Gonna Change my FJR '06 Order

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Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
Was at Daytona Bike week and saw the '06's up close Very nice indeed but the Cerulean Silver of the AE model has a lavender/lilac hue to it that is, at least to me, a big turnoff. I wanted the auto-clutch model but the color is a turn-off. Has anyone else noticed this or am I going nuts. BTW, took off sunglasses to ensure color was not influenced by them . . . my buddy with me saw the same thing? :(

Couldn't disagree more, I'd have preferred the color, just not the auto shift. IMO the new blue is way too much like the old blue, shift red would have been a nice option, or the titanium gray of my 03 1100 custom. No show stopper either way though, which is why I'm a waiter :)

Yeah, go buy a real motorcycle. Lilac hue with auto tranny....that is sooo gay. Real bikes are blue and have a clutch you operate with your fist. What would the Harley men say when you pull up on a lilac hue auto tranny......girlie man.

The above is meant to be stupid, and it is.

I really didn't see any lilac or pink hues in my '05 cerulean silver FZ6. Maybe it was the lighting or something reflecting on the bike???? :unsure:

Don't panic yet. The color you see is just your brain's interpretation of reflected light. Depending on the light used, the brain will interpret a different color -sometimes drastically. For example, if they were lit by mercury vapor or flouresent lights, you didn't see the real color. In fact, unless they were lit by daylight-reproducing full-spectrum lighting, it will look completely different in the real world. Still gay, but different.

The color you see is just your brain's interpretation of reflected light.
not only that, but, was the bike under a canopy or was it out in the sunlight? I've seen my '04 in all different kinds of light and never saw any of the hues you're talking about.

1. mjacks- who is that in your avatar? Self, friend, SO? Stunning!

2. Yeah, the Cerulean seems to be shunned heavily by the homophobic crowd. Ya really gotta be secure in your manhood to ride the Silver Stallion! Or gay. But don't ask, because I ain't seen any of you yet that are cute enough to find out. ;)

Don't panic yet. The color you see is just your brain's interpretation of reflected light. Depending on the light used, the brain will interpret a different color -sometimes drastically. For example, if they were lit by mercury vapor or flouresent lights, you didn't see the real color. In fact, unless they were lit by daylight-reproducing full-spectrum lighting, it will look completely different in the real world. Still gay, but different.
They're outside in the sunlight at Daytona.

I echo Randy,

I have never noticed any pink hue. My 04 always kind of looks bluish silver to me.

jpalamaro maybe now that you have ordered an FJR you are suddenly viewing the world through rose colored glasses! :)


If the bikes were outside, you're in trouble. Could be as mentioned above-pre production bike. Someone here on this forum actually looked up the meaning of the word cerulean-it is supposed to mean blue.

Hey, whoever looked that up - What was that def? (I would, but my feet are proped up in my recliner-so, hell no.)

Anyway, if you saw pink - you may need an eye exam, OR, you should take Viagra - (side effect turns vision BLUE)

I have to agree. When I saw the AE at the Seattle show in December, if you bent over, lifted one leg, pointed your right index finger to the south and farted, the bike looked like it had a pink hue. ;)

It's too early to tell. +1 on the pre-production model jitters.

('course I ordered an A model, so don't listen to me...)

1. mjacks- who is that in your avatar? Self, friend, SO? Stunning!
2. Yeah, the Cerulean seems to be shunned heavily by the homophobic crowd. Ya really gotta be secure in your manhood to ride the Silver Stallion! Or gay. But don't ask, because I ain't seen any of you yet that are cute enough to find out. ;)
It is just a portait from a photographer that I like. I have no idea who his models are but I like them and all his photos really capture the beauty of these women w/o being trashy or resorting to showing everything. I will rotate "my girls" from time to time.

Was the silver bike sitting next to something red? It could've caught some reflection from something else... because I've got an '04 silver & I don't see a speck/hue of pink.

If I was buying an '06 FJR it would be the non-AE model. The first thing I would do is see if I could find someone to swap out the bodywork with. I love my Cerulean Silver. My wife liked it so much she chose that color for her '05 FZ6.

