General service question

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Curious what most folks do with the side bags and/or top case when bringing the bike in for service. Seems like a good idea to remove and leave home (unless they somehow need to be worked on) less thing to get dinged up or damaged at the service shop. Also, what about other farkles? Do most people remove things that are easy to take off or just leave em alone?

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If it's bolt on, it stays.

If it is easily taken off and left at home, like side bags? they come off the bike.

Just the basics, so I don't have to pay the mechanic to move stuff to get at what he needs to. Most shops don't have a lot of extra place to store stuff either, and they are dirty. Just seems like another way for bits to go missing, get dirty or scuffed up.

My 2 cents

I take them off. I don't trust the other guys parking next to me, nor the service techs when they park the bike back on the line. It's fast/cheap insurance for saving me a headache.

Doing so ends up being pretty funny sometimes. During my last service, one of the cruiser guys at the wait table goes "So... which one of you's got the black crotch rocket?" Those guys wouldn't believe it was a touring bike with bags...

Yeah, I got mine scratched while having a tire installed. The dealer paid for the repair, but now the bags stay off when visiting the shop!

I never bring the bike for maintenance ;)

Do everything by myself, this way I am sure it is done properly ! ;)

The only thing that tey still do, is replace the tire on the rim !

The purpose of my question was to see what others do and to inspire a bit of thought. As evidenced by some of the repsonses others have suffered from leaving the bags on, so hopefully the post can help prevent some unecessary headache for other owners. Some folks apparently already know everything, to whom even being a part of this forum would then be questionable...Peace.

One thing I've done(being single with no friends),when taking my bikes in for service,is empty the bags,then ride to the shop.take off my riding gear,lock it in the bags,take the bags off at the shop,and ask the store them in the office.

The I can take the bus home,or walk around the shopping area,without having to lug all the gear around.
