"Cruise Coma" strikes drivers everywhere. If they don't move over when space is available, or (worse) when they speed up as I attempt to pass on the right, they get the single-finger wave as I go by. There's no excuse for that type of driving.
Several years ago, I had this on-the-road conversation with my father -- who was driving 55 mph in the left lane in Nowhere, SC:
"Pop, you've been passed on the right by a bunch of cars. Shouldn't you move over?"
"Why not?"
"I'm driving the speed limit. If they choose to break the law, that's not my concern."
"Well, a couple have done borderline crazy stuff to get by you."
"Any crash is going to be their fault."
"But we'll all be in the hospital."
.... which quickly degraded into statements about Dad isn't a law enforcement enforcement officer; the total decline of US morals; driving as a cooperative activity; the failure of others to adequately plan their trips; and yadda, yadda, yadda.