Good Bye, Missouri... Hello Arizona

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Drive through liquor stores and we don't change our freekin clocks!
Many Thanks! Mark, did Duke remind you to post these 2 very important items? Why the rest of the United States changes their clocks around beats the hell out of an Arizonan, make no sense. Drive through liquor stores, we can't live without them!

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Adam, good luck with your move...I do think you'll miss the twisty roads you had in your back yard.....

the only thing you will miss from missouri is the waffle house and steak n shake.welcome the the west side of the world.
Awful House was the place you went if you wanted Hepititus! (Pecan Waffle, Scattered Covered Smothered hashbrowns, And Bug in the Bread) :D

Steak and shake will be replaced by a REAL hamburger joint... IN-N-OUT! Double Double Animal Style with Animal Fries!

Mi amigo Adam, Bien Hecho, Welcome Home to Arizona Again! Deepest condolences on the loss of your mother, very sad. This is perfect timing for you to join the Inaugural Los Robustos M/C Meet and Eat in North Las Vegas and Wikieup. On Friday, October 30 my lady friend Rena and I're leaving Chandler for LV; we're departing from the Love's Truck Stop at Exit 162 on Interstate 10 at 0900 in case any of Tucson FJR Forum will meet us there for the ride up to Nevada. This'll put us in Kingman at approximately 1300 hours, meet you there.

Muy Peligro: I must warn you about a pestilence that has descended on Arizona since you last lived here. There's a rabid desert ground squirrel that resides around Skootsdale, AZ. This nasty greg squirrel will sneak into your home and drink your beer, eat your food and piss in your swimming pool. He'll talk to you until your ears are bloody and mooch mucho free lunches off of you. He'll convince you to get a cell and then call you at all hours of the night to babble his fool head off!

Zorlac, the desert beauty grows deeply on you and it gets under your skin with its raw majesty. Being out on a dual sport bike at sunrise riding in the Superstition Mountains is one of most gorgeous and moving experiences that you can imagine!

Piloting your power boat up the canyons of the Colorado River seeing desert wildlife taking a drink is amazingly awesome.

Adam, otro Zonie Desert Rat to another, Bienvenidos Muchacho! H: 480-917-3863 C: 480-440-4666

the only thing you will miss from missouri is the waffle house and steak n shake.welcome the the west side of the world.
I guess he might also miss Mexican Villa and springfield style cashew chicken!

The ozarks are beautiful, too.
Thanks Don for the Gracious offer! :good: I am looking forward to meeting up for a brew! :drinks:

Oh ****, there goes the neighborhood!
Sorry to hear about your mom. Congrats on the move to Arizona.

I can't wait for you to buy me lunch!
It's your turn to buy ME dinner. I will provide the transportation this time! :****:

Good deal Adam! :yahoo:
Now we'll be seeing you on SoCal rides, correct? ;)
Every chance i get! I will have to split duty with my Jeep friends out there though... We are planning on an Anza-Borrego trip wheeling in the Desert. :D Any fellow Jeepers here?

Adam, good luck with your move...I do think you'll miss the twisty roads you had in your back yard.....
I will always remember the great times i have had and with the great people like you Petey. The Hooterville Gang will live on!
Adam: Great minds think alike, I have been driving Jeep since I got out of the Army in 1974. The current Jeep is our 2006 Jeep Liberty SUV Volvo Diesel rig set up for Baja. Ex-wife Jean, Seth's Mom, is still driving our 1996 Jeep Cherokee 4 x 4.

Adam: Great minds think alike, I have been driving Jeep since I got out of the Army in 1974. The current Jeep is our 2006 Jeep Liberty SUV Volvo Diesel rig set up for Baja. Ex-wife Jean, Seth's Mom, is still driving our 1996 Jeep Cherokee 4 x 4.
Mine is more of a crawler... ;)

Here is my other hang out... I am "Big A" :D






Good luck with the move Adam. You're close to my old stomping grounds...grew up in BHC, although I'll never admit it anywhere but here. Get some water toys to make it through the summer, the lake and river are the places to be in the heat.


Say goodbye to trees and black mud.... :cray:

Best wishes to ya... :drinks:

So, ya gonna git a chance for a ride or sumpin' before yur gone?

Say goodbye to trees and black mud.... :cray:
Best wishes to ya... :drinks:

So, ya gonna git a chance for a ride or sumpin' before yur gone?
Sorry Russ, I had planned on calling you when i had a free moment, But those are non-existent these days. ****. The only ride i really did this year was SFO, And 3-4 piddly little 300 round trips down 125 to Push Mountain and back. :(

Say goodbye to trees and black mud.... :cray:
Best wishes to ya... :drinks:

So, ya gonna git a chance for a ride or sumpin' before yur gone?
Sorry Russ, I had planned on calling you when i had a free moment, But those are non-existent these days. ****. The only ride i really did this year was SFO, And 3-4 piddly little 300 round trips down 125 to Push Mountain and back. :(
Well hell, I reckon I can go for a ride in AZ.

Surely it won't kill me....


Say goodbye to trees and black mud.... :cray:
Best wishes to ya... :drinks:

So, ya gonna git a chance for a ride or sumpin' before yur gone?
Sorry Russ, I had planned on calling you when i had a free moment, But those are non-existent these days. ****. The only ride i really did this year was SFO, And 3-4 piddly little 300 round trips down 125 to Push Mountain and back. :(
Well hell, I reckon I can go for a ride in AZ.

Surely it won't kill me....

I am excited to explore the mountains of AZ in the Spring and the deserts in the winter! Year round riding without snow is gooood

Say goodbye to trees and black mud.... :cray:
Best wishes to ya... :drinks:

So, ya gonna git a chance for a ride or sumpin' before yur gone?
Sorry Russ, I had planned on calling you when i had a free moment, But those are non-existent these days. ****. The only ride i really did this year was SFO, And 3-4 piddly little 300 round trips down 125 to Push Mountain and back. :(
Well hell, I reckon I can go for a ride in AZ.

Surely it won't kill me....

I am excited to explore the mountains of AZ in the Spring and the deserts in the winter! Year round riding without snow is gooood
So, you gonna have room on yur couch fer a drifter?

Say goodbye to trees and black mud.... :cray:
Best wishes to ya... :drinks:

So, ya gonna git a chance for a ride or sumpin' before yur gone?
Sorry Russ, I had planned on calling you when i had a free moment, But those are non-existent these days. ****. The only ride i really did this year was SFO, And 3-4 piddly little 300 round trips down 125 to Push Mountain and back. :(
Well hell, I reckon I can go for a ride in AZ.

Surely it won't kill me....

I am excited to explore the mountains of AZ in the Spring and the deserts in the winter! Year round riding without snow is gooood
So, you gonna have room on yur couch fer a drifter?
I am sure we can work something out for sure! My temporary accommodations will be somewhat cramped as i am only renting a room from someone, But i plan on getting my own place in a few months.

I hope things go smooth....

Let me know if I can help in the move, or if'n ya need ta store sumpin' back this way....


I hope things go smooth....Let me know if I can help in the move, or if'n ya need ta store sumpin' back this way....


I don't have much left after selling the house, As i gave/sold most of my stuff. I rented a 14' Uhaul and a car carrier and i will have plenty of room to spare.

I hope things go smooth....Let me know if I can help in the move, or if'n ya need ta store sumpin' back this way....


I don't have much left after selling the house, As i gave/sold most of my stuff. I rented a 14' Uhaul and a car carrier and i will have plenty of room to spare.
Lemme know ifn ya need help loadin' or anythin...

I reckon we should be doin pm's...

Oh well....

I left California in 1984 for a move to Ohio. But slowly started moving towards the west again, stopping at the CA border in Lake Havasu. I really enjoy Arizona, even if it does get really hot. Although I still have relatives in California, don't believe I'd ever move there again. I enjoy the ability to drive or ride the desert and ownership of guns too much. Too many restrictions further west. If I were ever to move again, I might go back to Colorado or New Mexico. If I moved back to Colorado, I could torment Pinhead!

Nice Jeep!!

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If I moved back to Colorado, I could torment Pinhead!
But then who would I go torment in Lake Havasu in January when I really, really need to get out of here? :dntknw: Wait... doesn't Don have a place down there? Bring it on, Bid-D!

Oh, and congrats on the move, GalaxyBlue. :good:


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