Great Divide Mountain Bike Trail

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A little later timing and I could have hooked up with Jim in Butte and wished him safe travels!

Still looking good...


What do you do when your riding gear starts scaring away the animals ....


Find a cheap hotel that has a washing machine and that's close to a store that sells beer.

Even if you are packing good freeze dried food ever once in a while you just have to have something else.


Jim is riding south out of Wise River, MT into the Big Hole Basin. No frost on the tent this morning, 62 degrees and sunny.

Go Jim Go ...

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It would be fun to Iron Butt out to spend the night camping with him! But I still have at least two more weeks dealing with home front issue's and by then he will be out of range for a three day run, maybe we'll see.

Pan, I love the names of the trails, if they have a name, like the one Jim's on now, Medicine Lodge Rd.

He's west of Lima, Mt along the Idaho/Montana boarder and making pretty good time.

If you are in contact with him, I would love to see a good pic of his bike and how he has it set up.

The one pic of it with him and his wife was just a teaser.


Pan, I love the names of the trails, if they have a name, like the one Jim's on now, Medicine Lodge Rd.
He's west of Lima, Mt along the Idaho/Montana boarder and making pretty good time.
If you and I could camp in hotels we might be able do it on Tenere's!


Bar bag: tent, bag, pad, pillow

Fork bags: sandals, shirt & shorts, each for holds a water bottle

Lower frame bag: spare tubes and bike pars, tools, 4 liter water bag

Front top tube bag: camera

Rear top: wallet & pistol

Seat bag: rain gear, stove w pot, e freeze dried dinners, bear bag, maps, cold weather clothes, spare jersey & bibs

He also has a little generator for charging phone, etc that runs off of the tire.

He had to replace a chain in Butte, Mt.

He say his Garmin Etrex30 works great.

And the he sent me a picture of apple pie and ice cream from Lima, Mt. I'm not falling for that trick again ...

Go Jim Go ...

Just wondering if I should tell Jim about the bear that killed a bike rider in GNP this week and remind him that Yellowstone National Park has more bear problems than Glacier.

I think Jim is camping in Big Springs just out of the YNP close to the West Yellowstone entrance.

Just wondering if I should tell Jim about the bear that killed a bike rider in GNP this week and remind him that Yellowstone National Park has more bear problems than Glacier.
I think Jim is camping in Big Springs just out of the YNP close to the West Yellowstone entrance.
No. I imagine he understands the risk.

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Just wondering if I should tell Jim about the bear that killed a bike rider in GNP this week and remind him that Yellowstone National Park has more bear problems than Glacier.
I think Jim is camping in Big Springs just out of the YNP close to the West Yellowstone entrance.
No. I imagine he understands the risk.
I agree.

Besides, what are the odds of 2 mountain bikers getting attacked within days of each other?

And I'm just guessing, but I bet the other guy was in a more remote location than JimJim..


But you might suggest he whistle a happy tune loudly as he rides to let them know he's coming.

(They say bears hate surprises..)

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I have been told that the bears are attracted to noise (keys banging on back packs, whistling and such), it is voices that they tend to walk away from. True or not I have no idea.

I like the names of the roads, Teton Park Rd [Jims on this one now] and Moose Wilson Rd [next road] and of course they close for the winter.

Falls Creek Rd, I think will be the 3rd road, does even say closed for winter because all the locals know that already.

Jim had a hard 70 mile ride yesterday into Pinedale, WY.

He's headed east out of Boulder on Hwy 253.

And now south on Lander Cuttoff Rd toward nowhere, WY.

Last edited by a moderator:'s going to get toasty the further south he bikes.

Hope he has plenty of refreshments along! ;-)

