Griff and wheaton to BC (and CFR) and back

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No wonder Old Michael didn't show... Mark has his helmet!!!

Just kidding! Wonderful report, Mark. Waiting to read more. Uh, there is more, isn't there?

Day 6- At CFR...finally!

Finally at the Kaskanax!


After a hearty breakfast at the Inn - great restaurant food with great service - I headed down to the lake front a block away and took in the beautiful scene...





Idyllic...isn't it? I thought so anyway. I think I walked around...just happy to be in the beauty...enjoying the break from 3000 miles in 5 days. I loved those five days...but I'm liking this break just as well, too. I got a chance to talk with Dave/FastJoyRide and Don/BearlyFlying and Kasey some more...

Griff and I decided to clean off some dirt and grime from the previous 5 days of riding....before all the others came into town. We greeted our old buds petey and Chester/KSFJR as they came ambling by. It sure is fun to see "old friends" from previous gatherings. :yahoo: That's why making new friends is get to see 'em over and over and catch up on the wiles of this collection of diverse FJR characters. :clapping:

We then decided to amble on over to RevelStoke for a short ride...a very good suggestion from my new buddy Don/BearlyFlying.

We catch the Ferry at Shelter Bay...but we can't get away from this diesel rig that's been stalking us like in the movie "Duel"...


...but I've got a mind to jump over board to escape as I know where the life rings are - thanks to the public address announcements...


griff taking a picture of me so my family has one lasting image of me...


Being a structural engineer, I've got to take a few pictures of what they've got around here...

Bridge on HWY 1


Railroad bridge parallel to HWY 1


Revelstoke Dam


Griff and I thought as long as were lazing around we would take in the Dam tour that the signs pointed to. So we get up to the guard shack...a little ramshackle guard shack as guard shacks go...and I ask the squirrelly looking guard, who gets up from his chair to talk to us, "What all is involved in this Dam tour?"(kinda wondering what we get and how long it is). He says to me, I kid you not, "well, there's money involved", pointing to the list of rates behind him. :lol: Well, with the ramshackle guard house, the guard, and his erudite response...I decided that I wasn't as fired up for that $6 dam tour as I thought I was. :)

So turned the bike around and took a photo of something I was fired up for....the scenery...


We got back to the ferry for Nakusp (how you say that?)...


...and met some decent guys riding some HDs that waved us on by earlier...thinking we were local Canadians riding fast that would keep the LEO heat off of them. :) They were in the oil industry and knew each other from years of them spending 3 weeks overseas in the middle east then 3 weeks off. I am not a harley hater...and these guys were nice to get to know. (I only hate the rolling roadblocks...if they stay out of my way and let me ride mine...I don't care what you ride).

We did wick it up a little bit after the ferry...the road from the ferry to Nakusp was a nice one. :)

We found petey and Chester later and had some supper down the block. Petey agreed to ride with griff and I the next day.

It was fun to greet the riders in the parking lot as they would arrive...first guy I greeted on a Black Cherry FJR....wasn't even with the FJR gathering :lol: .

Coda: The CFR Committee did this rally up real good...they did a 5-star job. Thanks you guys. :clapping:

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Day 7 - A perfect day to ride... oops I think I hear rain. :)

Well, I was going to meet petey for breakfast at 7am and head out at 8am. However, it is raining pretty good it's unsure now what we will do. So we gather at breakfast to kibbutz about it...

griff, Chester, and petey


Well, the sky cleared and we headed out to do a loop south and west the Needles Ferry and Vernon, north to Sicamous, east to Revelstoke and back south to Nakusp. There was a little rain here and there during ride...but not too bad. It was a great day's ride. :) We had lunch in Vernon.

A quiet river south of Sicamous...



A little wet as we wait for the ferry at Shelter Bay...


petey giving me the thumbs up...


my friend petey on the ferry ride across to Galena Bay


BC is beautiful even when it's raining...



A few snapshots nearing wherever you look




On the way into town, I saw the sign for the campground so I thought I would check and see if my new friend beemerdons was home at his campsite. He was and very hospitably offered me a beverage right away. It was stellar. So is Don...a class act in every way. It was great to sit and listen to this man...some people have a real gift for story and conversation...that is Don to a tee.

Then the other Don showed up (dcarver). :) Two great guys to spend some time sharing doesn't get any better than that.


Can't turn your back on dcarver though...



Later, I had a nice meal at the Kaskanax when Chester and petey came by as well.

To top off the day, I finally got a chance to meet RogDeb...after years of forum posting, it was nice to finally meet this fine couple and wish them well. :clapping:

There are many truly outstanding people who also ride an FJR. It's been my pleasure on this trip to get acquainted and reacquainted with many of them.

Outstanding scenery, outstanding riding, and outstanding people...that's what makes the FJR and this CFR so great. The chance to have all three in one place.

Work has been no chance to post again 'till now...

Day 8 - Saturday -Last full day of riding this beautiful country

I love BC.

I have been soaking in all this scenery but I'd love to soak up some more today.

again...a block away at the lake...looking left to right...







Today, griff decided to forego the old fogey riders breakfast (not like it's really that exclusive a club amongst FJR riders anyway ;) ) and ride with me on a loop south then east to Creston (hear that carver boy) then up north on the east side of the lake, cross on the ferry, then on up to Kaslo on the road to New Denver...then back in good time for the group photo shoot.

I have to say that this day I had the most fun day of riding in this area...the roads were sparsely populated...except for north of Creston. It was just a great day.

I stopped for a quick attempt at a shot...



and once again I don't even come close to portraying the stunning scenery around here. Yer just gonna have to come up here for yourself and witness it in person. Seriously. I mean it. You. Do it.

I know I AM coming way or another.

We stopped at a rest area for a pit stop...


in Canada, the rest areas also have places to camp as well. I bet Canadian riders are disappointed the first time they see an american rest area...especially if they had counted on camping there.

The road as it heads east to Nelson overlooks some fantasticly beautiful waterfalls and rapids...unbelievable. I couldn't find the best place to on we go...but it was insanely georgeous.

We stopped in Creston for lunch after gassing up. Then we headed north on the road to the Kootenay Bay ferry. The road was great...but it was a Saturday

and thus full of traffic, we had fun passing into the clear roads ahead when the opportunities arose. :)

We got on the ferry, griff and I met this guy Dave Hamilton...


...he had just ridden his Bee-emm-dubya from the south to the north staying as close to the Continental Divide as he could. He was just meandering his way back to Santa Barbara. I was born in Santa Barbara but my parents moved when I was two...and he knew the area where I had lived. My dad now lives out there in Goleta...and when the fires were going on close to there, TWN would help me to know if the fires were close and also volunteered to lend my dad a hand if it came to that. It never did, but I was glad to meet Tim at NAFO last year and talk to him for a few brief moments at registration. I really thought I would get a chance to ride with him someday... :(

Griff bought me a coffee on the ferry and I also bought a yummy piece of carrot cake...mmmm. :)

We followed a group of motorcycles off the ferry, unfortunately they were heading north towards Kaslo as well. I followed griff B) as we filtered our way to the front and the clear road ahead B) :clapping:

The rest of the ride was just fantastic road...Kaslo to New Denver was awesome...and we just rocked on that road. :)

When we got back, people were getting set to gather together for the banquet...chatting in the parking lot...





The banquet...catered by the locals was the best...home cooking was what it was...outstanding!

I chatted with some of my buddy George's (escapefjrtist) crew...


watched my new friend Mary Ellen conspire with Motorcycledoc and a funny looking Honda ST canuckian about sumpin'...


look over and notice beemerdons closing his eyes at what nutty scheme MM2 is up to next...


then see dcarver and fairlaner's table are up to some serious no good...I'm sure... :)


I finally met Roger of rogdeb fame...I'm glad I met this fine couple...


I got a chance to chat with my buddy Moosehead, but didn't get to ride with him as I had time Mike


Here's my buddy Tom (huron52) who showed me around at the first CFR...


...we are all clapping for the catering crew...they did a fantastic job. I loved the food...hams, turkey, potatos, brussels sprouts, turnips,and other great food. Not your everyday banquet dinner food.

THANKS to the CFR committee for their great work. I had a blast.

The only thing about these gatherings is that as you meet more and more FJR friends, you find there is less time to greet all your friends. That's a great problem to have isn't it! :clapping:

Next time...going home...

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CFR - Nakusp to home - Days 9, 10 and 11 (1960 miles over three days)

Day 9 - about 750 miles


Got up early and left about 6am local time...looks like carver beat us out the door as his bike was gone already. Saw others packing up as well. Took one last look at the sights as we travelled through BC. :( Saw carver stopped to take a photo of a sign at the edge of a town...saw some others coming up on us as we headed east towards Nelson and they headed west.

Took less than a minute to cross the border and get back into the States. Loving Idaho, Loving Montana...especially US 2 just south of Glacier...that was fun going through there...passing cars as we went. Get to the east side of Glacier...uh oh...looks like rain.

We ran US2 for most of the day...not bad scenery on this little ridge that it runs on east of Glacier. I took a couple of shots near the end of the day...just to help remember some of the common scenery that day.



Stayed at a cheap little lodge in Glasgow, MT after 750 miles of riding...

Day 10 - about 750 miles


The plan today is to stop in and say "Hey" to the famous Gary McCoy parts guru in Sidney, it is on our way east. We enjoyed some nice scenery in eastern Montana and western North Dakota...

this is not like Wheaton...crossing the Missouri once again...this time in Montana


say hi to Gary McCoy...bestest FJR parts guy around...


saw some more interesting stuff on the interstate at an overlook in western ND...this is not like Wheaton...






Then we stopped for a break in ND for this very large metal sculpture that must have been 30 feet tall. Had to do a little mud rut riding to get to the sculpture just north of the interstate...



After that...the scenery turned pretty fields and interstate. Tried to take in the sights afresh...but it's hard when yer pounding down the mileage...and it's getting hotter...crossed into MN about evening rush now it's hot with a lot of traffic for about 30 miles...just trying to stay fresh and alert as we finally get to St. Cloud. Griff and I had our last supper at a fairly nice restaurant and looked back over the many things we had done in the last 10 days...

Day 11 - Last day ...about 460 miles for me, more for griff


Already hot by the time we leave at 7am....looks to be in the mid-90s enough for this rider. We stagger our meal and gas stops in this heat so we stop about every 100 miles to cool off. Coffee stop, a gas stop, a meal stop, and our final stop at the Belvidere oasis where we first met on Day 1 of our trip. The circle is unbroken...we blast home on the tollway and I wave to griff as I get off at the Route 59 exit. I'm getting close now...spidey sense is up now, as I don't want to go all this way and have an incident so close to home. No incidents as I pull in the driveway, straight into the garage which they had open for me.

They have gotten a shelf and fixed it up so all my FJR tools aren't laying in the side of the garage. The boys set it up, and my daughter made the nice sign...this effort put a smile on my face.


Travelling with me in my tankbag on this trip...was the picture of my family...Mrs Wheaton and the good kids who are growing up to be relatively well adjusted in spite of me...

...and a picture of my mom who has since passed mom, the only daughter with 6 brothers in a Nebraska farm family...who loved to travel...and would have loved the opportunity to take a trip like this one I just completed...on a motorcycle even.


What a trip! :)

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I really have enjoyed following your journey Mr. Wheaton. You seem to be one of those folks

who really "sees" the beauty to be found in people and places everywhere. And your closing thoughts -

you've a soft heart. That's the best kind.

See you on the road one of these days,........ya hoser.

(By the way - Lots of "talk" about the food at your banquets in Nakusp, but I saw NO pics!

...and you know what they say.)

:yahoo: Great report, Mark! :yahoo:

Along with your great photos and narrative I particularly enjoyed this:

The only thing about these gatherings is that as you meet more and more FJR friends, you find there is less time to greet all your friends. That's a great problem to have isn't it! :clapping:
One of the greatest parts of FJR gatherings is the people one, sometimes FINALLY, gets to meet in person. Add to that the photos others post so you can put a face to a handle/name. We are truly blessed by the collection of ladies and gentlemen who own this machine.

You meet the nicest people on and FJR. You really do!


Just for you, O.M.

Vintage rider's breakfast


Carver's Banquet


My sign to you for missing this great event



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To Madmike, Old Michael and all the others...thanks for your comments...I read them all.

Old Michael...some food you just have to taste...and this food you had to BE HERE to taste it. Sorry bud, I missed you this time around. If finances allow, maybe next year on the west coast...if not, you're the one that's gonna have to travel.

Maybe half AR for some barbeque? ---You hoser....


Now to send an email off to Daniel Meulenberg..the Zook rider we met on day 2.

Ride report is done...with the exception of maybe a coda or two...

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I really have enjoyed following your journey Mr. Wheaton. You seem to be one of those folkswho really "sees" the beauty to be found in people and places everywhere. And your closing thoughts -

you've a soft heart. That's the best kind.

See you on the road one of these days,........ya hoser.
I'll second that :)
