Mi amigo Adam, Bien Hecho, Welcome Home to Arizona Again! Deepest condolences on the loss of your mother, very sad.
https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//index.php?showtopic=122752 This is perfect timing for you to join the Inaugural Los Robustos M/C Meet and Eat in North Las Vegas and Wikieup. On Friday, October 30 my lady friend Rena and I're leaving Chandler for LV; we're departing from the Love's Truck Stop at Exit 162 on Interstate 10 at 0900 in case any of Tucson FJR Forum will meet us there for the ride up to Nevada. This'll put us in Kingman at approximately 1300 hours, meet you there.
Muy Peligro: I must warn you about a pestilence that has descended on Arizona since you last lived here. There's a rabid desert ground squirrel that resides around Skootsdale, AZ. This nasty greg squirrel will sneak into your home and drink your beer, eat your food and piss in your swimming pool. He'll talk to you until your ears are bloody and mooch mucho free lunches off of you. He'll convince you to get a cell and then call you at all hours of the night to babble his fool head off!
Zorlac, the desert beauty grows deeply on you and it gets under your skin with its raw majesty. Being out on a dual sport bike at sunrise riding in the Superstition Mountains is one of most gorgeous and moving experiences that you can imagine!
Piloting your power boat up the canyons of the Colorado River seeing desert wildlife taking a drink is amazingly awesome.
Adam, otro Zonie Desert Rat to another, Bienvenidos Muchacho! H: 480-917-3863 C: 480-440-4666 beemerdons@aol.com