Great Ride in Arizona High Country

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Not to sound like yer mother & stuff, but i wish you would stop crashing like that. You coulda hurtcherself. Thanks for making it through, though.

Hal-kaitsdad, Steve and Mike-madmike2: Can you please help vectervp1-Art Montoya and Papa Chuy out? Is this Crash #6 or Crash #7 for Skooty? Arte and I both lost count around Crashes #4 & #5!

Not to sound like yer mother & stuff, but i wish you would stop crashing like that. You coulda hurtcherself. Thanks for making it through, though.
First of all glad to hear you are only bent not broken.

Second, should we have any gear that is questionable, can we send it to you for crash testing? ;)

I hated to open this email when? I saw the title and dang, that looks painful from a lot of aspects. Heal fast. Sure glad you weren't wearing just a silk-screened T-shirt.

I actually think you lucked out (karma?) more than you realize in that corner having the steel barrier. If it was your bike and not a previous car that put that dent in the barrier, there was enough speed there to do more than leave a mark. Those damned things have broken backs. I used to work with a guy who lost an arm to one (he'd had a few beers) as it went under with the bike while he went over. Seeing those barriers automatically slows me down.

We really are just coming out of Road Repair Season and into the Hot Tar Snake Season. I hit a couple of those camo road repairs last year and am not so sure that even leaving your sunglasses off would've caught the hazard. Especially after already getting into the groove of riding for several hours.

I doubt you would've made it away from the scene without that carbon alternator cover. More good chit that done it's job.

Sure would hate to see the fleet miles leader lost. Maybe it'll just buff right out, right?

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Got well soon my freind... Let me know how the dirty old whore is doing.....


Aw **** man, heal up. The old dirty whore will be back being a road **** in no time.

Geez, Scooter, That was a nasty spill . Sure looked like no fault of yours, the gravel is hard to see. Hope you bike turns out ok.

Get well, ride again.


Jeebus, Scoot....

Damn glad you were able to ride away. Dunno if I woulda been able to do that.

Do us all a favor? From now on, keep the rubber side DOWN, mm-kay?

Ouch. I was considering a flip face helmet.... WAS. Not now. Glad you walked away with a bump and a scrape... that arm looks like it's going to be fun for awhile though. Best of luck on the bike... I assume you are carrying insurance on her? From your description I'm thinking she's going to require a lot of TLC to get back up to snuff.

My sympathy for your pain, problems and punishment (both physical and verbal -- from your so-called friends :) )

If you're considering fixing the bike? -- if you plan to have the insurance co. pay for it: they'll probably want an estimate of damage from a Yamaha shop -- that'll tell the tale (they usually don't miss much, if anything?) -- and the Ins. Co. will probably say: "Total Loss".

Doesn't mean you can't fix it, tho... :unsure:

One thing I want to mention (since we're all reading this thread -- and thinking about/discussing it): When the incident occured, you were about 500 mi. into a 600+ mi. ride on moutain roads (all in one day...!). I know you're an accomplished rider with an LD background -- but, (IMO) that was a bit of a stretch, I think?

For me, that'd be a 2-day ride. (but, then, I'm an old-fart...)

Miles on the super-slab and miles on demanding mountain roads are considerably different.

Just sayin'...

Good luck with your healing and repairing.

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Holy S&%t. I'm sorry to hear about your ride going bad. Those are some of the roads I call my stomping grounds, and that kind of stuff can happen anytime up there. I'm glad you are ok, and I hope you can fix your bike. I am a machinist and will be happy to help if I can in any way. Let me know if there is anything I can do.

Take care, heal up, and thanks for the great pics, and the reminder that we can get bit anytime, anywhere.


I was just over 5 miles outside of Jerome when it happened.................
I didn't want to scroll down after reading that.

That really sucks. So, now that you're experienced.. would you rather have the 'Oh ****' moment or skip right to the action? I've often wondered about that. It seems to me that not having time to stiffen up and brace yourself might actually reduce injuries.

Ive got a pair of Wiley X glasses with transition lenses. You might want to look into something similar.

Damn, Scoot! Glad you're relatively OK. My thumb and sacrum are still sore staus post unplanned get-off two and a half weeks ago...... drink LOTS of water- It'll help flush all of the waste from your tissues more efficiently.

Hope the bike isnt trashed.... hard to part with!

Heal quick and get back out there and ride!


Good to see your ok Scooter!! I was riding out of Jerome to Prescott about a month ago and almost went down in the same set of curves. The 3 riders I was with slid enough to put everybody straight up and their ******* in a knot. If you ever come this way again, I'm in the Show Low area, let me know. Again, good to see your ok!

Greg, Greg, Greg...... DAMNIT !!!!
Do NOT scare our collective ***** like this, ok?

So glad you are ok, it certainly could have been much worse. Remember - Advil is your friend. Please heal up quickly.

I just happen to have a wrecked 05 in my garage - and I'm pretty sure the forks are straight. Just in case.
Hal-kaitsdad, Steve and Mike-madmike2: Can you please help vectervp1-Art Montoya and Papa Chuy out? Is this Crash #6 or Crash #7 for Skooty? Arte and I both lost count around Crashes #4 & #5!
Actually, mi amigo, I decided to quit counting after his trip to Golden, CO.

I was going to stop counting after the "playa dancing" but since he volunteered on the way to CO..... :unsure:

The itch has been strong for a while, so this past Thursday I got to scratch it.
Yeah...yeah...yeah...we could've suggested you "rub it".

Welcome to the "Kinder and Gentler FJR Forum." ;)

As for the questions on the helmet, it's an HJC IS-MAX. Latch is working great right now. Of course I am probably not simulating the impact as best as I can to the real life version. Where's mi bastard step-daddy beemerdons? He'll make a good crash test dummy.
B-b-b-but you're doing such a "bang-up-job" testing the equipment. :dribble:

I know it doesn't look all that bad, but it's the hidden issues with the front end I am worried about.

For like the 3rd (and possibly final) time, the Garauld rack took a beating.

Most of the damage to the upper left. A new front subframe will be needed. Damn, that thing is a PITA to change.
Uh...since you'll have the nose piece off for replacement, you're only looking at another hour, max, to replace the front stay. Uhm.... $321 @ Zanottis. Don't ask.

Scratches to the right front fender. Bike was sliding on it's left side the whole time as far as I know. This must me guardrail impact damage.
Some small gouges to the right fork. (There are some on the right side of the wheel too.) Again, I am assuming guardrail impact and most likely which is causing my front end issues.
I'm leaning toward Matt's concern about twisting the frame. Those marks indicate a rather substantial hit. OTH, Rogdeb's slide/crash @ WFO 3 didn't tweak his frame though he didn't hit at an angle like you did.

Even the right PHID got it. Those $$$$ things are always the first to go!
Again, the left Wild Bill highway bracket takes some major abuse. problem. Write a check! :p

The Wild Bill bracket can be straightened using a vise, a large adjustable end wrench and a hammer. No problem....don't ask!

Somehow, the radiator guard got all screwy. (BTW, my radiator fan isn't working either. I was fine until the hospital parking lot and lots of idle speed. I hit the sixth flashing bar on the temp gauge and puked out a bunch of coolant out the overflow tube.)
I'm guessing the radiator is pushed back against the fan keeping it from spinning.

There's nothing substantial holding the radiator...IIRC, the horn brackets at the top. I don't recall the bottom but there is one brace in the center. Certainly these are easily bent when the fairing moves on impact.

Even the front fender is a bit cockeyed.
To match it's owner, no doubt. :crazy:

But what is there that I don't see?
Evidently, how to prevent adding to "Flippers" other-than-wheels-down avoidance. :bleh:

Thanks for providing the great fun, Greg.

Now, take you meds and heal.

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Hal-kaitsdad, Steve and Mike-madmike2: Can you please help vectervp1-Art Montoya and Papa Chuy out? Is this Crash #6 or Crash #7 for Skooty? Arte and I both lost count around Crashes #4 & #5!
I don't have the definitive count, but sure we can piece it together as a group.

Skooterg Splat Index

Wrecks - 1 point each

  • Cal 24 where he broke his arm
  • Gerlach Playa Dancin' where I rode it to town and he rode an F-250 to Reno
  • On the way to Golden at NAFO and he made the oncoming driver get really big eyes as he slid by

Drops - .25 points each

  • Salt Lake City when he made Art's bike fall over and domino his (no reductions for it being "Art's fault")

226255 Odo Miles/3.25 =
1 in 69617 miles

* subject to revision with other forum reported incursion

Ignacio's Splat Index

No Wrecks, low-sides, high-sides, or smack anything I didn't mean to smack
Drops - .25 points each

  • Advanced Motorcycle Course....scuffed the alternator cover and a side bag
  • Gas station doing a BB...the peg touched...really embarrassed
  • SPANK 2006 Dead Cockroach

118866 Odo Miles/0.75 =
1 in 158488 miles

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Ouch! I was just about to comment on how pretty the pictures were, then I saw the ugly ones. Not nice. I would imagine that gravel rash hurts like I don't-know-what.

'Handled like a dream for the ride home'? Methinks your guardian angel was at work, helping you and the dirty old whore to get home. She gave it everything she had to get you home safely. Maybe what's left of the bike needs a RenoJohn style make over?

Sorry this had to happen. Other than being in a different place, or that place at a different time, I don't know what you might have done to avoid this. Different line through the turn? but that could have found other disguised hazards waiting to trip you up.

Glad to hear that it wasn't worse. And Hal is right - Advil is your friend.

I don't have the definitive count, but sure we can piece it together as a group.
Skooterg Splat Index

226255 Odo Miles/3.25 = 1 in 69617 miles * subject to revision with other forum reported incursion[/indent]

Ignacio's Splat Index

118866 Odo Miles/0.75 = 1 in 158488 miles[/indent]
Iggy, you've been at this forum mod thing WAY too long. You are NOW just SO tempting the fates by the above. Please, just step away from ...

Dude, writing the above makes people radioactive and now I don't want to be anywhere NEAR you. Which is good, since we're on opposite coasts and all that, but IF we were...

