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Our freedoms stop at the next persons sensory apparati. We have freedoms as long as those freedoms don't harm those around us. It's the old freedom of speech concept that you can have your a$$ busted if you yell fire in a crowded room.
If you want your freedom to have obnoxiously loud pipes blasting the tranquility of my home and family life, then I want the freedom to pop you with my Springfield XD40. Ah, but we can't do that sort of thing, can we? There are limits to our individual freedoms, and those limits occur when we impact those around us deleteriously.

Actually our freedom stopped with barbed wire :D

PS: Most of you do realize that jet kits, aftermarket exhaust, are all labeled as off road use only. They could fine you if they wanted or even revoke the title. My dirt bike has to meet db levels to ride in any state park or even tracks. At a reduction of power though.

Freedom of Choice is still my stand on many things and in this country as long as the blue hairs have the government it will be their way and it is not necessarily the majority. North Dakota is instating a no abortion law for their state. At what point do they then decide based on their religion that birth control is also unethical?
I have pointed to sport bikes exhaust many times and you guys just keep jumping over it. As if Harleys are the only ones doing it. Loud cars have been around since most of you were kids and I don't hear you guys complaining about those so they must be ok.

Jap bikes in my opinion sound terrible and are just as loud but again none of you are complaining about those. Heck Warchild himself has a loud pair of exhaust on his R1 but they must be ok because it isn't a Harley.

My point Hypocrites... :D

I guess sound to the ear is like beauty to the eye...that is, to the beholder.

To me a sport bike, wound up and screaming, sounds like a formula or Indy car. An un-muffled V-Twin, sounds ironically to me like a fart-can Civic. Simply obnoxious.

It's not the volume of the sound...it's the quality of the sound. A kid screaming at 120dB makes me want to murder the parents. A guitar riff from Pete Townsend at 120dB gives me goose bumps.

Incidentally, I let one of my work buddies park his 100th Anniversary Dyna Wide Glide in my (executive) parking space, sharing it with my FJR or ZRX, whichever I happen to ride. (it's covered parking and he appreciates it) He's got the typical Screamin' Eagle pipes on what he calls his "couch rocket" and when we leave at the end of the work day, during his lengthy warm-up period, the only way I can tell my bike is running while sitting next to his is to put my hand against the motor to feel the vibrations.

His taxiing B-29 repli-sound absolutely annihilates the sound of even my unbaffled, Muzzy-equipped ZRX, which is way-mother-fucking-LOUD!!!

So comparing a loud V-Twin to a loud 4-banger is apples to oranges.

I guess sound to the ear is like beauty to the eye...that is, to the beholder.
To me a sport bike, wound up and screaming, sounds like a formula or Indy car. An un-muffled V-Twin, sounds ironically to me like a fart-can Civic. Simply obnoxious.

It's not the volume of the sound...it's the quality of the sound. A kid screaming at 120dB makes me want to murder the parents. A guitar riff from Pete Townsend at 120dB gives me goose bumps.

Incidentally, I let one of my work buddies park his 100th Anniversary Dyna Wide Glide in my (executive) parking space, sharing it with my FJR or ZRX, whichever I happen to ride. (it's covered parking and he appreciates it) He's got the typical Screamin' Eagle pipes on what he calls his "couch rocket" and when we leave at the end of the work day, during his lengthy warm-up period, the only way I can tell my bike is running while sitting next to his is to put my hand against the motor to feel the vibrations.

His taxiing B-29 repli-sound absolutely annihilates the sound of even my unbaffled, Muzzy-equipped ZRX, which is way-mother-fucking-LOUD!!!

So comparing a loud V-Twin to a loud 4-banger is apples to oranges.
V-Twin to a Civic oh that hurts. To me a V-Twin is more like the sound of a V8 but again to each his own and since freedom is based on someones logic of majority and more imports in this country than domestic I guess the Indy sound wins out, go figure...

Sparky3008...did you miss my point :huh: ...motocrosser Jeremy Mcgrath bought 100 or so acres in bumf##k nowhere California so he could ride & practise any time he wanted...now the people around him are complaining..& he has to get a special license to ride on his own property...the point is revving the crap out of your aftermarket exhausted bike..does have a tendency to piss people off....& yes the cars etc, coming toward you..especially at highway speeds can't hear the noise coming from your bike so loud pipes save life's...sorry don't buy it B) (FYI: I own a European 1983 Honda cb1100f super bike full race setup including exhaust so I know what loud is) :dribble:

Sparky3008...did you miss my point :huh: ...motocrosser Jeremy Mcgrath bought 100 or so acres in bumf##k nowhere California so he could ride & practise any time he wanted...now the people around him are complaining..& he has to get a special license to ride on his own property...the point is revving the crap out of your aftermarket exhausted bike..does have a tendency to piss people off....& yes the cars etc, coming toward you..especially at highway speeds can't hear the noise coming from your bike so loud pipes save life's...sorry don't buy it B) (FYI: I own a European 1983 Honda cb1100f super bike full race setup including exhaust so I know what loud is) :dribble:
Believe me I have seen this happen to many people with dirt bikes and many times the argument is very weak. I have seen court cases where people had backing of corporate lawyers that really had very little case still succeeded in taking away a land owners right to hold races and even ride on his own land.

They did sound level tests and the cars going by were louder than the bikes but it didn't mean crap to the judge.

The law is not always right and it doesn't prove anyone's point except that bikes are not liked by many people including the judges that pass the judgement.

I still say BULL SH*T on the sound issue. I guess you guys must be deaf or something but I often hear motorcycle cops in my area before I see them. Harleys that come up beside me that I hear before I look over.

I have experienced sound as a notifier of a bike beside me first hand so to say it can't help in my opinion is wrong.

I bet you are one of those guys that also thinks a full face shield doesn't reduce your side vision too.

Each to their own. People criticize what they don't understand or don't agree with.

I like rigids for running around town. Don't have one anymore but will again.

I like a nice rumble on a bike like that, but not deafening. Same for a sweet ride.

If I was bombing around in this,


I'd like a little noise out the muffler.

On the pipes saving lives, my older rumbling bikes, my pipes prevented people from changing lanes into me.

Get the cranky people off the road.

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The point is gentlemen, there are more people out there that don't ride then ride...so if you piss them off enough..the squeaky wheel gets the grease....& yes I'm an old guy but still can still hear with no problems...& yes I always wear earplugs when I ride. .....43 yrs worth...I'm not trying to be a dick...I'm just stating some facts...If the majority gets pissed off enough...we'll all be walking

The point is gentlemen, there are more people out there that don't ride then ride...so if you piss them off enough..the squeaky wheel gets the grease....& yes I'm an old guy but still can still hear with no problems...& yes I always wear earplugs when I ride. .....43 yrs worth...I'm not trying to be a dick...I'm just stating some facts...If the majority gets pissed off enough...we'll all be walking
All due respect and I do respect all you guys the majority is a word that you know should not be used here. In all too many cases it is not the majority it only takes 1.

In my example it was hundreds of motorcyclists enjoying a place to ride and one cranky woman who's husband worked for Ford and they could get Ford lawyers involved and they got this place shut down. 1 freak not a majority. No voting goes on with this crap.....

Is this the american way, do we all have to go around hoping not to piss off one person so that our enjoyments won't be taken away.

If I recall correctly, motorcycles were banned on The Loop around Chicago due to loud motorcycles disturbing people on Sunday rides. It was not due to the whine of sportbikes, but to cruisers with open pipes. The AMA and ABATE and other motorcycle groups had to work overtime to get the ban lifted.

That, gentlemen, is what we could expect if baffleless V-twins continue blatting away in our neighborhoods. My own neighborhood asociation, a loose knit group of families, has already begun that discussion. And, the 'they' outnumber the 'us.' I'll be damned if I have to pay the price due to the potato blatters. Luckily, my neighbor just nurses his Road King throttle until he is out on the highway, so we don't have to be be disturbed. But I do feel for the folks who live by the entrance to the highway. They have to listen to all that 62 HP explode into its cacophony of noise. My ZRX1200 with a Yoshimura exhaust never approached the sound levels of an open pipe HD.


I'm not sure ...being a Canuck...but what I said before (Mcgrath) is happening now in the U.S. .... I know in Michigan for eg...the wife has an aunt that lives in a gated community.. and motorcycles aren't allowed (found out when we went to visit her on ours)...We were on the fjr & told no noisy (bike has stock exhaust) bikes were allowed...& usually if it happens to you (the U.S.) it's going to happen to us next. (our politicians are very stupid & tend to have the follow the leader attitude...not an original thinker in the lot)

When I was in Colorado there was a track right off of I70 that was surrounded by Hay.

The highway was between it and any homes. They were constantly fighting to keep that place open because of noise.

Being that I live right next to a highway I find it amazing that they try to ban this type of recreation and no one tries to remove the highway and believe me you can't even hear yourself think in my back yard.

Some of this is prejudice from people that just don't like bikes. Has nothing to do with the facts.

1st amendment is constantly under threat and if it wasn't for lawyers that do nothing but defend it we would lose it.

We only have half ass groups like the AMA fighting for us and they recently aren't doing much of that...

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But at least their trying ...up north of your boarders..(that being me, us, whatever) we don't even have that...none of the association can agree on anything..the industry (manufactures) are trying to put something together...but that will be a while :eek:

It is a happy feel good, cry cry, PC, listen to every whinning turd out there kind of world.

Jeremy McGrath and an AMA representative were on 2Wheeled Tues last night. Jeremy bought 65 acres in Riverside County specifically for riding. The lady down the road complained, now the County officials are trying to pass a law against all dirt bikes in the county. Even on your own property. That means your kid on a PW50 would be breaking the law. McGrath said right now he makes his friends use stock exhaust when they come over to ride.

Its ridiculous.


Jeremy McGrath and an AMA representative were on 2Wheeled Tues last night. Jeremy bought 65 acres in Riverside County specifically for riding. The lady down the road complained, now the County officials are trying to pass a law against all dirt bikes in the county. Even on your own property. That means your kid on a PW50 would be breaking the law. McGrath said right now he makes his friends use stock exhaust when they come over to ride.
Its ridiculous.

That is f@#$ing retarded !

Jeremy McGrath and an AMA representative were on 2Wheeled Tues last night. Jeremy bought 65 acres in Riverside County specifically for riding. The lady down the road complained, now the County officials are trying to pass a law against all dirt bikes in the county. Even on your own property. That means your kid on a PW50 would be breaking the law. McGrath said right now he makes his friends use stock exhaust when they come over to ride.
Its ridiculous.

That is f@#$ing retarded !
Yep, Welcome to America.

It is like with anything. The politicians only listen to those that are being affected.

We should somehow be able to beat them to the punch and go complain to our congressman that the neighbor isn't going to let us ride before we ride so that we are the first complainer and not them. Do you think that will work :D

It is like the Jewish person in DC a few years back that complained to the Major about Santa Claus and they were going to ban Santa from the firetrucks and that just made people even more determined to show up as Santa. I believe it was soon overturned but it was just one family...

Again, Welcome to America... Land of the complainers...

I'm just stating some facts...If the majority gets pissed off enough...we'll all be walking
Hahaha, not as long as I can pull a trigger. Riverside County, thats in Gaylafornia, correct? And you guys are surprised? Welcome to the results of not voting, letting the Demo Socialists decide whats gonna be what. Don't get me wrong, it's happening here too. If the commies are good at anything, it's repetitive voting, they always show at the polls, and keep at it till they get what they want. It happened here with a recent school referendum. Over and over until they just wore us down. Makes me wanna puke.

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Sparkey 3008, A V twin sounds like a V8 to you. OK, but if you really want to hear a V8 sound from a bike, listen to a Valkyrie with 6 into 6 piping. It really sounds just like a 283 Chevy!


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