Going to the Dark Side

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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OCfjr, I am due for a new front tire soon. I live in Fl and do about 80% highway and 20% curves. What front tire do you prefer for IB type riding? Currently I am using a 2CT on the front with the Exalto on the rear.
I've been running the PR2 also, and have about 16k on one now. It's toast, but not to cords. I'll probably order another one unless I read some awesome reports about the PR3.

Well here we are. 100 pages of comments (that were supposed to be) about one subject. Imagine that. OC, this is ALL YOUR FAULT. Anyway, I took a couple pics of that inner fender that wore away (a little) after installing my Exalto. As I said on page 99 of this thread, the rubbing occurred with 400 pounds of driver and passenger on board while the suspension was jacking up and down over a bumpy dirt road. I also mentioned that the problem was cured when I replaced 3 missing plastic rivets on the underside of the left side cover, which essentially moved the inner fender outboard just enough to clear the tire.

The tire doesn't show any signs of wear, though the lighting can play tricks on your eyes. Again, this whole thing was temporary and due to missing plastic rivets in the left side cover. The plastic inner fender on my bike isn't perfectly central, even now. Seems like a result of a little slop in the allowable manufacturing tolerances. The inner fender itself it still the same shape, I caught it in time before enough of it was worn away to change its appearance or function. I wanted to point this out because it should be checked when you first arrive on the darkside. Edit Note: this problem disappeared once I replaced the aforementioned plastic rivets.

Hope that helps.


darksider #44

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I will be using the PR2 Front/Exalto rear for the IBR in 3 months....
That is the combination I ran with my original Yokohama Advan Plus 4 and now with my Exalto. I was just curious because I do not recall anyone talking about which tire they ran on front when they were Darksiding. I guess I have been making a good choice all along. I will take luck over skill anytime.

Doug, if your IBR takes you anywhere near Fort Lauderdale, I am on the FJR Emergency contact list.

I love the PR2's. If there wasn't a car tire on the back, it would be a PR2. There is a PR2 on the front, adn until I can't find any, that is what I will run on the font. I will have to switch to the PR3 eventually, but I hope that is after this season.

Doug, if your IBR takes you anywhere near Fort Lauderdale, I am on the FJR Emergency contact list.

The IBR always has Key West as a bonus. I will have to decide if it is a sucker bonus or not.

Many thanks for your thoughtful offer.

I am doing a whole lot of bike prep with forum member kaitsdad to make sure I have smooth sailing. I just did a SS1K yesterday to complete a 5 seasons saddle sore by riding a ss on 5 consecutive seasons first days. I now have 97K and will have over 100K before the start in June.

I have a copy of the Contact list in my tankbag everywhere I go and have never had to use it, but really appreciate your offer!

Last try...........

Screw it....let some (other) ASSHOLE be the first on page 100!!

Go ahead, odot...post away!!! :rofl:

Dickwhistle...I believe that honor may infact be mine


I don't have a damn thing to say about putting a car tire on a motorcycle.

I just wanted to say, someday, that I posted on this thread when the length of it (in pages) could be stated in only two digits. :lol:
Stay out this..It's ugly enough without yer help ballsac. :lol:
+10, Tenfold Gunny! Bust Old Buddy, you are dealing with double ballsac's with those two yahoos! Now this thread is 100 pages, Eric-OCFJr is burning in hell for sure!

Oh I noticed it, alright.

So do you have to change your forum handle now, too????

Everybody already knows me, no point in changing now. I invite suggestions for new meaning of the OC though. 'Original Curmudgeon' came to mind, but I've lost my curmudgeon status with my excessive happiness these days. :yahoo:

Oh I noticed it, alright.

So do you have to change your forum handle now, too????

Everybody already knows me, no point in changing now. I invite suggestions for new meaning of the OC though. 'Original Curmudgeon' came to mind, but I've lost my curmudgeon status with my excessive happiness these days. :yahoo:
Eric ! how are the cabana boy lessons working for you ??? :yahoo:

Gosh, I hope we're still on page 100. I'm thinking of adopting a new policy--posting on EVERY page of this thread from now on!

Content? HA! What do you suppose the "P" in "NEPRT" stands for? ..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Here are the photos of my fender....


The tire is only rubbing a bit on the right hand side. The left side was only wearing the powerlet cover (and wire), but it stuck past the inner fender by 3/4". I am moving it to another location. I only weigh 180 and rarely carry a passenger, but I guess I ride a tad aggressively from time to time (touch the pegs a few times). However, my '03 shock was rather worn out and has since been replaced with a very low mile '05 (THANK YOU FOSSILRIDER) so I am hoping this might dissapear. Although it is just a little rubbing.............how can that be bad.


This shows the clearance.

I invite suggestions for new meaning of the OC though. 'Original Curmudgeon' came to mind, but I've lost my curmudgeon status with my excessive happiness these days. :yahoo:

The best I could come up with is: OptimallyContentedFjr
Well, hell. And all this time I thought it stood for "Orange County."

Hey Eric,

I was about to let you know I'll be visiting my daughter once again in Troutdale with the hopes we could once again get together for a burger, until I noticed your location change. No matter though, because my plans are to ride through Utah on my way home. It'll be much nicer than last year, being it'll be in May instead of July, so I can avoid the heat. And if you remember, I seemed to have brought some of my Havasu heat with me to Oregon last year. Now I just hope I can once again avoid the rainfall during my visit.

Ivins Utah is getting close to my neck of the woods. A big change from OC anyway. When my time gets closer, perhaps we can still meet for lunch or something as I cruise through St. George.

