Greensboro, NC area Tech Day?

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...I'll have to tackle de-installing the Audiovox CC, ...
If that's a functional AVCC you have to remove, I know someone that may be interested in taking it off your hands. ;)

Hell, ride over to our Tech Day in Calgary and I'll even help you take it out! :p

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...I'll have to tackle de-installing the Audiovox CC, ...
If that's a functional AVCC you have to remove, I know someone that may be interested in taking it off your hands. ;)

Hell, ride over to our Tech Day in Calgary and I'll even help you take it out! :p

PO says it was functional, but I've not been able to get it to work, and don't know anything about it. Might be something simple (fuse?) or fatal, no idea.

I would like to remove it surgically so its still useful. When I do, its up for grabs to anyone who wants to fiddle with it.

Me? I'm happy with a throttle lock, and to be able to regain the underseat storage for tools.

...I'll have to tackle de-installing the Audiovox CC, ...
If that's a functional AVCC you have to remove, I know someone that may be interested in taking it off your hands. ;)

Hell, ride over to our Tech Day in Calgary and I'll even help you take it out! :p

PO says it was functional, but I've not been able to get it to work, and don't know anything about it. Might be something simple (fuse?) or fatal, no idea.

I would like to remove it surgically so its still useful. When I do, its up for grabs to anyone who wants to fiddle with it.

Me? I'm happy with a throttle lock, and to be able to regain the underseat storage for tools.
Removal is generally a lot easier than installation. Should be a piece of cake once someone shows you're comfortable to lift the tank.
If you remember me when you pull it out, pop me a PM. I'd be more than happy to take it off your hands.

Damn! Gonna be a couple of days too late. Pick up my next bike in Charlotte on Tuesday.woulda been nice to meet some of you guys while I was in the area. If anyone's free Tuesday night or a little further north on Wednesday, I'll be posting up my route from North Carolina to Ontario shortly. Feel free to intercept me and say hello.Have a great Tech Day!
Posted more info and route map here (clicky!)

Damn! Gonna be a couple of days too late. Pick up my next bike in Charlotte on Tuesday.woulda been nice to meet some of you guys while I was in the area. If anyone's free Tuesday night or a little further north on Wednesday, I'll be posting up my route from North Carolina to Ontario shortly. Feel free to intercept me and say hello.Have a great Tech Day!
Damn! Gonna be a day too early. If you were getting yer bike on Wednesday or Thursday I'd meetcha.

It was 40 degrees at 8am. gonna be a frosty ride for anyone that shows up today. Not a cloud in the sky though.

Glad I got to come out and meet some fellow FJ ERS

And thanks again to Joe for hosting ;)

I made a loop around Hanging Rock and Danbury

Before dropping by my brothers and then , home.


Made it back home and nothing fell off. :D

Thanks for hosting Joe, I had a good time! Enjoyed meeting everyone else and hope all made it home safe!

Good to hear that the forks didn't fly up and swat you. At least he we recent pics of you in case they did! :)


Yep, everything felt good on the way back and several visual spot checks along the way revealed nothing unusual...all and all a good job I think. :D

Thanks, Joe, for hosting.

Both my wife and I had a great time. She even enjoyed being able to bolt back on what few bits we removed, and seeing the fork job done by Burnspot. Now she feels she has more "ownership" of the new-to-us FJR.

I gotta give kudos to her for coming along - it was 40 degrees when we started out. We arrived like eskimo's, but brought coffee and had a good ride.

I think the highlight of the day were the Coney's. These are our new favorites, so we'll have to plan some rides up north to score some.

I also want to give a shout-out to Rbentnail(?) who tooled up from Asheboro even tho' he had to work later. I gleaned lots of tips about the bike from him.

And it was nice meeting vtwinn - it was great weather for the Hanging rock route, glad you got home ok too.

I'd love to do another Tech day. Although I didn't "do" any real wrenching, I learned quite a bit. Joe's garage, knowledge, and hospitality are all equally awesome.

We even got to try out his Russell seats he so graciously let us put on the bike for a quick spin. The wife's sold, so guess I'll need to get that second job.

Thanks for a great time, looking forward to the next one!

Thanks for coming Concourier. I was glad to have everyone over. If you get a chance, feel free to post some of the pics you took while you were there. I didn't take any myself. I'd gladly host another Tech Day. They're not too hard to put together. Maybe I could even buy a coffee pot and let you guys brew your own, so you wouldn't have to bring it with you! :)


I didn't take many photos, but here's what I got (left out the "maintenance reference photos"):



What we poured out of my forks looked like bilge water...pretty nasty and smelly stuff.


I loved the shop Joe. :D

Loved your new shop Joe. And the Coney's. And the Sweet Tea. And the tractors too.

These are a little shakey - sorry. I must have been chillier than I thought!






Yeah, that was me. Hated I couldn't stay longer but the bills gotta get paid, eh?

Don't forget the little o-ring thing!
Glad to have met you. And thanks again for all the great help and tips about the bike - the o-rings are next on the list.

'course I just got flamed for being so whiney about appearances, so maybe I should let them pop and rust, then I'll be a man. Ha!

My wife and I worked 2nd shift for years (4p-12). We got a lot more riding in, as we'd spend most days riding up to the mts from 8am - 3 or so, and then head on in to work.

Of course we were younger then, but it was like each day was really two. Working "days" now, we only have the weekends to get things done.

Yeah, that was me. Hated I couldn't stay longer but the bills gotta get paid, eh?

Don't forget the little o-ring thing!
Glad to have met you. And thanks again for all the great help and tips about the bike - the o-rings are next on the list.

'course I just got flamed for being so whiney about appearances, so maybe I should let them pop and rust, then I'll be a man. Ha!

My wife and I worked 2nd shift for years (4p-12). We got a lot more riding in, as we'd spend most days riding up to the mts from 8am - 3 or so, and then head on in to work.

Of course we were younger then, but it was like each day was really two. Working "days" now, we only have the weekends to get things done.
I was a 2nd-shifter for loads of years and given a choice would do it again. Unlike being on 3rd, I never felt I was missing out on anything on a day off due to sleep.

I read with amusement your flaming- as an early member I had lurked for quite a while so I knew how the dogs will attack if provoked. The knowledge and experience they have can be invaluable but it's usually best to just ignore them.


I read with amusement your flaming- as an early member I had lurked for quite a while so I knew how the dogs will attack if provoked. The knowledge and experience they have can be invaluable but it's usually best to just ignore them.
Heck, I'm always happy to provide entertainment!
