Grip Puppies vs BMW Sport Grips?

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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2006
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Northern KY
Anyone have any opinons on the subject?

I've seen suggestions on getting either as the stock 06 grips are fairly terrible. I've done some searches on the site but didn't find what I was looking for.


I like my BMW sport grips. There is a bit of modification involved in getting them to fit as they are shorter in length than the yammies, but it's not a big deal, just follow the instructions of fjrtech. The tapered style of the BMW's along w/the cushion provided in my riding gloves is perfect for me. I would suggest you try the grip puppies and if you like that set up, then keep it. The puppies are affordable and you would not be out much $ if you decided it wasn't to your liking, then in such case try the BMW's.

I found the grip puppies to be too fat over both my stock and then my BMW grips. If you want to try them (and keep them) PM me with your address and I'll send them to you - on me. I only ask that if you don't like them, send them to someone else!


I found the grip puppies to be too fat over both my stock and then my BMW grips. If you want to try them (and keep them) PM me with your address and I'll send them to you - on me. I only ask that if you don't like them, send them to someone else!Jim
Most excellent JimLor! Way to go. Good to see some positive karma floating about the forum.

As for grips, I am a big believer in the Tacki Grand Touring grips.

I had come to the conclusion that the tacki grips and the grand touring grips were not one and the same. I picked up some grand touring grips at a nearby shop, they were hard as a friggin' brick! And they were NOT tacki! I made it about 2 hours into a trip and had to stop a buy some more grips. Those hard-ass things magnified the hell out of the vibes. Major hand-numb.

Are these the same grip? These look like the pic Skoot has but they did not say 'tacki' anywhere on them or the package. I would really like to have the shape, but in a softer material.

They look like this............


I use the BMW sport grips. I like that they are stickier than the OEM grips. More friction between the grip and my gloves.

I just saw the Grand Touring grips for the first time at EOM. They look pretty nice and I'll probably try them next time I need a set of grips. They appear to be a bigger diameter than either OEM or BMW grips and I think I'll like that.

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Scabs right, different grips, same name. I went through Grand Touring (Sunline), Grand Touring (Tacki), grip puppies (suck!), and several iterations of progel and such. Luckily these things are cheap to experiment with.

+1000 on the BMW grips!

I started with stock....went to BMW sport grips ( a waste of time, no different from stock in my opinion )....went to Tacki Grand Touring ( initially favorable, but got tired of their hardness )....went back to stock grips and added the Grip Puppies. This combination is, by far, the best for me. Try them all and go with what works best for you.

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I started with stock....went to BMW sport grips ( a waste of time, no different from stock in my opinion )....went to Tacki Grand Touring ( initially favorable, but got tired of their hardness )....went back to stock grips and added the Grip Puppies. This combination is, by far, the best for me. Try them all and go with what works best for you.
Ding-ding-ding....we have a winner.

But I like my BMW sport grips. :D

A word of warning about the Grip Puppies; their name is appropriate. They shed black crap like crazy on your gloves (just like a dog sheds hair).

My brand new Held Steve gloves look like crap because of the Grip Puppies (the palm of the Held glove is tan in color). The Grip Puppy in question was one week old. And it took one one-hour ride to make a mess.

I'm looking for new grips now; may go with the BMW grips.

that is why they are called grip puppies the prey lude before the crap all over your hand, must start some where...... :yahoo:

Yeah i have them and like them but those bmw grip look pretty darned good

weekend rider

I'm on my second set of Grip Puppies......they do tend to compress after quite a while and lose a little of their diameter. I have never, though, had any shedding or peeling of their meterial. Some of the liquids people use to facilitate their installation can cause a breakdown in the grip material. Be careful about that. I use hairspray and have never had a problem.
