Grisly accident - stupidity to the nth power

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Jun 20, 2009
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This guy will obviously be caught. I need to know if it's a stupid teenager who thought he was cool for running the cops.... in traffic.... on the 401 (superslab). In frantic manoeuvering in & out of cars, when he lost his pillion, who was torn-apart as cars ran-over her body, he still didn't pull-over.

It gets even worse. The cars that ran-over the poor girl didn't stop either. People swerved to avoid body parts strewn-across the highway and no one has provided any info on the cars who did initially tear-up the poor girl.

I understand that in a panic situation, your thought process can go out the window but HOW can this many ******-up things happen all at once.

Wat a totally ******-up world this can be

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Not sure what the point of a post like this is. Feels like forum porn, only of the ambush sort. Didn't need to read that.

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I think we are supposed to say something like:

Gee, maybe if the miscreant wasn't being pursued at high speed by the police (for who knows what) the miscreant's sperm receptacle (couldn't have actially been a GF or he'd have stopped) might still be alive? :unsure:

That and to enjoy those sunshine girls ;)

but if you scroll down the page you get to see the current Sunshine girl gallery
I read about the accident the day after it happened. Sad.

As for the Sunshine girl gallery.. well lets just say they've really dropped their standards in recent years.

if you lived in the middle of the baptist bible belt you wouldn't be so picky :bleh:
I've said it before and I'll say it again... theirs something in the water up here in Northern Ontario. Beautiful girls everywhere.

Not sure what the point of a post like this is. Feels like forum porn, only of the ambush sort. Didn't need to read that.
I re-read my post and can see why you'd say that. Sunshine girls notwithstanding, that whole story actually upset me to the point where my articulation skills (and vocabulary) went south fast. It hit close to home because that's where I grew-up and my family still lives. I've ridden Simcoe to Brock on the 401 a million times, including this weekend when I was out visiting.

JB - I had two points actually, although I admit you really had to look hard for them.

1) irresponsible riders endangering others than themselves

2) as Fred so aptly pointed-out, the whole high speed pursuit subject

I said something about 'needing closure' because as terrible as that girls fate was, the closest thing to an acceptable explanation I could try & swallow is it being a stupid young squid brain-farting and taking off when he blew past the cops, who took off in pursuit. If that's the case, there's high chance that it was a really young girl on the back, probably around my daughter's age.

There's lats of chatter, including some who think it was actually the LEOs that 'made contact' with the passenger. Two schools of thought - both have points. If the LEOs hadn't given chase, events wouldn't necessarily have ended the same way. But if policy is that you should not give chase, that's a message to squids "if I run, they're not allowed to chase me'. Lose-lose.

So yeah, this will bug me until the SIU (special investigations unit - I guess it's Ontario's version of I.A.) straightens this-out and also, until the rider is brought to justice. Mercifully, I have to assume the girl didn't suffer for long.

The pillion has been identified as a 40 year old resident of Toronto. There were witnesses. It won't be long before they figure out who this guy was and then maybe they can stick him under the jail.

As for the girls in the south, I can remember leaving Massachusetts for Georgia in September 1973, and being stunned at the beauty and grace of the women in the South. And it ain't got nothing to do with a "baptist bible belt." In fact, baptists have less than one or two notches in this bible belt, which also has a lot of notches for methodists, church of christ, and various versions of church of god or assembly of god.

Can't speak for northern sunshine girls today, but southern sunshine girls are mighty shiny in my neck of the woods.

Can't speak for northern sunshine girls today, but southern sunshine girls are mighty shiny in my neck of the woods.
You need to come down to Florida, where the calls of the wild are "MOOOOOO!" and "OINK!"

You know, I've been giving this some thought and it occurs to me that there is probably no way they definitively can prove it was him except for circumstantial evidence since clearly they don't have the plate of the bike and likely there were probably few uniquely defining elements to the machine - and perhaps there is not even a connection between the passenger and the rider? Maybe he picked her up in a bar? Even if people saw them ride off together, nothing says he didn;t get off at some point before the 'incident'.

Assuming they find him and he cracks, which from a legal defense perspective would probably be a foolish strategy, we can be certain he will not cop to any charges related to the pillion - I recall reading in the early reports that the police ran over the victim first (the reports no longer say that and did they stop if that was the case? - likely not, even though it is required by law). He might claim he didn't realise he was being chased and that the he didn't notice the pillion was gone, she was THAT good a passenger.

It is gruesome, but it also says a heck of a lot about the people who ran over her and who swerved around the various body parts on the road without stopping.

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Can't speak for northern sunshine girls today, but southern sunshine girls are mighty shiny in my neck of the woods.
You need to come down to Florida, where the calls of the wild are "MOOOOOO!" and "OINK!"
Common knowledge says that Florida is just one of the provinces of southern New York, like Joisey. Its not really part of the South.

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As for the girls in the south, I can remember leaving Massachusetts for Georgia in September 1973, and being stunned at the beauty and grace of the women in the South.
I used to travel all over the US and Latin America. I came away with the perception that girls from Atlanta, GA, were the prettiest of all.

As for the girls in the south, I can remember leaving Massachusetts for Georgia in September 1973, and being stunned at the beauty and grace of the women in the South.
I used to travel all over the US and Latin America. I came away with the perception that girls from Atlanta, GA, were the prettiest of all.
That's where I moved in 1973. I was in 7th heaven. One thing I noticed is that a lot of the beauties were actually from Tennessee seeking their fortune in Hotlanta.

The Sunshine girls that I looked at in the Toronto Sun gallery weren't competitive.

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