Grip Cover Recommendations

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I have recently purchased a set of Grip Buddies. They are neoprene and I believe the Grip Puppies are foam. I don't have very large hands and would have liked them to be just a little bit thinner neoprene, however I have gotten used to them just fine and enjoy the fact that they don't hold water( commuting in Seattle can be wet). Monies well spent in my opinion. They do take a little of the flexibility away from the grip heaters. Takes longer for the heat to reach your hands but much less chance of having them to hot (which I have encountered).

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What Mayhem454 said. After about 4 to 5000 miles and they are wearing, change them over to opposite sides for another 4000 miles of use, then buy new ones. Currently on my second pair and find them much more comfortable than original grips, which left my hands and wrists aching after riding for an hour or so.

I've used several and all of them work with heated grips.

I've recently gone with gel covers that are often used for handicapped walkers or crutch hand covers.

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I much prefer grip buddies, which are neoprene. But if Dave stopped making them, I'd be using grip puppies.

Tennis racket grip tape, been doing it for years on all my bikes.
About six months ago, I was at mile 2400 of a 2800 mile multi-day ride when my throttle-side Grip Puppy started to tear. I stopped by a Big Five in Casa Grande, AZ and bought a roll of tennis racket grip tape, and just wrapped it over the half-torn Grip Puppy. It added some extra thickness that I found useful, so I've left it on since, and it's done well in both sun and rain. (I don't have grip warmers, fwiw.)

Grip Puppies! I love the thicker grip, the reduced vibration and the heat still comes through. Used to be able to get them from for about $10 delivered and I still have a couple pairs waiting in reserve. They wear out and split after a couple years for me, but I ride virtually every day with an average of over 1000 miles per month. Using the air nozzle on my air compressor, I can install them in seconds.

I installed some Grip Buddies on the wifes NC700, but they are already wearing out and she rides MUCH less than me. I also don't like the seam where it wraps around the factory grips. But they were the only option because Grip Puppies aren't made in the right diameter for her bike.

I'll agree with you there. I'm rough on grips, and I'm doing good to make a set of grip buddies last a year, but I had the same experience with the grip puppies I used. What's your trick for installing the puppies using the air compressor?

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What's your trick for installing the puppies using the air compressor?
A little soapy water quickened the slide on for my install of Grip Puppies

I even had the delivering dealer slide them on the 15 when I picked it up.

I'll agree with you there. I'm rough on grips, and I'm doing good to make a set of grip buddies last a year, but I had the same experience with the grip puppies I used. What's your trick for installing the puppies using the air compressor?
I have a compressor attachment for inflating beach balls and air mattresses, shown in yellow below. I pull the Grip Puppy on about half-way, then use this attachment to blow air between the bar and the Puppy while pulling it onto the bar. The air flow prevents the inside of the Puppy from adhering to the bar, making it easy (or at least possible) to pull it gently but firmly into place.


I have the same attachment. Part of why I switched to grip buddies is I won't use soap to install grip puppies, and that makes them a pain in the ass to install. I'll try a pair with air just for a change. Buddies used to be about $10 more expensive than puppies, and I always felt they were worth it. Now they're about the same with shipping.​

Tcfjr provided the air compressor technique. Literally takes seconds once you get the technique down. And you can give it more quick air blasts if you want to fine tune the position of the grips because the air pressure basically makes the grip float to ease positioning.

On a related topic, back when I searched for a new source for the Grip Puppies I found Grab On brand foam covers that look similar. Haven't actually tried them, but they are pretty cheap on ebay:

Grip Puppies! I love the thicker grip, the reduced vibration and the heat still comes through. Used to be able to get them from for about $10 delivered and I still have a couple pairs waiting in reserve. They wear out and split after a couple years for me, but I ride virtually every day with an average of over 1000 miles per month. Using the air nozzle on my air compressor, I can install them in seconds.
I installed some Grip Buddies on the wifes NC700, but they are already wearing out and she rides MUCH less than me. I also don't like the seam where it wraps around the factory grips. But they were the only option because Grip Puppies aren't made in the right diameter for her bike.
You could probably cut and glue the puppies for the wife's bike. Gee, how much smaller are the grips on an NC700? That's weird.

I've tried grip buddies and didn't care for them. They slipped in hot weather and it was difficult to get the seams perfectly straight. Grip puppies are cheaper, easier to install and stay put.
