gen I vs gen II

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im sure there has to be a thread somewhere about this..."
Yep, there sure is. A ton of data is available discussing Gen1 vs Gen2.

I had an '05 initially. It was great bike except on hot days when the thing cooked me. Riding two up was worse because I couldn't even skoot back a bit and get away from the heat that was coming up around the tank.

For those that live in northern climates and don't have to deal with 100 degree/high humidity day, the Gen 1's are fine. But believe me, get caught in a 2 hour traffic jam in Atlanta, in the middle of August and odds are, you will be hatin' life. :angry2:

So here's the bottom line...

Do you live in a northern climate? Make your best deal on any of them.

But if you live in a warm climate:

Gen1 = :diablo:

... or evolve to the Gen2 = :evo:

Your choice. GL


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Another slight difference, on Gen IIs you can add sliders without cutting any holes in the fairing. As far as I know you have to cut some holes on the Gen Is to add sliders - please correct me if I'm wrong here.

You can add sliders without cutting, but they require brackets. 89 bucks on ebay from T-Rex. Not thrilled with their choice of bolts as the shoulders were too long and required I get more washers but I'll live with it.

The big difference between gen 1 and 2 is the massive perfomance increase the 03's have over the rest. The 03's are really rebadged off shore 02s with the hotter cams, different ECU fuel and ignition maps, hotter coils and higher output fuel pump to handle the extra fuel requirements.

Of course everyone here will say I'm making all of that up, but it's true. You don't have to cut your faring to ad sliders to a gen 1.

i would never use sliders that used a bracket to extend the slider out past the fairings, ive seen to many cases where the bracket bends and does more damage then the accident would have. Ive seen cracked engines and frames.

think abut it you are placing all that load on something and then giving it additional leverage by extending it away from the load point

ill just cut a hole, it looks fine, and once you put sliders on why would you ever want to remove them. so who cares about the hole

I've had both an 04 and an 08. I put 40K miles on the 04, and it was only lust and disposable income that put me on the 08. My 04 was a non-ABS California model, and my ride and salvation through SoCal's daily traffic nightmare. I moved to Vegas in July of last year, and the heat issue was minimal, considering all the external heat in the valley.

To me, the 08 feels more surefooted, although it also seems a bit taller (on the 04 I flatfooted, while the 08 has me on the balls of my feet, even with the seat in the lower position). The throttle also has a smoother response, the brakes feel better, and I don't feel the need to change the stock windshield like I did on the 04. I have noticed more heat on my left ankle, regardless of the position of the adjustable vents on the fairing.

im sure there has to be a thread somewhere about this but i looked back 10 pages on the beaten to death topics and could not find it. Also could not come up with a search that found anything so here we go
im currently looking at 3 fjr's 1 nice stock 04 for stupid cheap, one farkled, hehehe, 04 for a fair but slightly expensive price and a stock 07 for what i think is a good deal

the guy with the stock 04 isnt sure he wants to sell it yet, he never rides it but for whatever reason he is himhawing about selling it if he sells that to me its a no brainer. but after that it gets harder

so to help me make up my mind what are all the differences between a gen 1 and gen 2 bike

thanks for not beating me for a wet noodle for not knowing this answer


I have an Aussie 2001, which I've put R & G sliders on that required hole drilling. They look fine, have yet to be tested, but you do have to remove the right side one when changing the coolant. It's not a big deal.
