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From CaringBridge:

"Monday, June 21, 2010 10:38 AM, PDT

David and Colleen had a relatively good nights rest. They are napping now after a very busy morning of physical therapy and nurse visits. Colleen is in a wheel chair and David is in his recliner. Both are napping.

Dav​id has indicated that they would be okay having more visitors. Colleen is scheduled for surgury on Wednesday so that would be a bad day to visit. Check in with John B. if you're interested in coming by and I'll try to let you know if it's a good day/time. My phone is 425-765-783​9

It seems most likely that David will be sent directly home instead of having to go to a rehab facility. This is great news but we're still waiting for confirmatio​n from his doctor.

Than​k you all for your guestbook entries. David is hoping to post his own update sometime later today. Stay tuned!"

Good news coming out of Spokane. Keep the good thoughts and prayers coming. Hoping this last surgery will let BReamer and Colleen back in the comfort of their own home soon!


From CaringBridge:

"Monday, June 21, 2010 11:28 PM, PDT

Well, it's been a more difficult day for David. He is feeling much weaker today and has had much more difficulty in standing and moving around. It's been discouragin​g and frustrating but the medical staff is not too concerned. His body has been through a lot and what physical therapy he does manage is very taxing. Colleen continues to do a great impression of a bedspread... she is pretty much stuck in bed waiting for her surgery on Wednesday. After that she should have a significant​ly improved range of motion and more specific plans can be made for moving her to a rehab facility.

So​rry that the updates are not more interesting.​ These days involve lots of waiting and tons of attempts to find a slightly more comfortable position - usually a losing proposition.​ The staff at Sacred Heart is incredible.​ If you're ever planning a serious accident consider doing it over here as the dozens of people who've interacted with David and Colleen are truly caring professiona​l medical saints."

7 broken ribs? On top of everything else? O-U-C-H.

Now then, David, where did I put my book of jokes? :jester:

From CaringBridge on Tues:

"Colleen is confirmed for surgury tomorrow morning. It is scheduled for 10:30am but was told that she could get bumped to an earlier time."

From me: We need some good thoughts going Colleen's way today. Thanks!

Just read through all the post on this. As one who lives in the mountains and has to avoid the deer, elk and moose I can vouch for how they just show up on the road in front of somebody.

I hope for their fast and healthy recovery.

From CaringBridge:

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 5:28 PM, PDT

Colleen's surgery went well this morning. They came to get her at 6:30am and she didn't get back till the early afternoon. The surgeon was happy with the results even though it took a lot longer than expected. Tomorrow begins a new physical therapy and the long road to recovery!

​David had MRI and CT scans today and the results came back negative for blood clots in his shoulder area. Docs are still not sure why his blood pressure is dropping when he's active but for now are sticking with the theory that he over did the physical therapy and just needs more time for his badly damaged body to recover. We were hoping for a more definative answer. The next couple days will tell if he's making improvement​s or if the docs need to keep digging for an answer.

From Me:

Thanks for the good thoughts everyone! :fan_1: It does help.

They're on the road to being on the road. I've just seen reports of three different MC accidents on the news this morning. None involving deer, but we are so vulnerable. Take care.

The latest on BR and Mrs.

Friday, June 25, 2010 12:48 PM, PDT

Well, its been a very tough couple days for Colleen. The surgery went well but the combination of that, the physical therapy, and all of the medication caught up with her in a big way. Lots of pain and difficulty in being able to rest. However, this morning she was much better and back on course for her rehab. She is feeling better and her wonderfully tough and bright personality is back as well.

David's blood counts continue to improve and he is coming to grips with the reality that his rehab is going to be much slower then he had hoped. The doctors have not been able to find one specific thing that is causing his blood pressure problems but seem reasonably certain that it's just the result of the significant beating his body endured. They figure it will take at least a month for his body to produce enough blood to get that part of his system back to normal.

NOW FOR THE GREAT NEWS: David and Colleen are both scheduled to be released next Monday!!! They both have certain milestones that must be achieved in their rehab programs but the physical therapist is confident that she can get them there. They will both get to come home together in a wheelchair van and John Kurzals will ride along to help make them more comfortable during the 5 hour trip.

It will be so great to get them back into their own home surrounded by family. Please pray that the trip will go well for them.

We will soon transfer our communications away from Caring Bridge to a Google Groups site that we'll use to coordinate those of you wishing to help with David and Colleen's day to day care. This will involve things like food preparation, house cleaning, transportation for doctor visits, etc. We will post a link to the site as soon as it's ready - stay tuned!

I think they should get an escort from I90/Hwy 18 to their house. Anyone up for this?

Auburn, let's get the food committee together.

I think they should get an escort from I90/Hwy 18 to their house. Anyone up for this?
Auburn, let's get the food committee together.
Dang, wish I lived closer cause I would LOVE to participate in the escort... I remember the time that my riding friends showed up at the airport when they flew me back from Boise to escort the ambulance to the hospital... man, was that AWEsome to look out the back window and see them all back there!! B)

If I can help with a meal delivery from afar, please add me to the committee. :)

EscapeFJRtist visted on Thus. Panman [Kevin] and I visited with them Thus & Fri with them. Dave & Colleen are two very tough customers.

My hero's are their friends John & Sue and oldest son Dave and Colleen's sister Vickie, all who took turns make sure there was someone there 24 hours a day.

I would like be part of that home coming parade.

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