Go Buy a REAL Motorcycle!!!

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I Miss Beemerdons!
Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
Winter Haven, FL
Just back on my '04 FJR after a 2-month post-surgical hiatus and can only say "man I sure missed it!"

However, that said, has this happened to you -- you're parked somewhere and some ass clown comes up to you and comments on your bike's non-HarleyDavidson-ness.

It happened to me minutes ago.

Just leaving McDonald's with a belly full of grease when a ragged out early '80s Camaro pulls up next to me in the parking lot. Folks in the Southeast U.S. would recognize this car....what paint is left is no longer the fire-engine red it was when new...it's now a faded day-glo orange. The interior, what's left, is shot. At least one window is a garbage bag. The required Thrush muffler cigar-smoking Woodpecker decal in the back window. Got the picture? If it ain't up on blocks, it's pulling in to a McDonald's parking lot. You know -- the official car of the state of Alabama. :)

Well, out of this fine piece of automotive Americana, Luther and his half-sister wife ooze out and Luther checks out the FJR, shaking his head. "Why don't you git yerself a REEL motorsickle?" Oh, I've been waiting for this for MONTHS!!!

"Yeah?" I ask, "what's a real motorcycle?"

"A Harley" he mumbles.

"Y'know," I reply "in all the years I've been riding motorcycles not once, EVER, has someone on a Harley come up to me and asked my why I wasn't riding a 'Real'

motorcycle. It's ALWAYS some jackass in a worn out, piece of shit Camaro who asks me."

Luther and his breeding heifer both start sputtering like one-lungers on bad gas

and he puffs up his chest and starts to get in my face. "Back off, sparky" I tell him..."you're in a no-win situation."

"Yeah? Howzat?"

I tell him "all you'll get to tell your friends is you kicked the ass of an old man who just got out of the hospital. Or worse, you'll have to tell your friends an old man who just got out of the hospital kicked your ass."

The look on his face was priceless. He walked away. I was glad. He would've kicked my ass. :)

Did he look anything like this or fit the description of a Camaro Mullet?


This also happened on a group run we had.

HD moron " You guys should buy a real bike "

Rodgerfaster " Real bikes have 145hp "

moron smartass " What ...all together they make 145hp ? "

Rog looks him in the eye " No buddy ... 145hp each !! "

Silence from the moron. :D

Hey! Welcome back Howie! Glad to hear your still kickin, pissin, and moanin, and gittin to it the ol FJR!

Great little story too.

Yo NUT: That's a misleading photo of yerself there. You ain't anywhere near that goodlooking no more now that yer an old fart.

Hey! Welcome back Howie! Glad to hear your still kickin, pissin, and moanin, and gittin to it the ol FJR!
Thanks for the welcome-back....

Just wish I could do some political pissin' and moanin' in the Off-topic forum.


Just got back on my bikes this week. It's been a tough recup. Not riding, that is.

Gotta install the $50 Audiovox I bought from Ian before Christmas, but can't bend over well enough yet to work on the Feej.

And gotta start saving money for that Muzzy full-system I read about in the other thread.


It's funny, none of those asshats even own a motorcycle. When I had my :cry: FJR, the BMW (Build Motorcycles Weird) guys always had something to say. I alway told them twice the bike for half the money!! :thumbup: Smitty

Jeeze Howie, Same sh*t different story> I'm gonna tell it anyway--even though I was raised in Alabama!!!

Was checking in on my aging parents back last fall, stopped at a tobacco store to pick up a couple Acid cigars, this is in a town named Moody, AL--some may recognize the name as it is adjacent to Barber's Motorcycle Park, anyway I had just pulled in, was taking off my helmet and out walks your stereotypical Alabamer tee shirt clad red neck w/his fresh new carton of marlboro, and walks over to his chevy truck. First statement out of this guys mouth was "what kind of bike you got there"! followed by something to the effect funny looking exhaust, bet it dont sound like a Harley. What I would have given to have been as quick witted at TWN at that moment. The only thing I could come up w/on moments notice was, nope, your right, it does'nt sound like a Harley, this bike actually cranks and runs. I went inside and bubba got in his truck and left, I'm glad he didn't run over my bike.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :D

Found his squeeze............

Bet her nails look like the Sistine Chapel..........

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There is always the that possibility we could wrong. :eek:

mo'tor·cy'cle n. – 1. An overweight, underpowered, poorly performing two wheeled vehicle. Generally, only suitable for short trips to bars or coffee shops. Synonym: Harley-Davidson

Guys, guys, guys! What's with all this Alabama slamming? These poor people are my next-door neighbors.

And don't even start with the joke about us marrying our sisters. It just ain't true. We screw 'em, we don't marry 'em.

Here in Alabama, we used to have the BEST whores in the world.

But then, northerners married them all.

Then retired to Florida.

But really, if they have all their teeth, they aren't from where I live. You should see the neighbors...


The "gentleman" that lives at the end of my road is now married to what used to be his STEP DAUGHTER!

Most states have laws...

For a while, I worked in Atlanta. Had to remind myself everyday on the ride home:

"Set your watch back an hour.....and 20 years."
