Givi V46 backpad issues

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Jan 30, 2012
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
So, the other week I ordered the backpad for the V46 so that leaning against it would be a bit more comfortable for the woman.

Only problem is it forces her to lean forward and only presses the top edge into her back.

My assumption from the way it's designed is that it should be flat to her back (like you would expect). Since I bought the bike used and it had the case mount already on it I'm curious if anyone else has had this issue. My first thought is that the mounting bracket may be leaning slightly forward rather than level causing the case (and pad) to tilt forward.

Suggestions on fixes would be greatly appreciated as I now have to choose between a passenger and storage!


edit: i ride a 2005

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If she has a proper motorcycle jacket with a back-pad, just remove the backrest from the Givi. (best solution).

Alternatively, remove the cover of the backrest and shave the foam so it is thinner at the top, then recover.

You may get more room if you use a Givi SR357 rack. How is yours mounted?

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Lots of people have complained of this. The most used solution is just as Tom stated. Take the pad off, and let her just lean on the case itself. With a jacket on, and the pad in the jacket, there won't be any discomfort issues. There is nothing wrong with your mount.

Before I started riding on my own, my ex and I tried to ride with a V46 with backpad....

We gave up, as it shoved me forward into him.

...............and being a DD cup didn't help matters much. I guess Givi didn't account for busty pillions :p

The cases don't leave a lot of room, but there's not much to be done to move them back that safe on the bike's structure. As suggested, the backpad in the jacket should be the padding, and the pad on the case is just in the way.

Huh?<div> :) </div>

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What? no macro lenses?

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wow, thread got picked up quickly!

And barb, my lady passenger is 5'2" and 29F, she understands :p

as for how it's mounted... I do believe its on the Givi SR357 mounting plate (couldn't ride to the office today due to weather).

It's not so much the forward to back distance thats the issue it's the fact that the pad isn't vertical.

My though was to disassemble the mounting plate and see if I can shim/space the leading edge to tilt the case backwards.

As for removing the pad, the case would then leak!

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If only they made compounds or hardware that could plug a small bolt hole and prevent water from passing though.... :D

If only they made compounds or hardware that could plug a small bolt hole and prevent water from passing though.... :D
Yeah, but besides the mismatch look (negligible) is the guilt when I ride with the folks that gave me the pad and they inquire as to where it is (not negligible) :p

If only they made compounds or hardware that could plug a small bolt hole and prevent water from passing though.... :D
Yeah, but besides the mismatch look (negligible) is the guilt when I ride with the folks that gave me the pad and they inquire as to where it is (not negligible) :p
Um..."It doesn't work with our set-up. It makes (insert wife's name here) uncomfortable."

Grow a set dude...If you don't smoke and I buy you a pack of cigaretts, are you gonna smoke them just because I'm around? Do whatever you want. I'm not your passenger.

as for how it's mounted... I do believe its on the Givi SR357 mounting plate (couldn't ride to the office today due to weather).

It's not so much the forward to back distance thats the issue it's the fact that the pad isn't vertical.

OK, well I also have the Givi V46, but it is on the SR346 GIVI mounting rack system on my '05. THat is the one for the 1st gens, so that is probably what you have too. My wife is also on the small side at 4'12" and ~105 lbs. She's never made any complaint about the Givi Soft Gel backrest pad that we have, which is their model E95S. Is that the same model pad that you are using? Looks like this one:


It's not like sitting on the sofa, but it does give her a little extra cushion from the box. I think that maybe the pillions that are a bit larger are the ones that have more of a problem with this leaning them over?

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as for how it's mounted... I do believe its on the Givi SR357 mounting plate (couldn't ride to the office today due to weather).

It's not so much the forward to back distance thats the issue it's the fact that the pad isn't vertical.

OK, well I also have the Givi V46, but it is on the SR346 GIVI mounting rack system on my '05. THat is the one for the 1st gens, so that is probably what you have too. My wife is also on the small side at 4'12" and ~105 lbs. She's never made any complaint about the Givi Soft Gel backrest pad that we have, which is their model E95S. Is that the same model pad that you are using? Looks like this one:

yep, that looks like it (will confirm the actual part number later) though of course, slightly different case

yep, that looks like it (will confirm the actual part number later) though of course, slightly different case
Right, that isn't a V46.

Maybe there is a way to shim just the pad to change the angle on it? Haven't tried because it wasn't a problem with us.

PS - I had to search around a bit to find one, but here is a picture of us two up to give you an idea of our body positions with the trunk. She definitely doesn't get to lay back much on it, but she says it is comfortable even on longer rides.


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Move the trunk back about 3 inches. Back in the day Toecutter had some steel plates made that had a set of holes that matched the mounting plate and 4 holes just 3 inches back. Not hard to make, mine fits neatly under the monokey mount and unless you look real close, you woundn't even know it's there.

This topic cropped up last year, I think and Bob posted up with a diagram of the plate he made. Should be able to search it out.

Momma and I have tried it with the adapter with pad and without the adapter and pad and she prefers the pad on the trunk.
