The itch has been strong for a while, so this past Thursday I got to scratch it.
Yeah...yeah...yeah...we could've suggested you "rub it".
Welcome to the "Kinder and Gentler FJR Forum."
As for the questions on the helmet, it's an HJC IS-MAX. Latch is working great right now. Of course I am probably not simulating the impact as best as I can to the real life version. Where's mi bastard step-daddy beemerdons? He'll make a good crash test dummy.
B-b-b-but you're doing such a "bang-up-job" testing the equipment. :dribble:
I know it doesn't look all that bad, but it's the hidden issues with the front end I am worried about.
For like the 3rd (and possibly final) time, the Garauld rack took a beating.
Most of the damage to the upper left. A new front subframe will be needed. Damn, that thing is a PITA to change.
Uh...since you'll have the nose piece off for replacement, you're only looking at another hour, max, to replace the front stay. Uhm.... $321 @ Zanottis. Don't ask.
Scratches to the right front fender. Bike was sliding on it's left side the whole time as far as I know. This must me guardrail impact damage.
Some small gouges to the right fork. (There are some on the right side of the wheel too.) Again, I am assuming guardrail impact and most likely which is causing my front end issues.
I'm leaning toward Matt's concern about twisting the frame. Those marks indicate a rather substantial hit. OTH, Rogdeb's slide/crash @ WFO 3 didn't tweak his frame though he didn't hit at an angle like you did.
Even the right PHID got it. Those $$$$ things are always the first to go!
Again, the left Wild Bill highway bracket takes some major abuse. problem. Write a check!
The Wild Bill bracket can be straightened using a vise, a large adjustable end wrench and a hammer. No problem....don't ask!
Somehow, the radiator guard got all screwy. (BTW, my radiator fan isn't working either. I was fine until the hospital parking lot and lots of idle speed. I hit the sixth flashing bar on the temp gauge and puked out a bunch of coolant out the overflow tube.)
I'm guessing the radiator is pushed back against the fan keeping it from spinning.
There's nothing substantial holding the radiator...IIRC, the horn brackets at the top. I don't recall the bottom but there is one brace in the center. Certainly these are easily bent when the fairing moves on impact.
Even the front fender is a bit cockeyed.
To match it's owner, no doubt. :crazy:
But what is there that I don't see?
Evidently, how to prevent adding to "Flippers" other-than-wheels-down avoidance. :bleh:
Thanks for providing the great fun, Greg.
Now, take you meds and heal.