I ride with all three bags only about one week a year. The rest of the time, it's top case only. My factory top case has been retired after it and the mounting plate failed and I'm now running a Givi E45. It looks better without the side cases, and is plenty big enough, though I'll admit that it will likely look less "matched" with the side cases mounted.I don't ride with all three bags on all the time but, never will I go with the top box alone. That looks off kilter big time!
Seriously glad you found what works! FWIW, I needed the E52 tonight to tote stuff back home from my brothers house!I have an E55 and really like it. I have an E52 on my Versys and whichever bike to work I need a place for my backpack (so i don't have to wear it). Once at work I store my helmet, gloves and GPS in the E55. My helmet doesn't fit into a side case. I have never really worried about what they look like because I like having the storage space to carry rain gear, tire plug kit, etc.
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