Got my FJR!

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2010
Reaction score
charles town, wv
I brought my FRJ home last night. I bought it from a forum member, Don Winges in Long Island, NY and rode it to Charles Town, WV. Don is a good guy and he took immaculate care of the bike. We did run into one issue. After carefully reviewing the NY motor vehicle web site I had all of my documentation ready for a temp tag. The rocket scientist behind the counter had never heard of a temp tag on a motorcycle and didn't know if it could be done. I pointed out that there is nothing on the web site that mentions that it would be a problem and that I had come all the way from West Virginia. She huddled with two other hens and even with their combined IQ of 33, they could not figure this one out. They called Albany which double the IQ to an even 66 and determined that since a temp tag goes in the rear window of a car and motorcycles don't have rear windows, they would not issue a temp tag for a motorcycle.

Don, who doesn't know me from Adam, immediately offered to take the day off of work and trailer the bike to WV for me. After talking with my insurance company and determining that my insurance would cover any accidents, Don graciously lent me his plates to ride it home. Between stop and go traffic in New York and Baltimore and more long toll booth lines than I can keep track of, I got home in 6.5 hours. Pretty brutal for a 325 mile ride. Thanks to Don's meticulous care, the bike performed like a champ. I was a little concerned about being pulled over with questionable documentation so I never got it above 80, but it was rock solid the entire way.

It is a fantastic bike, as you all know, and I think with a few upgrades it will be perfect for me. I definitely need an after market seat (most likely a Russell), pullback risers, and forward pegs (I have a bad knee and need to stretch it). I bought this bike for long distance riding (after riding my Fatboy to Sturgis) and specifically for the Iron Butt Ultimate Coast to Coast and there is no doubt in my mind that I'll easily be able to rack up big miles in total comfort.

Anyway, thanks to everyone for all of the good advice I've gotten on this forum and a special thanks to Don for all of his help and for taking such good care of the bike. It has gone to a good home; I won't baby it but I'll take good care of it!

Well, since you've been here for a few weeks, you should know . . . . . . .

Pics or it didn't happen!!!! :lol:

Give it some time before you start with seats and bars and stuff. Even with all that, it's going to be an adjustment from the Fatboy. Highway pegs are a good idea, though, I've got the Wild Bill brackets on mine, and they are a life saver (knee saver, I should say.)

Google "Master Yoda riding position" for some good tips on getting comfy, how to carry your weight in the seat and pegs (butt, back, and legs) and not on the bars (hands and wrists.)

Stay aware of the taller nature of the bike, too. Don't let yourself stop with any lean going on thinking you can hold it. You won't.

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Well, since you've been here for a few weeks, you should know . . . . . . .

Pics or it didn't happen!!!! :lol:

Give it some time before you start with seats and bars and stuff. Even with all that, it's going to be an adjustment from the Fatboy. Highway pegs are a good idea, though, I've got the Wild Bill brackets on mine, and they are a life saver (knee saver, I should say.)

Google "Master Yoda riding position" for some good tips on getting comfy, how to carry your weight in the seat and pegs (butt, back, and legs) and not on the bars (hands and wrists.)

Stay aware of the taller nature of the bike, too. Don't let yourself stop with any lean going on thinking you can hold it. You won't.
Thanks. I'm charging up my iPhone and will try to post pics later. I had read and practiced the Master Yoda riding position before I went up and I can tell you that I could not have survived the trip without that technique. Also, good point about the extra height. I had a GSA several years back so I have some experience with tall bikes, but it's a good reminder.

I brought my FRJ home last night. I bought it from a forum member, Don Winges in Long Island, NY and rode it to Charles Town, WV. Don is a good guy and he took immaculate care of the bike. We did run into one issue. After carefully reviewing the NY motor vehicle web site I had all of my documentation ready for a temp tag. The rocket scientist behind the counter had never heard of a temp tag on a motorcycle and didn't know if it could be done. I pointed out that there is nothing on the web site that mentions that it would be a problem and that I had come all the way from West Virginia. She huddled with two other hens and even with their combined IQ of 33, they could not figure this one out. They called Albany which double the IQ to an even 66 and determined that since a temp tag goes in the rear window of a car and motorcycles don't have rear windows, they would not issue a temp tag for a motorcycle.

Don, who doesn't know me from Adam, immediately offered to take the day off of work and trailer the bike to WV for me. After talking with my insurance company and determining that my insurance would cover any accidents, Don graciously lent me his plates to ride it home. Between stop and go traffic in New York and Baltimore and more long toll booth lines than I can keep track of, I got home in 6.5 hours. Pretty brutal for a 325 mile ride. Thanks to Don's meticulous care, the bike performed like a champ. I was a little concerned about being pulled over with questionable documentation so I never got it above 80, but it was rock solid the entire way.

It is a fantastic bike, as you all know, and I think with a few upgrades it will be perfect for me. I definitely need an after market seat (most likely a Russell), pullback risers, and forward pegs (I have a bad knee and need to stretch it). I bought this bike for long distance riding (after riding my Fatboy to Sturgis) and specifically for the Iron Butt Ultimate Coast to Coast and there is no doubt in my mind that I'll easily be able to rack up big miles in total comfort.

Anyway, thanks to everyone for all of the good advice I've gotten on this forum and a special thanks to Don for all of his help and for taking such good care of the bike. It has gone to a good home; I won't baby it but I'll take good care of it!

Your welcome Wade. Just doing my part to dis-spell the myth that all New Yorkers are a-holes. That's pretty generous of you to give them that high of a combined IQ. Lol. Glad to hear you didn't have any mishaps on the way back home.

Ride Safe-----Don


THERE, I posted one for you!! :)

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I guess you CAN teach an old dog new tricks: Here's the bike when I got home:

