Go Buy a REAL Motorcycle!!!

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ummmmmmm, scab, u trying to out post TWN in less than 60 days???????, based upon a earlier post I would have sworn you live in Anniston AL

Radio Howie - what the hell do you mean "old man!!??" I'm 3 months older than you and I ain't no old man!

Scab, Scab, Scab.............

4 different posts to cover what could have gone in one? :nono: And not the first time I might add.

Are you that desperate to up your post count? Have you no shame? You are quickly becoming that lowest of form of forum scum: Postwhoreous Maximus

A little advice: You may want to reconsider your strategy.

And on a completely different topic.........

You married your sister, didn't you? :D

Edit: Geeesh! Make that five posts! You added another while I was writing this.

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So, Scab, does being from Alabama explain why you post 5 times when you could just keep typin?

Heck, I've been doing it wrong I guess. No wonder it took so long to get over 250. I could have over 1k.

12 east of Anniston -

Get tired of waiting on you slow-typing guys t respond-have another thought.

Besides, still amazed I live here and can type.

Sister/married - divorced now. Twice.

What else?

Did I miss anything.

For Scab's egrarious post-whoring transgressions........

He has been awarded SkooterG's first ever medal of dis-honor.

Can anyone figure out what that is?

sister/married---what meaneth this? your sister is married, you have a sister who is married, you married your sister? married and divorced her two times???

JK, I have deep roots in Alabama. Ancestry only, though, I'm a Texan. ;)

What I wanna know is, where did you get your login name?? :puke:

sister/married---what meaneth this? your sister is married, you have a sister who is married, you married your sister? married and divorced her two times???JK, I have deep roots in Alabama. Ancestry only, though, I'm a Texan. ;)

What I wanna know is, where did you get your login name?? :puke:
EDIT: deleting political statement

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This also happened on a group run we had.
HD moron " You guys should buy a real bike "

Rodgerfaster " Real bikes have 145hp "

moron smartass " What ...all together they make 145hp ? "

Rog looks him in the eye " No buddy ... 145hp each !! "

Silence from the moron. :D
That's a good one..

I'll have to remember it..

maybe if I put it on a t-shirt....!


"Y'know," I reply "in all the years I've been riding motorcycles not once, EVER, has someone on a Harley come up to me and asked my why I wasn't riding a 'Real'motorcycle. It's ALWAYS some jackass in a worn out, piece of shit Camaro who asks me."
So true, so true. I had a similar situation at a truck stop, though I was on my V-Max at the time.
Mr. Mullet: What kind of bike is that?

Me: It's a Yamaha V-max.

Mr. Mullet: (shaking his head in disgust) They make those things look more and more like Harleys every day don't they?

Me: <_< uh, yeah.

I figure with some people it's just easier to let them keep going than try to enlighten them.

Two friends of mine bought motorcycles this past summer...one got a Harley and one got a Star....one paid 20k and one paid about 14k....one got about 10x more motorcycle than the other (not the Harley friend), and one got a comfortable, smooth, relatively fast motorcycle (not the Harley friend). I am totally not into Harley bashing but after riding both bikes the closest I can figure is that my buddy just wanted to drop an extra 6k for a name. The money might have been better spent on replacing his fillings at the end of the summer.

TRUE STORY:The "gentleman" that lives at the end of my road is now married to what used to be his STEP DAUGHTER!

Most states have laws...
Woody Allen moved to Alabama??? Who'd a thunk it.

This also happened on a group run we had.
HD moron " You guys should buy a real bike "

Rodgerfaster " Real bikes have 145hp "

moron smartass " What ...all together  they make 145hp ? "

Rog looks him in the eye " No buddy ... 145hp each !! "

Silence from the moron. :D
That's a good one..

I'll have to remember it..

maybe if I put it on a t-shirt....!

Actually, the "event" took place in McdDonald's, just before we crossed the river into Washington and rode up Mt. St. Helens.

Group of patrons, muttering, "All them Jap bikes. They oughtta git some Harleys."

Roger (never to let a sleeping dog lie), "We've riden up from Sacramento in 2 days and plan to ride Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Ranier today. Why would we want a Harley when our bikes make 145 Horsepower?"

Patron, "Each?!"

Remember, Harley Davidson: An engineering marvel that converts fossil fuel into noise without creating all that bothersome horsepower.

Two friends of mine bought motorcycles this past summer...one got a Harley and one got a Star....one paid 20k and one paid about 14k....one got about 10x more motorcycle than the other (not the Harley friend), and one got a comfortable, smooth, relatively fast motorcycle (not the Harley friend). I am totally not into Harley bashing but after riding both bikes the closest I can figure is that my buddy just wanted to drop an extra 6k for a name. The money might have been better spent on replacing his fillings at the end of the summer.
You want dumb comments? Listen to some of what we girls have to put up with. Haven't heard much since I got the FJR but when I rode the VStar I heard......

'Wow - that's quite a bike. Do you ride it all by yourself?'

'Did you ride it all the way here?'

'Cool bike. No room for rice burners here'.

I've had one or two looks, but no comments yet on the FJR. The best look yet was the open mouth after DH backed the bike out of a parking space for me. Instead of climbing on behind him, I waited for him to move over to his own bike, then rode off on MY bike.


guys ,

what happened to scab is that he lost his train of thought and had to start over !!

that happens when the exhaust comes up throught the floor pan of your rusted out Pinto !! :haha:


You've got it all wrong. I see you are in the Hanging CHAD state Not in the beautiful HEART OF DIXIE. That was either a displaced yankie or a New Orleans bus rider. I guess I'll let the cat out of the bag just for my fellow riders. We (Alabamians) keep the stereotypes alive so the yanks don't settle hear and just travel through to FL. :bleh:
