

When you take delivery on your bike make sure you get the whole story on the failure. What broke? What wore out? What electromechanical device caused this shift_26 error. We would sure appreciate all the information you can glean from Yamaha. Perhaps there is an item we need to service every so often. Make sure the information gets on Rickster's 2nd gen bin-o-facts page.

I'm with you, it's a great bike! [SIZE=8pt]when it works.[/SIZE]

Best of luck to you my friend! :)


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