GenI Admore Side-Bag Lights: The Install

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Yeah, it's a concrete corn cob. So?
Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
Marysville, OH
Well, gang, after sitting in a box for 1 ½ years or so, it was finally time to install my Admore side-bag lights. At last fall’s FJR Tech Day at Casa de BustanutJoker, it was determined that the harness that came with the kit was defective. So, after bouncing emails with Admore, last December I packed up the defective harness and sent it off to Admore. They sent me a new replacement, but not just any replacement. While Admore has had a plug-directly-into-the-bike wiring harness available for GenII FJR’s for a while, they are just rolling out the harness to plug directly into a much-superior GenI FJR. I got one of their first such harnesses. Unfortunately, when I sent my defective harness back, I included the portion of the kit which goes in the side bags. They didn’t include this. So, after more emails with them, they shipped me the bag portion of the kit.

Before I continue, I want to take a moment to give huge kudos to Admore’s customer service. These are well deserved kudos because they have yet to receive my defective harness. Yes, you’re reading that right – Admore replaced the entire harness without having received my defective harness. I think we all know that not every company out there would go the extra mile that they did. So, the David and the Admore crew – a HUGE thanks from the Geek!

So, yes, there are other threads out here around using this harness for a GenII install, I’m posting this up for my GenI brethren.

Here we go…

In another thread, I asked where the heck the connector that I’ll need to get to resides on a GenI. I know the GenII connector is behind the left side-panel around the air box. Well, on a GenI, it ain’t that easy. Our own BustanutJoker found in tucked away in the extreme left corner in the tail of the bike.


I probably could have messed around and gotten to it without taking any plastic off, but I wasn’t feeling that patient, so it was time for a tailendectomy, a first for me! So it was off with the side panels on both sides, the Givi rack, and, eventually, the tail section.



Here’s all the crap that had to get outta the way.


Once the tail section was out of the way, it was pretty easy to get to the connector for the lights. The one we’re after is the white connector in the middle of the picture.


Next step, I uncoupled the connector.


Then I fed the harness through from the outside-in.


And plugged ‘er in.


Next step – sanity check. With the harness attached to the bike, I hooked up the bag-side harnesses, and used some alligator jumper clip thingies to make sure the lights worked.



After the successful sanity check, I fed the rest of the harness up, and tucked the light harness up in there. It’s tight, but it fit. I can’t imagine having done this without taking the tail section off.



Next step, the tail section and Givi rack went back on.


Next it was time to figure out where / how the harness would feed out from under the seat to be able to connect to the side bags. Under the Givi rack, there’s a perfect space to do this. So that’s what I did. If you are going to do this, take it from me – put the wires under the rack as you’re putting it back on. Trust me.

Left side.


Right side.


Next up – time for POWER TOOLS!!


Next it was time to attach the lights to the side bag. Admore’s instructions suggest using a 5/32” drill bit, so that’s what I used. Using an awl, I kinda scratched where I’d be mounting the lights and determined where to drill the hole for the wires. Left side.


And the ride side – you can see the little dimple where I used the awl to mark where I was going to drill.


Holes drilled, it was time to feed the wires in. This isn’t the easiest because:

A. The side cases have 2 walls.

B. The wire isn’t very rigid.

I found that twisting the ends of the wires helped to feed ‘em through.



With the wires fed through, next it was time to use the Admore-supplied double-sided tape to attach the lights to the bags. I trimmed a little bit off the strip of tape (due to the wires) and first attached the tape to the lights.


Then I attached the lights to the cases.


The wire on the inside of the case.



Now that the harness was attached to the FJR’s wiring, and the lights were attached to the side cases, it was time to decide where to drill the bigger hole for the bag-side of the harness to attach to the bags. I decided on the top of the bag, kind of behind where the handle folds down.

A couple of notes here. One, the FJR side bag is thick. Almost too thick for the bag-side of the harness to go through and fasten. Second, if you go this route, go for the middle. I put the hole on the right bag too far back and it was really, really tight getting the bag side of the harness to attach.

The hole.


And the hole with the bag-side harness attached.


The inside of the bag. You can see how snug the harness is against that little wall thing inside the bag.


Here you can see the harness and where I attached the right-side bag.


Closer-up of the right-side bag.


After that, I did the same steps for the left-side bag, but made sure to put the hole in an area with a bit more space inside the bag.

So, all hooked up, here’s what she looks like.

No lights.


Running lights.




I didn’t have the stuff I needed to clean-up the wiring inside the bags, so I’ll do that later. I think I’m going to shorten up the wires coming off the lights. I think they’re a bit longer than they need to be.

So, finally, my Admore lights are installed and they actually WORK!

You know what that means – it’s time for a beer.


Hopefully this will help some of you GenI guys who want to get to that connector. I’m mechanically-challenged and got ‘er done, and you can, too!

Good stuff, BG. Of course I'm talking about the beer, but that install is nice too!

One question, are those lights red? They look red in the pic when lit up, but in the during-the-install pic, they look kinda yellow.

Good stuff, BG. Of course I'm talking about the beer, but that install is nice too!

One question, are those lights red? They look red in the pic when lit up, but in the during-the-install pic, they look kinda yellow.
With the ignition off, they're clear. Once the ignition is on, yes, they are red.


I can't afford to keep this up yet I know I will!! This site will be the death of my financial future. :wacko:

Cool Mod. I would like to get the kit for my new V46 as well as what you have done.

Where did you get the original kit? I don't see it on Admore's site or is it just a generic kit?

Cost? :unsure:

Also, does it do turn signals, too?

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Nice job Putz!! I'm proud of ya :yahoo:

I knew you could do it ya just needed prodding. ;) I'm drinking a beer for you right now.

Thinking of BikerGeek with power tools is driving me to drink. Another jigger of Crown Royal falls by the wayside.

Well done :good: but how many band aids did Sooze have to apply?

For your next challenge at Tech Day III we will drink beer while you wrench. :drinks:

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I was looking for a reason to get shitfaced Bill..

As I'm sure that jigger ain't done yet and ya know what they say aboot drinking alone.. I'm gonna join ya!

Poor Andy is still trembling under the bed from the trauma of this adventure :lol:

Poor Andy is still trembling under the bed from the trauma of this adventure :lol:
Nah. It really wasn't that bad, even for someone - like me - that isn't overly mechanically inclined.

I am kinda surprised at myself, though, that I was able to get the tail off AND back on! I was figuring that, right aboot now, I'd be sending an SOS for someone to come over and help me re-assemble the dang thing.

Oh - one more side note: for those of who bought your FJR with the Givi rack installed and haven't yet removed it, take note that there are spacers between the front-most portion of the rack and the frame. I didn't see 'em at first and almost lost 'em.

Nice job - needs a clean'n !

The FJR gets a wash'n and a wax'n once a year whether she needs it or not. It's just about that time of the year.

Looks pretty good. I'm really hesitant about drilling holes in the bags, but this looks to be worth it.
If you move forward with this kit, just take your time and you'll be fine. I was hesitant as well. Just be sure to really take a close look when you drill the holes for the harness quick-connect to pass through.

Looks nice definitely adds some brightness out back. However, it seems a tad odd that you have to drill TWO holes in your bag for these? Would it not make more sense to run the cabling externally and not risk the possibility of leaks?

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