Go Buy a REAL Motorcycle!!!

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I would love to see an American Motorcycle company develope and compete on the same level as the Japanese. I realize its becoming a world economy. The technology and money is their Why Not??? Just think cruise on up on your American made 150 mile an hour sport touring bike that you bought for about 12 grand. Smooth, fast, fun to ride.
Have you done any research of the Buell. The reliability of that bike and service they get from HD is nothing to write home about.

A 1203 cc VTwin putting out 103hp

SV1000 puts out 116hp and costs $8600 compared to $11,495 for the Ulysses Buell.

If the US can only make a less bike for more money how can they possibly think they can compete in the sport bike market.

What does this mean ---->

I was also there when RF stumpted the table of Old Fogies.  :haha:
Explain to me as if I were a child. :)

It was explained earlier in this thread. On MadMikes2 Peak to Peak ride. At Breakfast a table of Old Fogies said why don't we ride real MC's. We out numbered them about 3 / 1. But RogerFaster replied our MC's had 145 hp. The reply was altogether or each one. EACH! Silence is Golden!
What does this mean ---->

I was also there when RF stumpted the table of Old Fogies.  :haha:
Explain to me as if I were a child. :)

It was explained earlier in this thread. On MadMikes2 Peak to Peak ride. At Breakfast a table of Old Fogies said why don't we ride real MC's. We out numbered them about 3 / 1. But RogerFaster replied our MC's had 145 hp. The reply was altogether or each one. EACH! Silence is Golden!

Don't get me wrong here...live & let live...my fjr is for RIDING B) ...in some ways it's therapy....I have another bike & car that I wrench on all the time....but the fjr is to RIDE & ENJOY.. :ph34r:
You wont' ever see a bike parked in front of a pyschatrist's office....<BG>

Riding is soul food! <G>

Unless it's the doctor's! :D

I have a friend who owns a Harley and one night while over celebrating another friends birthday sitting around a table with some guys drinking beers he asked me why I didn't buy a nice big dresser Harley for my wife and I to ride cross country on. I said to him "Why would I want a Sherman Tank to ride cross country on when I could take an F15? This was followed by lots of laughs from the other guys and complete silence from my friend with the Harley - PBraido

HD is saving lives by making big loud slow bikes. After you drink a bunch a beer and smoke a few rounds of weed it feels and sounds like you are going way fast. The loud bike let others get out of the way in time. I don't find it a monumental leap to come to these conclusions. Do you?

The only problem there is the "loudness of the pipes" :( can only be heard behind not in front of the rider....... just ask the motorcycle riders in California with what they are going through right now :agent:

The only problem there is the "loudness of the pipes" :(   can only be heard behind not in front of the rider....... just ask the motorcycle riders in California with what they are going through right now :agent:
Disagree, Beside the car they can be heard and does at least make a car next to you aware.

Also I would say that many such as myself put on louder pipes to allow free flowing exhaust after adding jet kits, cams etc and this does produce more power. Just like all you guys who have changed your exhaust on your fjr for more flow and power and the sound then does change. You sound is just different but it is louder.

My WR250F 4 stroke dirt bike loves to have a free flowing exhaust but it does make it louder but more power also. Now if you start talking about drag pipes and such now you might have an argument that they are not necessary but we are in America aren't. Do we no longer have any freedom of individuality anymore or are we just going to let all the blue hairs decide what we should be doing. (FREEDOM OF CHOICE)

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The only problem there is the "loudness of the pipes" :(   can only be heard behind not in front of the rider....... just ask the motorcycle riders in California with what they are going through right now :agent:
Then there's the whole waking me up at 6am in the morning as they gaggle together before a ride to rev up their engines. The get more revs out of their engines sitting still than they do on the way to their destination. JUST FUCKING GO!

The only problem there is the "loudness of the pipes" :(   can only be heard behind not in front of the rider....... just ask the motorcycle riders in California with what they are going through right now :agent:
Then there's the whole waking me up at 6am in the morning as they gaggle together before a ride to rev up their engines. The get more revs out of their engines sitting still than they do on the way to their destination. JUST FUCKING GO!
Ever tried to keep a cold V-twin running?

My backyard is right up against RT70 in Maryland. When we go outside you have to yell to talk to each other. In my bedroom I keep the bathroom door closed and a fan going to block out the traffic noise.

Vast majority of crashes with vehicles are left hand turn in front of the bike. The doppler effect negates that vast majority of the noise from those "powerful" sounding pipes. From behind the owners are just broadcasting "I have a small penis!" to the world they are passing through.

Most other crashes on cruisers are one vehicle accidents in which they run off the road drunk/high, over shoot corner apexes, low siding, etc.

"Louds pipes save lives" should be re-worded to "Loud pipes annoy your neighbors". Thanks to those idiots who feel the need to have the loudest pipes we will soon be in an environment were there will be crack downs on all bike db levels.


Vast majority of crashes with vehicles are left hand turn in front of the bike. The doppler effect negates that vast majority of the noise from those "powerful" sounding pipes. From behind the owners are just broadcasting "I have a small penis!" to the world they are passing through.
Most other crashes on cruisers are one vehicle accidents in which they run off the road drunk/high, over shoot corner apexes, low siding, etc.

"Louds pipes save lives" should be re-worded to "Loud pipes annoy your neighbors". Thanks to those idiots who feel the need to have the loudest pipes we will soon be in an environment were there will be crack downs on all bike db levels.

Next it will be Flowmasters, any aftermarket sport bike exhaust, on and on.

The fact that they have a deeper sound and travel more than your high pitched inline 4 doesn't mean it isn't done for the same reasons...

Vast majority of crashes with vehicles are left hand turn in front of the bike. The doppler effect negates that vast majority of the noise from those "powerful" sounding pipes. From behind the owners are just broadcasting "I have a small penis!" to the world they are passing through.
Most other crashes on cruisers are one vehicle accidents in which they run off the road drunk/high, over shoot corner apexes, low siding, etc.

"Louds pipes save lives" should be re-worded to "Loud pipes annoy your neighbors". Thanks to those idiots who feel the need to have the loudest pipes we will soon be in an environment were there will be crack downs on all bike db levels.

Next it will be Flowmasters, any aftermarket sport bike exhaust, on and on.

The fact that they have a deeper sound and travel more than your high pitched inline 4 doesn't mean it isn't done for the same reasons...
Oh, and I will mention that they have been cracking down on my dirt bikes for years. Closing every track they can get their beaurocratic little fingers on.

Then there's the whole waking me up at 6am in the morning as they gaggle together before a ride to rev up their engines. The get more revs out of their engines sitting still than they do on the way to their destination. JUST FUCKING GO!
When I was on a group ride to DC last year I was one of the only non Harley/Cruiser bikes on the run. Every time we'd get to a stop sign there was a lot of revving and popping. I finally got a little tweaked about it and started to rev the Feejer too - I got a few funny looks at first, but we all ended up laughing about it.

Then there's the whole waking me up at 6am in the morning as they gaggle together before a ride to rev up their engines. The get more revs out of their engines sitting still than they do on the way to their destination. JUST FUCKING GO!
When I was on a group ride to DC last year I was one of the only non Harley/Cruiser bikes on the run. Every time we'd get to a stop sign there was a lot of revving and popping. I finally got a little tweaked about it and started to rev the Feejer too - I got a few funny looks at first, but we all ended up laughing about it.
It becomes habit after a while I think. I know many with racing cams and such that have their idle so low that they almost won't idle without blipping the throttle.

I guess I like the sound. Most old people I know however, don't :D

PS: I have a nice flowing exhaust on my diesel too :lol:

Our freedoms stop at the next persons sensory apparati. We have freedoms as long as those freedoms don't harm those around us. It's the old freedom of speech concept that you can have your a$$ busted if you yell fire in a crowded room.

If you want your freedom to have obnoxiously loud pipes blasting the tranquility of my home and family life, then I want the freedom to pop you with my Springfield XD40. Ah, but we can't do that sort of thing, can we? There are limits to our individual freedoms, and those limits occur when we impact those around us deleteriously.


Our freedoms stop at the next persons sensory apparati. We have freedoms as long as those freedoms don't harm those around us. It's the old freedom of speech concept that you can have your a$$ busted if you yell fire in a crowded room.
If you want your freedom to have obnoxiously loud pipes blasting the tranquility of my home and family life, then I want the freedom to pop you with my Springfield XD40. Ah, but we can't do that sort of thing, can we? There are limits to our individual freedoms, and those limits occur when we impact those around us deleteriously.

Actually our freedom stopped with barbed wire :D

PS: Most of you do realize that jet kits, aftermarket exhaust, are all labeled as off road use only. They could fine you if they wanted or even revoke the title. My dirt bike has to meet db levels to ride in any state park or even tracks. At a reduction of power though.

Freedom of Choice is still my stand on many things and in this country as long as the blue hairs have the government it will be their way and it is not necessarily the majority. North Dakota is instating a no abortion law for their state. At what point do they then decide based on their religion that birth control is also unethical?

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I've been thru this countles times:

Go buy a real motorcycle !

Like what?

Like a Harley!

I've already got a few couches at home! I don't need another one with casters on it!

And they shut up and move on. Not that I've got a problem with HD. Whatever floats your boat.... But I won't shut up and take shit from wannabes... And I say wannabes 'cause this is usually brought up by bikeless people...
