Going to the Dark Side

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Michelin Exalto. Like I said, there was a good 3/16" hole in the tire, but since I plugged it with a string type plug is has been good.
I picked up a big ole screw in my Exalto with about 4k miles on it... right in the center. I plugged it, and that was the end of the problem. Just passed 30k miles on the tire this month.


<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="karstenp" data-cid="1082223" data-time="1374197450"><p>

OK.. for the first time ever I am considering going to the darkside. Unlike TriggerT and txvoyager, I elected to go with a tire swap at the first IBR checkpoint in Pittsburgh. I had to shorten my first leg in order to ensure that I arrived at the checkpoint in enough time to perform the tire swap. After reflecting on the IBR and the areas where I can make improvements, I have decided to try changing the rear tire to a Mich. Exalto. I need to do my research on this thread first but I intend to switch asap in order to get as much seat time as possible prior to the next IBR.<br />

<br />


+1. I had no issues switching rims in Sac but I was corded and really would have preferred to not spend the 30 minutes swapping. More pages to read, but ready to mount.

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I will be joining the Darkside in about 5 weeks. Has anyone here tried out the Hankook Ventus V2 Concept H437? It seems to get very good reviews, and is only $91, considerably less than the Michelin Exalto that seems to be the preferred tire here. Any help greatly appreciated.


No experience with the Hankook. You are putting on a tire that will last in excess of 25000 miles. Why not go with the KNOWN Exalto for a few bucks more? People have had less-than-stellar experiences with some other tire brands. Not to say the Hancook won't be a great tire but do you want to take the chance?

Don't forget to check out the Darkside FAQ to see what other tires have been run. And for those that have run other tires, a review after some use would be a great addition to the FAQ, just PM me with the tire you are using, the miles you have on it, and your brief review of it. I'll add it to the FAQ for others to read down the road.


Yep, bikes with car tires CANNOT turn worth spit. Death is sure to occur. LOL

BEHOLD, the impossible lean angle with a car tire!


photo courtesy of Killboy.com

I will be joining the Darkside in about 5 weeks. Has anyone here tried out the Hankook Ventus V2 Concept H437? It seems to get very good reviews, and is only $91, considerably less than the Michelin Exalto that seems to be the preferred tire here. Any help greatly appreciated.
Spend the bucks and go with the Exalto, you'll be happier. On the ST forum, those boys started out with the Hankook because it was narrower and one of the only ones that will fit in an ST swingarm. However, most are not getting big mileage, as little as 13k, some get more. Sidewalls are too soft and they are running 38-ish pressures. IMHO, Hankook not recommended, ST guys are trying Goodyear Triple Tread. Spend your bucks on the Exalto and be happy for the next 40k....... cheaper in the long run, handles better.


I've read every page of this darkside thread and can tell you that some have been happy with other tires, but many have been miserable with their choices and some have vowed to never ride the darkside because of it. Also, changin' tires does take a bit of time and energy, and for most of us, a little money as well. Hmmm: makes ya think, is it worth savin' 60 bucks? I've had my Exalto for 2 1/2 years and have 31 k on it thus far. I do not baby that tire. But lookin' at the tread, I've got a ways to go still. Let's say I'd made the decision to use another tire and saved a little. That would mean I'd saved about 50 cents a week for my troubles and the risk I took. And every mile I drove, I'da been wonderin' if'n I shoulda got the Exalto instead.

My dad used to say,
"Know what I mean, jellybean?"


darksider #44

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Thank you RaYzerman19, and garyahouse. These opinions/experiences are what I was hoping to hear about. After reading your posts, I went ahead and pulled the trigger on a Michelin Exalto. I am now only waiting on an aftermarket shock that I ordered, to go make this happen. I will post up a picture when I have officially Darksided.

Thanks again,


P.S. A HUGE thank you to OCfjr for blazing the trail.

With about 30k miles on it thus far, I was just taking a close look at my Exalto. I just returned from a 6k high speed torture test across America. Upon close inspection, my two center treads are about 1/16 of an inch above the wear bars. The outer two treads, however, appear to have 1/16 to 1/8 MORE tread. The tire seems to be wearing more in the center. I've kept it at 31-33 psi most of its life.

This is important information and might indicate that a slightly lower pressure might allow a more even tread wear???? Any body else notice this trend?


darksider #44

With about 30k miles on it thus far, I was just taking a close look at my Exalto. I just returned from a 6k high speed torture test across America. Upon close inspection, my two center treads are about 1/16 of an inch above the wear bars. The outer two treads, however, appear to have 1/16 to 1/8 MORE tread. The tire seems to be wearing more in the center. I've kept it at 31-33 psi most of its life.
This is important information and might indicate that a slightly lower pressure might allow a more even tread wear???? Any body else notice this trend?


darksider #44
While not a direct comparison, the trend is similar with Darkside Hondapotamus tires.

My first CT (Runflat) exhibited the same more-wear-in-the-center issue when I used 34-36psi, more even wear in the low 30s.

This is especially noticeable when the majority of riding is done on the slab, as you have - which is, of course, where the Darkside choices shine.

I'm confident that others - with FJR Darkside experience - will be along shortly.

Last night I re-mounted the CT for an upcoming trip. Had to ask the wifey to give a hand holding that first spoon whilst I worked around the rim with 2 others. BTW, the CT gets easier to mount the more it's used (about 20K). I made the comment after we were done that I would most likey put the BT back on once I'm done with the extended rides and plan on "sportin' around" with the guys on the local twisties. She then just says to me (the nerve of that woman!), "why don't you just buy another wheel?"

I've got it soooo rough.
