Gonna Change my FJR '06 Order

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My wife and I just got back in from the Yamaha booth at the speedway, and the AE did look like it had a pink or lilac hue to it, until I realized I had blue blocker type sunglasses on!

I took them off, gave my eyes a few minutes to adjust and the bike turned to a standard silver, just like past models. The FJR's are sitting in the middle of the paddock away from all other bikes and color sources, on black indoor/outdoor carpet and with a blue sunny sky. It's inherent and natural that this type of paint will change hues slightly depending on the surroundings and lighting.

I still think they screwed up not having 06 demo bikes. The heat concern is wide spread among the lookers and potential buyers. I actually had a crowd around me when I was explaining the heat fix changes on the 06. Yamaha is really missing the boat by not having the new bikes available to ride and a second round PDP to go with it.

But then, I stood back, looking at the scope of the Yamaha display, especially considering they had two separate huge Star motorcycle displays in separate areas of the speedway, a large mix of off-road and sport bikes, and I soon realized the FJR is small potatoes. Still, I think they could sell a lot more of them if they had more colors and variety. I sure got tired of seeing nothing but Galaxy Blue FJR's cruising around Daytona (with an occasional silver mixed in). They all look alike after awhile. There were a bunch of them in town though.

Someone here on this forum actually looked up the meaning of the word cerulean-it is supposed to mean blue.Hey, whoever looked that up - What was that def?  (I would, but my feet are proped up in my recliner-so, hell no.)
That would be me after purchasing my Cerulean (or Cerlium in Ebay speak ;) ) '04. Webster's defines it as "sky blue, or light blue". Neither one is particularly fitting IMHO. And I have seen the lilac hue in natural outdoor light on mine. But as Toecutter pointed out, those of us secure in our manhood don't really have a problem with it. :aggressive:

My wife and I just got back in from the Yamaha booth at the speedway, and the AE did look like it had a pink or lilac hue to it, until I realized I had blue blocker type sunglasses on!
I took them off, gave my eyes a few minutes to adjust and the bike turned to a standard silver, just like past models. The FJR's are sitting in the middle of the paddock away from all other bikes and color sources, on black indoor/outdoor carpet and with a blue sunny sky. It's inherent and natural that this type of paint will change hues slightly depending on the surroundings and lighting.

I still think they screwed up not having 06 demo bikes. The heat concern is wide spread among the lookers and potential buyers. I actually had a crowd around me when I was explaining the heat fix changes on the 06. Yamaha is really missing the boat by not having the new bikes available to ride and a second round PDP to go with it.

But then, I stood back, looking at the scope of the Yamaha display, especially considering they had two separate huge Star motorcycle displays in separate areas of the speedway, a large mix of off-road and sport bikes, and I soon realized the FJR is small potatoes. Still, I think they could sell a lot more of them if they had more colors and variety. I sure got tired of seeing nothing but Galaxy Blue FJR's cruising around Daytona (with an occasional silver mixed in). They all look alike after awhile. There were a bunch of them in town though.
I was there today on my '03 (Silver)! Be there tomorrow too! lol

If you want a "gay" color, check out the 06 650 Strom blue. I'm getting one - my wife loves it and so do I. Sorry, gotta run to watch "Project Runway".

- Mark
