Great Tits!

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Noticed that it states that Great Tits don't migrate, ...I beg to differ, most Great Tits eventually go south, and the Greater they are, the further south they go!!

That's as bad as the NWS site someone posted a little while back. (I visit that NWS site a lot.)

Alan, That's the neatest weather map I've ever seen, on the Internet. Only surpassed by some stuff I saw at USAF Global Weather Command years ago. Dan


On the NWS page that I linked to, click on any area on the regional map and it will give you local radar for that spot. Clicking again will zoom and you can drag the zoomed map around.

Another link I use is for a graphical weather forecast map.

Now, back to the original ***** topic.

DESCRIPTION says.."The Great Tit is easy to recognize, large in size at 14 cm, with a broad black line (broader in the male) down its otherwise yellow front"

He doesn't know what he's talking about.

Some members here might have a better description than that.
